


[[總統府發言人 李佳霏]]


[[民進黨立委 蔡煌瑯]]





One day after former Vice President Lien Chan called Taiwan a “troublemaker” the Presidential Office sought to distance itself from him. DPP lawmakers were more direct in their criticism, accusing Lien of betraying the people’s support. 

Lien Chan returned to Taiwan today after completing his three-day trip to Beijing. But discussion over the sensitive political comments he made while in China continued.

After meeting with Communist Party leader Xi Jinping on Monday, Lien issued a press release affirming his commitment to the one-China framework, cross-strait peace, mutually beneficial integration and revitalization of the Chinese people. Many people wondered if the Taiwan Presidential Office shared the same ideas.

Lee Chia-fei
Presidential Office Spokeswoman
We didn’t ask Honorary Chairman Lien to carry out any special duties on this trip, and I’m not clear about his (four principles). It was a private meeting. I hope people don’t read too much into it.

More controversy brewed on Tuesday. When meeting with Chinese President Hu Jintao, Lien called Taiwan a “troublemaker.”

Tsai Huang-liang
DPP Legislator
Statements like this belittle Taiwan’s sovereignty and smear the people of the Republic of China. They show that Lien is simply wasting his PhD in political science and betraying the support the Taiwanese people gave him when he was vice president of the Republic of China.

A representative of Lien’s said he was only referring to the administration of former President Chen Shui-bian when he called Taiwan a troublemaker.

After his meeting with Hu, Lien said that political talks will eventually be needed between Taiwan and China.






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“就是因為沒看到(製作) 還是會有點擔心”


[[IKEA公關 蔡宜穎]]


[[美食專家 吳恩文]]



After horse meat turned up in frozen beef lasagna dinners in Europe, a similar food scare is affecting furniture retailer IKEA. Its meatballs in the Czech Republic have been found to contain horse meat, leading to an immediate recall in 15 European countries. But a local public relations manager says IKEA Taiwan uses different suppliers so people have no reason for concern. 

These plump Swedish beef balls covered in gravy were once a popular item sold by IKEA. But they are now part of Europe’s growing horse meat scandal and 15 countries have initiated an immediate recall.

“I am still a little worried because I did not see how they produce these meatballs.”

In Taiwan IKEA immediately posted signs at its food counters explaining that all of its beef balls are produced with a mixture of Australian cattle and Taiwan pork. The package clearly states that the product is made in Taiwan.

Gillian Tsai
IKEA Public Relations
Our manufacturer and suppliers are completely different from the Europe outlets, so these meat products won’t be taken off the shelf.

About 20 years ago in Taiwan there was a rumor that some beef noodles contained horse meat. One culinary expert says it’s difficult to distinguish horse meat billed as beef.

Wu En-wen
Food Critic
Horse meat is a little chewier, and if it is cooked, it has a little heavier taste. If strong flavors are added it would be difficult for people to tell it apart from beef.

Taiwan prohibits the import of horse meat, and the government is confident that none has entered the local food supply.



文章出處 :自由時報電子報中英對照新聞

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由華碩董事長施崇棠領軍,在MWC全球行動通訊大展一口氣推出兩大旗艦產品,一是會講話的平板 ”FonePad”,一是變形手機頂級版 “PadFone Infinity”。

五吋手機加十吋平板;七吋的FonePad則趕上目前最夯的大平板手機尺寸,整合通話與平板功能,結合這次發表的跨平台雲端服務,入門款以低階策略,希望搶攻iPad mini和Galaxy Note8的市場。

諾基亞也在MWC推出四款手機,其中Lumia 520和720兩款Window Phone鎖定中低階消費族群、希望填補市場缺口。




Asus unveiled new flagship products at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. It hopes its new combination tablet-phones help it keep pace in the growing smart phone market. 

Asus Chairman Johnny Shih unveiled two of the company’s flagship products.

They include the PadFone Infinity, a 5-inch smart phone that can be paired with a 10-inch tablet, and the FonePad, a 7-inch tablet that works as a phone and integrates new cloud services. Asus hopes these dual devices help it compete against the iPad mini and Galaxy Note 8.

Also at the congress Nokia launched the Lumia 520 and 720. Both models are Window Phones aimed at consumers looking for a mid- to low-end smart phone.

And fresh off a corporate name change from RIM to BlackBerry, the company eagerly launched the Blackberry 10 to the Indian market.

This year's congress was notable for the absence of Google and Apple, though other technology giants were eager to battle in both the tablet and smart phone markets.




文章出處 :自由時報電子報中英對照新聞

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[[導演 李烈]]


[[網路作家 九把刀]]



Anti-nuclear sentiment has taken hold among many of Taiwan’s leading artists and entertainers. The latest big name to voice opposition is the country’s leading model, Lin Chih-ling. 

Model Lin Chih-ling has been busy in recent years. Besides modeling and entertainment, she has contributed to charitable causes. And now on Facebook the organization Mom Loves Taiwan announced that Lin joined the anti-nuclear movement.

The group included Lin’s comments that it’s important for people not to be selfish or indifferent. She called learning and responsibility important tasks for this generation to undertake.

A thousand people have already “liked” Lin’s position. Another person against nuclear power is director Lee Lieh, who also opposes a referendum on the issue.

Lee Lieh
Taiwanese Director
Why should this type of issue be put to a referendum? The information we have received says that the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant shouldn’t be finished. The government remains determined, but it won’t convince us. Why must we finish the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant?

Others who have spoken out against nuclear power include Cloud Gate founder Lin Hwai-min as well as writers Hsiao Yeh and Giddens Ko. 

Giddens Ko
I am Giddens Ko. I can think clearly because my mind has not been polluted by nuclear power. Even if you support nuclear power, you should not support the highly dangerous fourth nuclear power plant.

The director Yang Ya-che has gathered celebrity friends for help in creating a promotional film to encourage people to join an anti-nuclear protest on March 9.



文章出處 :自由時報電子報中英對照新聞

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[[分析師 徐崇舜]]



Worries over political deadlock in Italy following an election there with unclear results led to a dark day for European and Asian shares. A decline of over eight-tenths of a percentage point was seen on the local index in Taiwan, where investors are weighing the effects of a proposed referendum on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. 

The many uncertainties on Tuesday led the Taiex to drop below the 7,900 barrier on opening, though support from the solar panel sector limited the damage. The market closed at 7,880 points, with low turnover of just NT$69 billion.

If work on the fourth nuclear power plant is stopped, there will be pros and cons. If the cost of electricity increases, the impact could be lethal.

Thirteen years ago first mention of stopping work on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant was a major shock to the stock market.

Hsu Chung-shun
When the market was at 6,000 (in 2000), debate over the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant caused panic among investors. The index fell to 5,000 points before stabilizing. In the short-term people may lose confidence. 

Taiwan Power claims that if construction is halted, power rationing could result and household spending on nonessentials could drop by more than NT$100 billion. Businesses could reduce investment by nearly NT$75 billion, and unemployment could increase by 28,000. GDP could fall by NT$60 billion in the first year.



文章出處 :自由時報電子報中英對照新聞

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