

Signs of strength returning to the economy have led to increased hiring at major enterprises. The Wowprime, Hon Hai and Ruentex groups have already announced plans to expand their workforces, and Farglory Group followed suit today. 

Nine units of the Farglory Group will hire a total of 8,000 people. About 3,700 of these will be in its life insurance unit, and 1,500 will be needed to assist with building Taipei Arena.

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[[釀酒人投手 王維中]]


[[釀酒人投手 王維中]]
因為之前熱身賽都是按照捕手的配球,對呀 (最近)有開始多丟變化球,或是開始丟壞球,沒有差很多的那種,想要去引誘打者出棒。


After becoming the 11th Taiwanese baseball player to play in the major leagues, pitcher Wang Wei-chung discussed the experience and his approach to big league batters. 

Following a 12-game wait, on Monday against the St. Louis Cardinals Wang Wei-chung finally had the opportunity to make his major league debut. He shared his excitement with fans on Facebook, saying that April 14 is a day he will never forget. Wang noted it was the first time he saw snow, and the first time he received a major league paycheck. More importantly, he was given a chance to take the mound to prove to himself and others that he has what it takes to compete in the big leagues.

Wang Wei-chung
Brewers Pitcher
I probably learned not to (be afraid) to pitch. Rather than shy away from big league batters, I need to confront them more.

Wang listened to the advice of fellow Taiwanese pitcher Chen Wei-yin, who recommended learning to throw more balls to lure batters.

Wang Wei-chung
Brewers Pitcher
In spring training games, catchers usually calls the pitches. Recently, I have begun to throw more breaking balls or balls just out of the strike zone as a way of luring hitters.

Brewers fans are beginning to pay attention to this 21-year-old pitcher from Taiwan who also, as it turns out, sports a flashy glove embroidered with the Chinese character for “God.”

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[[台大學生 洪崇晏]]


[[民進黨立委 田秋堇]]


Reports say that two students who led the recently ended occupation of the Legislature could face questioning within a week. Another student who made inflammatory comments against the chief of Zhongzheng First Precinct has already received a summons notice. 

Hung Chung-yen’s uttering of the phrase “bring about your own assassination” has got him into deep trouble. This National Taiwan University philosophy student is holding a notice from Taipei City’s Criminal Investigation Division calling him in for questioning on Thursday.

Hung Chung-yen 
NTU Student
Tomorrow morning (4/17) at 10 o'clock I won’t appear at Taipei City’s Criminal Investigation Division. My lawyer believes the Taipei Police Department should avoid investigation, so he recommended that I make an appointment to directly speak with prosecutors.

Hung has apologized three times for his inflammatory comments against Zhongzheng First Precinct chief Fang Yang-ning. DPP Legislator Tien Chiu-chin says they never should have been spoken in the first place. 

Tien Chiu-chin
DPP Legislator 
The student Sunflower Movement has long upheld non-violent principles, so serious things like assassination shouldn’t be blurted out. They shouldn’t even enter the imagination.

Sunflower Movement members Lin Fei-fan and Chen Wei-ting led protests against the services trade pact Taiwan signed with China. They have been identified for their apparent leading role in occupying the Legislature and could face questioning within a week.

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[[中國國台辦發言人 范麗青]]
“兩岸協商當中 , 沒有已簽協議重新談判的先例 , 兩會授權協商,所達成的協議的權威性,應該得到維護”

[[中國國台辦發言人 范麗青]]
“台獨勢力, 藉兩岸協議監督之名 ,企圖將兩國論,和一邊一國的台獨主張,塞入法條”


[[總統 馬英九]]
“應該是採取一個合乎憲法, 一個能夠務實,能夠真正發生作用,然後呢,要可行, 如果你把兩國論放進去,不但不能夠達到監督的目的,反而使得兩岸關係會倒退”


In a press conference today, China’s Taiwan Affairs Office said there is no precedent for renegotiating cross-strait agreements. It also wrote off initiatives to create a monitoring mechanism for cross-strait agreements as a ploy by Taiwanese independence forces to put the two-state theory into law. 

Following student demonstrations, review of the cross-strait services trade pact has been hindered. Today, China's Taiwan Affairs Office held a press conference today to respond to the matter. 

Fan Liqing 
Taiwan Affairs Office Spokeswoman
There is no precedent for renegotiating cross-strait trade agreements that have already been signed. Agreements reached by the two authorized groups participating in the negotiations should be upheld.

China also issued a harsh warning when it came to legislating a monitoring mechanism for cross-strait agreements. 

Fan Liqing 
Taiwan Affairs Office Spokeswoman
Taiwanese independence forces are actively using the name of the cross-strait monitoring mechanism in an attempt to legislate a two-state theory or the idea of one country on each side of the strait. 

At a KMT Central Standing Committee meeting, President Ma Ying-jeou echoed this sentiment.

President Ma Ying-jeou
It should be consistent with the Constitution, take a pragmatic view and be truly useful. And later, it should be viable. If you include a two country theory in this law, then it will fail to achieve the purpose of being a monitoring law. It will take cross-strait relations a step backwards.

The pan-green camp accused Ma of pursuing his own objectives while ignoring popular opinion.

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[[總統 馬英九]]


[[立委(國) 蘇清泉]]


[[立委(國) 林郁方]]


By withdrawing from the race to become next chairman of the DPP, Su Tseng-chang is paving the way for a generational transition. His example has led KMT lawmakers to urge Ma Ying-jeou, who is president and chairman of the KMT, to also create opportunities for a new generation of leaders to rise to the top of the ruling party. But Ma made no such concessions in a caucus meeting last night. 

President Ma Ying-jeou
It is a crucial time for the party. Everyone, from top to bottom and including me, must closely examine the problems we face. Our organization and our publicity and new media departments must reflect on the damage we have suffered.

Ma’s call for reflection follows damage caused to the party during the student-led Sunflower Movement. KMT members who felt he didn’t go far enough instead praised the lead opposition party.

Su Ching-chuan
KMT Legislator
I greatly admire the DPP’s response this time. Some of its senior members who are in prominent positions acted quickly. Within one night, Chairman Su Tseng-chang decided not to run again (for party chairman). Its response and reflection were quite rapid.

KMT members also criticized Ma’s insistence that the party appeal a ruling which allowed Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng to keep his party membership.

Lin Yu-fang
KMT Legislator
If there’s a legal problem, Speaker Wang will face punishment. If there is no legal problem, then the issue lies within our party. This should be settled in-party.

The lawmakers urge Ma to recognize that failure to make amends with Wang will make it difficult for the administration to achieve its political goals. Infighting at the top will also prevent the party unity needed to do well in year-end elections.

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