
由華碩董事長施崇棠領軍,在MWC全球行動通訊大展一口氣推出兩大旗艦產品,一是會講話的平板 ”FonePad”,一是變形手機頂級版 “PadFone Infinity”。

五吋手機加十吋平板;七吋的FonePad則趕上目前最夯的大平板手機尺寸,整合通話與平板功能,結合這次發表的跨平台雲端服務,入門款以低階策略,希望搶攻iPad mini和Galaxy Note8的市場。

諾基亞也在MWC推出四款手機,其中Lumia 520和720兩款Window Phone鎖定中低階消費族群、希望填補市場缺口。




Asus unveiled new flagship products at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. It hopes its new combination tablet-phones help it keep pace in the growing smart phone market. 

Asus Chairman Johnny Shih unveiled two of the company’s flagship products.

They include the PadFone Infinity, a 5-inch smart phone that can be paired with a 10-inch tablet, and the FonePad, a 7-inch tablet that works as a phone and integrates new cloud services. Asus hopes these dual devices help it compete against the iPad mini and Galaxy Note 8.

Also at the congress Nokia launched the Lumia 520 and 720. Both models are Window Phones aimed at consumers looking for a mid- to low-end smart phone.

And fresh off a corporate name change from RIM to BlackBerry, the company eagerly launched the Blackberry 10 to the Indian market.

This year's congress was notable for the absence of Google and Apple, though other technology giants were eager to battle in both the tablet and smart phone markets.




文章出處 :自由時報電子報中英對照新聞

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