


Political Rumors (2013/06/06)

President Ma Ying-jeou is preparing to run again for KMT chairman, and there are rumors he is thinking about reshuffling top officials. 

One of the rumors has Ma naming Taichung Mayor Jason Hu as president of the Control Yuan to replace controversy magnet Wang Chien-shien王建. Hu denied the speculation, calling it “fantasy.” The Presidential Office said it was mere conjecture.

文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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[[聲源:行政院長 江宜樺]]


[[司改會執行長 林峰正]]


Government trying to bail Legislature out for its Accounting Act disaster (2013/06/06)

The Legislature passed an amendment last Friday that exempted public research grants for university professors from being audited. At least it was supposed to, but lawmakers inexplicably left out the word “professors” from the bill. The government is now trying to bail out the Legislature from its mistake, interpreting the revision as covering professors, but some legal experts doubt the move will settle the issue. 

The amendment was meant to absolve professors who used falsified receipts to claim research grants. Premier Jiang Yi-huah was asked in a radio interview this morning about the omission of “professors” from the bill, and he offered a simple solution.

Jiang Yi-huah
If professors unwittingly violate the law simply because of submitting invoices for reimbursement in a convenient way or working under an inflexible system, this is relatively excusable. If an interpretation from government accounting agencies can settle the controversy, then we should use this more economic method and not make the Legislature pay the price. 

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[[法務部次長 陳明堂]]
“死者所受槍傷 都是高速貫穿的子彈傷,顯然有致人於死殺人故意,廣大興28號漁船,既然沒有明顯的船舶碰撞痕跡,所以排除在案發前如外界傳言的說碰撞菲國船艦” 


17-person team from Taiwan to visit Philippines to gather evidence (2013/05/15)

Taiwan will send a 17-person team to the Philippines to carry out a joint investigation into the recent shooting death of the fisherman. Based on preliminary forensic investigation, the Taiwan Ministry of Justice believes it is a case of intentional homicide. It says the Taiwanese fishing boat was not involved in a collision and did not cross territorial waters. 

The investigation into shots fired at the Huang Ta Hsing fishing boat will include bilateral cooperation between legal authorities in Taiwan and the Philippines. A fact-finding delegation travelling to the Philippines will include individuals from Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry, Justice Ministry, Criminal Investigation Bureau, Coast Guard and Fisheries Agency.

Based on initial forensic reports, the Justice Ministry has made three initial conclusions in the investigation.

It believes the shooting was homicide and not negligence, it has ruled out the Taiwanese fishing boat ramming into the Philippine ship, and it says the Taiwanese fishing boat did not enter Philippine territorial waters.

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[[美國務院新聞發言人 范特瑞爾]] 


1946年菲律賓獨立至今,雙方軍事合作頻繁。除了每年有好幾項聯合軍演外,雙方在1952年簽下共同防禦條約,至今依然有效。另外美國在菲律賓設立空、海軍基地,超過40年,1992年雖全面撤離,但從美國總統歐巴馬喊出重返亞洲之後, 2011起美國大幅提升每年輪調到菲律賓的軍力。

[[美國國安顧問 唐尼倫(2012)]]



US avoids taking a stance in Taiwan-Philippines dispute (2013/05/15)

The United States is a close ally of both Taiwan and the Philippines. As tension between the two Asian nations ratchets up it is urging calm. But the US refuses to condemn Manila after a Philippines government vessel opened fire on an unarmed Taiwanese fishing boat. 

Patrick Ventrell
US State Department Spokesman 
We welcome the Philippines government’s pledge to conduct a full and transparent investigation into the incident and to work with the Taiwan authorities to establish what transpired.

Shots fired from a Philippine government vessel at the Kuang Ta Hsing fishing boat killed one fisherman. The United States called upon both sides to exercise restraint and avoid a South China Sea sovereignty dispute. A look at history reveals the United States and the Philippines enjoy a long and deep relationship.

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不過今天下午,在七美海域四十多海里進行例行訓練的一架F16戰機,疑似因為機械故障墜毀,機上的吳姓飛行員跳傘獲救! 墜機原因仍等軍方進一步調查。


F-16 Crash (2013/05/15)

Taiwan is preparing for military exercises in the South China Sea which will include F-16s.

Ahead of those exercises, during a training drill an F-16 ran into problems about 40 nautical miles away from Cimei Township. The jet crashed after suffering what is thought to be a machinery malfunction. The pilot ejected safely and was rescued.

文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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