


[[台灣高鐵公關 王平宇]]


Taiwan’s high-speed rail company announced Thursday that it will offer an 8 percent discount on all off-peak reserved seat fares beginning March 13. Now that may sound good, but it’s created a problem. The discount has made reserved seat fares cheaper than the price of non-reserved seats during off-peak hours, upsetting people who had already bought what they thought were cheaper tickets. 

Many high-speed rail riders buy non-reserved seat tickets to save money. But the 8 percent discount for reserved seats during off-peak hours may change the equation because some reserved seat fares will end up cheaper than non-reserved seat prices.

A one-way off-peak ticket between Taipei and Kaohsiung will now cost NT$1,495, cheaper than the NT$1,580 charged for non-reserved seats. Those who have already bought non-reserved seat tickets won’t be happy.

Wang Ping-yu
Taiwan High Speed Rail 
During those hours in which the 8 percent discount is applicable, (non-reserved seat) ticket holders can go to a station and (change to a reserved seat). There will be no processing fee.

The Transportation Ministry on Thursday also offered a discount to travelers. During the long weekend holiday starting Feb. 28, tolls on Taiwan’s highways will be free from 11pm to 6am. During other hours, motorists will be given a 25 percent discount off the normal tolls but the first 20 kilometers traveled will not be free.

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[[金管會主委 曾銘宗]]



[[金管會主委 曾銘宗]]

動輒18到20%的循環利率,養成不少卡債族,曾銘宗認為,銀行應該落實風險定價,將循環利率從上限20%下修到16%, 不過這項修正還需要經過立院修法,才有可能。

For the first time, the chairman of the Financial Supervisory Commission publicly voiced support for consolidation of the public banking sector. Most analysts believe that mergers and acquisitions are needed to make Taiwan’s banking sector more competitive internationally. 

This is what FSC Chairman Tseng Ming-chung had to say about his outlook for the local banking industry.

Tseng Ming-chung
FSC Chairman
I hope that in the next three to five years, we can have one or two banks that serve as large regional banks in Asia. I also hope for further consolidation of the public banking sector because frankly our scale is too small.

According to Tseng, of the 39 banks in Taiwan, only seven have more than a 5 percent share of total assets in the banking system. Mergers and acquisitions are the easiest way for these smaller banks to achieve the size needed to compete across Asia.

Tseng also said that the interest charged on credit cards is too high.

Tseng Ming-chung
FSC Chairman
Starting from next month, we will conduct a thorough examination of all banks that issue credit cards. This will likely take two to three months to complete.

Rates of 20 percent or more contribute to credit card debt that some cardholders find difficult to repay. Tseng believes that through better risk pricing, the banks can lower rates to no more than 16 percent. For Tseng’s recommendations to have teeth, however, lawmakers would have to amend regulations.

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[[中國上海社科院副院長 黃仁偉]]


[[陸委會主委 王郁琦 ]]


The head of Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council Wang Yu-chi was in Shanghai Thursday to meet with scholars from the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. He was described as a head of an agency in the “Taiwan area,” a term belittling Taiwan, but Wang shrugged off the slight. 

Fourteen cross-strait affairs scholars, including Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences president Wang Zhan, were on hand to exchange views with Wang Yu-chi. 

But no sooner did the meeting start than the host described Wang this way.

Huang Renwei
SASS Vice President
China’s Taiwan Affairs Office director Zhang Zhijun and Taiwan area Mainland Affairs Council chairman Wang Yu-chi held the first official talks. 

The reference to Taiwan as the “Taiwan area” denigrated Wang’s official standing, but the MAC chief let the Shanghai scholar off the hook.

Wang Yu-chi
MAC Chairman
Actually, we used the term “Mainland Affairs Council chairman” in (the meeting). I think there are times when the mainland has trouble changing its ways on the spur of the moment. It’s understandable. Progress is being made gradually. 

Wang himself caused a stir on Wednesday when he used the term “Republic of China” at the Sun Yat-sen mausoleum in Nanjing. When asked if the name would be uttered outside the old ROC capital city, Wang said only that he would say the appropriate thing in the appropriate place.

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[[金鶯隊投手 陳偉殷]]


[[金鶯隊投手 陳偉殷]]
“他是第一年,那我今年其實算第三年,我覺得就是這一方面,我應該會佔上風一點點,實力上面或許他會贏我很多 也有可能吧”


Spring training is underway for Orioles pitcher Chen Wei-yin. The Taiwanese lefty says he’s pleased with rehab progress following offseason surgery to remove bone spurs from his right knee. 

After several months without seeing his teammates, Chen Wei-yin was happy to be back with the Orioles. Offseason knee surgery is behind him, and Chen is pleased with his training.

Chen Wei-yin
Orioles Pitcher
Right now I’m just doing everything I can to get my feel for the game back. The start of spring training is a time to begin making adjustments so I can get into game shape. Before spring training, I also had three bullpen sessions, so I don’t think the exhibition games will be a problem.

Joining Chen in the American League East is Masahiro Tanaka, the Japanese sensation who recently signed with the New York Yankees. As early as May the two could meet. Chen discussed how they match up.

Chen Wei-yin
Orioles Pitcher
He will be in his first year while I’m in my third year. For this reason, I think I’ll have the slight upper hand. Ability-wise perhaps he has me beat by a lot. This is possible.

In other news, the Pittsburgh Pirates signed Taiwanese pitcher Yang Yao-hsun to a minor league contract worth US$15,000 a month. Yang previously pitched in Japan. The contract guarantees an invite to spring training, and if Yang is called up to the majors, his salary will increase to US$1 million.

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Love was in the air today at Jhuifen Train Station, Taichung, highlighted by a romantic proposal. Onlookers were filled with joy. 

Some people came to get a commemorative ticket between Jhuifen and Chenggong stations, words that in Chinese symbolize a successful marriage proposal. The post office offered customized Valentine’s Day stamps, and Changhua County Commissioner Cho Po-yuan was on hand to give away roses.

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