

[[101發言人 劉家豪]]


[[歌手 信]]

除了五月天和阿信;還有反核不遺餘力的歌手陳昇;在台東開唱, 並為美麗灣環評發聲的張震嶽;及在高雄晚會壓軸,勇敢說出反媒體壟斷的蘇打綠主唱青峰,都宣揚社會運動理念。


New Year's Eve celebrations took on a social conscious this year as entertainers used the stage to oppose nuclear energy, development projects and a growing media monopoly. 

The French-led fireworks at Taipei 101 bid a brilliant farewell to 2012. However, the lasting impression could be the final 10 seconds when an anti-nuclear image was projected onto the lower floors of the building. The action was part of a global protest and did not affect the fireworks show, though Taipei 101 said it did not rule out pursuing legal action.

Michael Liu
Taipei 101 Spokesman
There was no prior communication (with this group). In fact, we consider it misconduct and have discussed the issue with our lawyers.

Performing artists joined in anti-nuclear protests across the island. During Mayday’s performance in Kaohsiung, a video backdrop showed anti-nuclear images. In Hsinchu the singer Shin made an impassioned plea to end nuclear energy in Taiwan.

Taiwan has two of the three most dangerous nuclear power plants in the world. I hope everyone can take a moment to consider this carefully. Do we have to continue relying on nuclear power for our future? 

Singer Bobby Chen joined the anti-nuclear protest in his New Year’s performance and Chang Chen-yue voiced his opposition to a Meiliwan development project. Sodagreen lead singer Wu Ching-feng lent his voice to oppose the monopolization of Taiwan’s media at a Kaohsiung New Year’s Eve concert.



文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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週刊爆料,國安單位把座車改成計程車,在官邸周圍stand by,只要看到周美青叫車,就會立刻上前搭載。駕駛也請特勤人員偽裝,為了真實性,還真的照錶收費。

[[立委(民) 蔡煌瑯]]

[[立委(國) 羅淑蕾]]



From lunch boxes to savings accounts, the first family goes to incredible lengths to show the frugal life it leads. First lady Chow Mei-ching is known to opt for public transport, but a report today claims the taxis she takes are hardly the cheap, public vehicles they seem to be. 

In the past when first lady Chow Mei-ching left the Presidential Palace, she tended to take a bus or a taxi, not the secured vehicles provided by the Special Service Center. It showed solidarity with the people, but caused headaches for the National Security Bureau.

This week’s issue of Next Magazine makes a surprising claim. It says the bureau has a specially modified “taxi” that is on standby outside the palace. When Chow hails a cab, it rushes to her side. The driver is no ordinary driver: he or she is a member of the security bureau. The farce even extends to asking Chow to pay the cab fare.

Tsai Huang-liang
DPP Legislator
I don’t think the people or society will look on this too well. It’s phony. They shouldn’t be acting this way. I hope the National Security Bureau takes the appropriate action and ends this practice.

Lo Shu-lei
KMT Legislator
There are institutional and legal regulations that need to be followed. You shouldn’t purposely put a gap between you and the people, but this is too phony.

In response, the bureau said it could not comment on its security deployments as it would neither confirm nor deny the report.




文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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才剛結束元旦四天連假,包括合歡山、太平山、 奧萬大和八仙山等山莊住宿費,可能都要漲價!其中又以熱門賞楓景點,南投奧萬大的住宿費漲最兇,原本一間四人房,平日價只要2300元,一口氣要漲到6800元,漲幅快兩倍。


It’s back to business following the New Year holiday. Here are some changes to expect in 2013. 

Passport Rush
On Jan. 1 the price of ROC passports with a computer chip fell by NT$300, to NT$1,300 for adults and NT$900 for children. On the first work day since the New Year’s holiday, applicants at the Bureau of Consular Affairs were more than triple the usual number.

Too Much Shopping
After more than 2 million trips to Taiwan last year by Chinese tourists, the Tourism Bureau conducted visitor surveys. The number one complaint: too many shopping trips and too much time spent shopping. Some even said shopkeepers compelled them to buy goods. The bureau is apparently considering reducing shopping spots and limiting time spent at each to 50 minutes. Predictably shops and tour operators are opposed. 

Villa Rate Hike
Government-run mountain villas could soon become more expensive. The Forestry Bureau wants to hike prices at its villas on Hehuan, Taiping and Basian mountains. If the cabinet approves the plan, the highest increases would be seen at Nantou’s Auwanda. A four-person suite at the popular maple tree forest costs NT$2,300 on weekdays but could go up to NT$6,800.




文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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[[美國總統 歐巴馬]] 




US lawmakers provided temporary relief today. Bipartisan support in the House of Representatives passed legislation to avert the automatic spending cuts and tax increases that have been characterized as a “fiscal cliff.” Soon lawmakers will head back to the negotiating table to try to reach a broader deal. 

The US House of Representatives voted in favor of a compromise bill passed by the Senate intended to avoid the fiscal cliff.

Barack Obama
US President
Happy New Year everybody. Thanks to the votes, the Republicans and Democrats in Congress, I will sign a law that raises taxes on the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans while preventing a middle class tax hike. 

Failure to pass legislation would immediately have enacted budget cuts on New Year’s Day. Now the biggest of these cuts will be postponed for two months, with unemployment benefits extended for one year. The bill also ends George W. Bush era income tax benefits for individuals earning more than US$400,000 or couples earning in excess of US$450,000. These groups will face a higher tax rate of 39.6%. 

President Obama has repeatedly called for increasing taxes on the rich, though Republicans have been reluctant to support such a position. Their compromise today to avoid the fiscal cliff was welcome news for investors.




文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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The Chinese government failed to approve a visa for a reporter working for the New York Times. The move comes after the government blocked the New York Times in China after it reported on the vast hidden wealth of Premier Wen Jiabao's family. 

The New York Times announced on Dec. 31 that its application to accredit and extend the residence visa for its Beijing correspondent, Chris Buckley, was not approved before Jan. 1. This meant he was required to quickly depart for Hong Kong before his journalist visa expired.

This follows similar troubles for Al Jazeera Beijing correspondent Melissa Chan, who was unable to renew her visa and continue her work in China.

Buckley worked as a journalist in China for 15 years, previously employed by Reuters. He joined the New York Times in October last year, and the failure to renew his correspondent visa meant his wife and daughter also needed to leave China.

China’s Foreign Ministry has not commented on why Buckley’s visa was not renewed. Some believe it is retribution for a New York Times report last October which put Premier Wen Jia-bao's family wealth at US$2.7 billion dollars. The report was written by Buckley’s colleague. Wen refuted it, and the New York Times website was subsequently blocked in China.




文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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