

Apple Inc’s iPhone is losing some of its lustre among Asia’s well-heeled consumers in Singapore and Hong Kong, a victim of changing mobile habits and its own runaway success.


Driven by a combination of iPhone fatigue, a desire to be different and a plethora of competing devices, users are turning to other brands, notably those from Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, eating into Apple’s market share.


In Singapore, Apple’s products were so dominant in 2010 that more devices here ran its iOS operating system per capita than anywhere else in the world.


But StatCounter , which measures traffic collected across a network of 3 million websites, calculates that Apple’s share of mobile devices in Singapore - iPad and iPhone - declined sharply last year. From a peak of 72 percent in January 2012, its share fell to 50 percent this month, while Android devices now account for 43 percent of the market, up from 20 percent in the same month last year.

不過, StatCounter根據300萬個網站的網頁瀏覽量分析,計算出蘋果iPad和iPhone在新加坡行動裝置的市占率去年大幅下降,本月從2012年1月高峰期的72%降至50%,目前使用安卓系統的裝置占43%,高於上年同期的20%。

In Hong Kong, devices running Apple’s iOS now account for about 30 percent of the total, down from about 45 percent a year ago. Android accounts for nearly two-thirds.(Reuters)



lustre:名詞(同luster),光澤;榮耀、 榮光。例句:His great books have added luster to the university where he teaches. (他的巨著給他任教的大學增光。)

runaway:名詞或形容詞,原指逃亡的,不受控制的,文中引申為指遙遙領先的、輕易到手的、意外成功的,如Her first novel’s runaway(= surprisingly big)success came as a great surprise.(她第一本小說的意外成功令人大感意外。)

plethora:名詞,過多。例句:The report contained a plethora of detail.(報告中細節過多。)



文章出處 :自由時報電子報中英對照新聞

    創作者 英倫翻譯社 的頭像

    英倫翻譯社/ Trsmaster

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