

普華國際公司販售的「御皇水」淨水器,號稱所產製的鹼性水飲用後可中和血酸及排毒,且喝出不同口感代表不同生理狀況。經媒體踢爆後, 普華公司坦言這種療效是沒有科學依據的,全是依據飲用民眾的經驗說法。




[[毒物專家 林杰樑]]



Local manufacturer exposed for touting unverified health benefits of water ionizer (2013/06/10)

A local company that cooperated with Tatung to produce a water purifier is under fire for making false health claims. Pu Hua International had said the ionizing functions of its device could increase water’s detoxifying effects and even let consumers diagnose illnesses. When pressed, however, the company admitted its claims were based on consumer experiences and had no scientific evidence. 

According to the vendor, this cloudy white glass of alkaline water has special properties. 

Pu Hua International Vendor
If you have cardiovascular problems this will taste a little sour. If you have problems with your liver it will be a little bitter. And if you are the typical female worker with poor kidney function, the water could have a strong odor.

The vendor used electronic sensors to test the alkaline water alongside normal tap water in an attempt to show that alkaline water has greater purity. Despite these tests, an expert says there’s no proof that alkaline water can help the human body.

Lin Jie-liang
Chang Gung Hospital Toxicologist
There is no medical basis to support claims that drinking alkaline water can benefit one’s health or that the taste of the water can diagnose disease.

The water purifier and ionizer have a Tatung logo, though Tatung says it has ended its cooperation with this company.

文章出處 :民視英語新聞


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