

[[台中南屯區惠中里長 曾善]]
台北 南部的啦 台北的朋友大家打電話來問我,還有拍婚紗的特別來這拍。


[[台中南屯區惠中里長 曾善]]




[[台中太平區光華里長 黃鐵騫]]


As we continue to admire the cherry blossoms of Taiwan, tonight we take you to Taichung. There are several places in the city where visitors can enjoy this seasonal wonder. 

A row of cherry blossoms turns this ordinary road into a picturesque scene. Visitors come for the view.

Tseng Shan
Huizhong Village Chief
(We get people from) Taipei and the south. Friends from Taipei have called to ask me about the area, and couples specially come here to shoot wedding photos.

These cherry trees were planted with funds gathered from local residents. Each tree cost over NT$10,000, and the locals cared for them.

Tseng Shan
Huizhong Village Chief
When the trees blossom, the scent in the air changes.

Another place in Taichung to admire cherry blossoms is this park in Taiping District.

“You don’t have to battle crowds here. It’s great. The environment is good and the cherry blossoms are beautiful.”

When the blossoms fall, there are still cherries to admire.

Huang Tie-chian
Guanghua Village Chief
The good air and excellent environment make the cherries that our trees produce special.

Places like these show that it’s possible to enjoy the beauty of cherry blossoms without making a trip into the mountains.

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(比平時)增加三四倍客人,又因為寒流, (比去年元宵)人又多出一倍以上。


[[氣象局資深預報員 林定宜]]


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An imported car brand has made clear the market it’s targeting in Taiwan. It has spent NT$10 million to decorate a 660-square-meter showroom that is costing NT$2 million a month to rent. 

Viewing sessions are by appointment and open only to people with at least NT$5 million in savings. Visitors are greeted with champagne and butler service. The company expects the showroom to generate NT$4 billion in sales.

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[[嘉義市長 黃敏惠]]


[[一卡通票證董事長 王國材]]
“一卡通在高雄大概有八成的佔有率,那其他的地方以悠遊卡為主,我們希望說全國的趨勢可以平衡點 不要大概只有一種悠遊卡在全國”


It’s become second nature in Taiwan to use an EasyCard to pay for all forms of public transportation around the country. But a new venture backed by southern Taiwan’s counties and cities aims to end the EasyCard’s dominance. The iPass Corporation was opened for business Thursday boasting a stored value card with a much wider range of functions. 

Political affiliation didn’t matter Thursday when the heads of Taiwan’s five southern counties and cities gathered for the opening of the iPass Corporation. The Chiayi City mayor was the only KMT, or “blue,” politician there and felt like she belonged. 

Huang Min-huei 
Chiayi City Mayor (KMT)
People asked me why I invested in the venture being the one blue in a sea of green. I answered that of course we wanted to invest because it was the right thing to do and a move in the right direction. We definitely should cooperate.

The iPass Card had previously been limited to Kaohsiung’s public transportation system. But it can now be used for all the same bus, train and boat systems as the EasyCard except for the high-speed rail, for which service begins in October. Card holders will even be able to use it at convenience stores in the future. 

Wang Kuo-tsai
iPass Corporation Chairman
The iPass has about an 80 percent market share in Kaohsiung, while the EasyCard is stronger everywhere else. We hope to balance things out across the country so that there isn’t just one type of EasyCard in Taiwan.

Long overshadowed by the Easy Card, the iPass Card now seems poised to build its own brand. 

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[[台灣高鐵公關 王平宇]]


Taiwan’s high-speed rail company announced Thursday that it will offer an 8 percent discount on all off-peak reserved seat fares beginning March 13. Now that may sound good, but it’s created a problem. The discount has made reserved seat fares cheaper than the price of non-reserved seats during off-peak hours, upsetting people who had already bought what they thought were cheaper tickets. 

Many high-speed rail riders buy non-reserved seat tickets to save money. But the 8 percent discount for reserved seats during off-peak hours may change the equation because some reserved seat fares will end up cheaper than non-reserved seat prices.

A one-way off-peak ticket between Taipei and Kaohsiung will now cost NT$1,495, cheaper than the NT$1,580 charged for non-reserved seats. Those who have already bought non-reserved seat tickets won’t be happy.

Wang Ping-yu
Taiwan High Speed Rail 
During those hours in which the 8 percent discount is applicable, (non-reserved seat) ticket holders can go to a station and (change to a reserved seat). There will be no processing fee.

The Transportation Ministry on Thursday also offered a discount to travelers. During the long weekend holiday starting Feb. 28, tolls on Taiwan’s highways will be free from 11pm to 6am. During other hours, motorists will be given a 25 percent discount off the normal tolls but the first 20 kilometers traveled will not be free.

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