



Lin Yi-shih Ruling (2013/04/29)

Ten months after former Cabinet Secretary-General Lin Yi-shih became embroiled in a bribery scandal, a first ruling on his case is scheduled. Taipei District Court will announce its decision on Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock. 

Five members of Lin’s family were indicted. Lin could receive life in prison. His wife Peng Ai-chia, mother Shen Juo-lan and two of his uncles face between seven years and life if found guilty of accepting bribes or money laundering.


文章出處 :民視英語新聞


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Tour Bus Accident (2013/04/29)

Three Taiwanese tourists are dead and 11 injured following a bus accident in China. Just past 11 am on Monday, a bus carrying a group from Lion Travel skidded off the road and went down a slope in rainy conditions. The group was traveling from the Hunan capital of Changsha to the city of Zhangjiajie. 

Lion Travel says the rest of the group’s itinerary has been cancelled, and it has begun to make arrangements for the dead and injured. A Lion Travel representative has left for China to assist in bringing the remaining travelers back. The representative will also confirm the cause of the accident and find out if human error was involved.


文章出處 :民視英語新聞


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[[跆拳道好手 蘇麗文]]


[[101登高賽選手 薛慶光]]


[[101登高賽選手 彭宏年]]

今年菁英名人男子組冠軍由去年的冠軍,澳洲選手彭恩(Mark Bourne),以10分52秒時間奪冠。女子部分則是由義大利選手貝拉蒂(Valentina Belotti)以12分54秒奪下。

Nearly 4,000 people battle their way up Taipei 101 on foot in Run-up Race (2013/05/05)

The annual Taipei 101 Run-up Race was held again Sunday. Nearly 4,000 competitors attempted the 390-meter climb up 2,046 stairs in a supreme test of stamina that even left a taekwondo Olympian exhausted. Australian Mark Bourne defended his title in just under 11 minutes. 

Taipei 101 Chairwoman Christina Sung and Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin rang the gong, sending off their respective business and city government teams up the tower. In the individual competition, one of the notables was former taekwondo Olympian Su Li-wen, who was given jersey no. 101. 

Su Li-wen
Taekwondo Olympian
Taking on this different challenge is like taking on a mountain. After climbing for two minutes, you feel like resting for a minute. But actually it was pretty good; I never gave up.

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搶救老樹的101種方法 (上)

印象中,在台灣山林鄉野間,總有許多參天古木,樹齡動輒數百甚至數千年,不過現在台灣多數的林木,其實並不長壽,因為有太多的人工造景,花台或是石磚 都會導致樹木無法呼吸,最後氣絕死亡。更可怕的是,還有樹癌之稱的「褐根病」, 威脅著所有林木。人生病了要看醫生,樹木其實也有醫生,只不過樹不會說話,不會喊痛,該怎麼治療,對症下藥呢?我們來看樹醫生怎麼為樹把脈。

2012年8月蘇拉颱風來襲, 風強雨大,光是台北市就被吹倒了一千多棵路樹。落枝甚至重擊路人,受害民眾憤而申請國賠,其實這些路樹並非無預警倒下,而是它們早已久病纏身 長年發出無聲的求救訊號。 

幫樹木治病的方法有很多,但到底誰的方式真正有用,沒個準。台灣有相當多樹木專家,會採取「外科手術」的方式治療樹木,他們切除潰爛部位,但需耗費二十至八十萬不等的價格。因此林試所積極成立樹木醫學中心,希望有樹醫證照制度,避免讓民眾為樹求醫,反成冤大頭,尤其是當民眾碰到有樹癌之稱的 「褐根病」。



[[傅春旭 研究員 林試所森林保護組 ]]
“我記得那個時候去開個會,他們覺得不嚴重,感染區只有1% 3%而已,一旦你沒有正視這個褐根病,在高雄的時候他們換土,種新的,你現在覺得它不嚴重,可是這個病土跟病根就帶著到處去了,未來它只會愈來愈大、愈來愈嚴重”


[[李財萬 環境工程工作人員 ]]


[[黃兆君 環境工程負責人 ]]
,他就會在我們編號上面再做清創, 再往深的裡面再挖得更多”


[[李財萬 環境工程工作人員 ]]
“我們可以做開根的動作,跟導氣根的動作,導氣根的話,原先它有健康的導氣根,然後包覆水草,然後再加上一些培養土,然後殺菌、 開根,這樣就可以了”


[[張承均 副理 環境工程公司 ]]


[[張承均 副理 環境工程公司 ]]


[[傅春旭 研究員 林試所森林保護組 ]]

傅春旭強調消毒過的土壤,兩個月後就能夠再使用,還能夠供農業用。美中不足的就是施作農藥時,會產生有毒氣體,破壞臭氧層,但救老樹難道沒有不傷害環境,兩全其美的方式嗎? 下週我們將帶您看到,如何用自然療法,來治療這些生病的樹。

Tree doctors fight to save ancient trees (2013/05/05)

Ancient trees are a key component of the Taiwanese landscape. Old trees can be hundreds or even thousands of years old. However, longevity is denied to many Taiwanese trees in part because of a fungal disease called “brown root rot.” Tonight we examine how Taiwanese arboreal experts are battling the disease and finding ways to heal these ailing trees. 

In August 2012, Typhoon Saola’s strong winds felled more than a thousand trees in Taipei alone. Falling branches can injure pedestrians, leading victims to seek compensation from the state. However, these sidewalk trees did not snap without any warning. Instead, they were chronically ill and have been silently crying out for help all these years.

There are many ways to treat arboreal illnesses, but it’s not clear which methods are most effective. Nor is it clear which “tree surgeons” are best, though their costs range from NT$200,000 to NT$800,000. The Taiwan Forestry Research Institute has founded an arboreal medical center that hopes to clear up this confusion by establishing an arboreal physician certification standard. The certification would help the public identify trustworthy tree doctors. This is especially important in difficult cases such as brown root rot, which is commonly referred to as “tree cancer.”

Brown root rot can cause mighty trees to fall without warning. Through the diseased roots, infected seedlings or soil can spread quickly and be difficult to remove.

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Cactus Feast (2013/05/05)

Penghu has become known for its special cactus dishes in recent years, but that’s created a problem. Too many Penghu residents are picking the fruit off cactus plants without concern for its sustainability, leading to a dwindling supply. 

To deal with the problem, the Penghu County government intends to set aside public land on which people can plant, raise and pick the fruit of cactus, for a fee. The plan could potentially hurt those who now live off the cactus fruit they pick for free.


文章出處 :民視英語新聞


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