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Sandy brought a record-breaking storm surge, flooding tunnels and subway stations and forcing an evacuation of lower Manhattan.

Strong winds and rain accompanied Sandy as it made landfall in New Jersey’s Ocean City, which became a vast expanse of water. A CNN reporter braved difficult conditions to report on the scene.

CNN Reporter
This water, this is ocean water, there are waves in the streets of downtown Atlantic City.

At around 8 pm Eastern Daylight Time on Oct. 29, Sandy made landfall in Delaware, New Jersey and Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay.

CNN Reporter

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Sandy’s strong winds and heavy rain led US President Barack Obama to call upon everyone to follow evacuation instructions issued by local governments. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg also stepped forward to address the public. 

Michael Bloomberg
New York City Mayor
The worst of the weather has come and the city certainly is feeling the impact. At the Battery we have seen record surge levels. We've seen an extraordinary amount of water throughout lower Manhattan. There are trees down throughout the city.


[[紐約市長 彭博]]

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It was being called Superstorm Sandy when it made landfall at about 8pm in New Jersey. It wreaked havoc along the northeastern seaboard. Since then it was downgraded to a post-tropical cyclone, but forecasters warned it was still packing destructive force. 

Sandy has been a strange storm. It combined with another system over Virginia to bring heavy snow. Some areas were expected to receive as much as 60 to 90 centimeters of flurries. Sandy is now heading north to northeast, its power dropping as it moves further from the sea. Better weather is expected on Wednesday.



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The German city of Hamelin may be in need of another Pied Piper -- it seems the rats are back.


City officials say a popular fountain has been put out of service after the rodents gnawed through a power cable, according to the Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper.


The Lower Saxony city is where, legend has it, the Pied Piper led all the rats out in 1284 with his magic pipe into the Weser River, where they drowned.


But more than 700 years later, city officials say such drastic measures may not be necessary. The fountain was due to be permanently closed anyway because of the high upkeep costs.


And the solution in the fictitious Piper story isn’t practical anyway:rats are actually pretty good swimmers.(AP)

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Restaurant owners and employees have staged a sit-in to protest a new smoking ban in closed public places.


The ban on smoking in places like restaurants and pubs went into effect Monday.


The restaurant owners say the ban will harm their businesses, where many Lebanese are used to smoking cigarettes and puffing on water pipes. Dozens demonstrated in a restaurant district north of Beirut.


Lebanon’s parliament passed the law banning smoking in closed public places last year. Violators will be subject to fines of about $90 to the client and $900 to the offending owner. The law also bans cigarette advertising.


Smoking is common in Lebanon. A recent study showed about half of Lebanon’s adults are smokers.

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More than half of office affairs start with flirting colleagues putting an X at the end of a text or an email, a new survey has revealed.


But in many cases the kisses used in electronic communications are misconstrued.


Both men and women wrongly assume that a message ending in an X is a come-on -- when, in fact, a work colleague is merely being friendly.


The results give a valuable insight into dating etiquette in the electronic age -- and how Xs are being used to instigate sex.


The dating website WhatsYourPrice.com polled 1000 British members on the significance of Xs in emails.

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Thousands of Chinese besieged the Japanese embassy in Beijing on Saturday, hurling rocks, eggs and bottles as protests broke out in other major cities in China amid growing tension between Asia’s two biggest economies over a group of disputed islands.


Paramilitary police with shields and batons barricaded the embassy, holding back and occasionally fighting with slogan-chanting, flag-waving protesters who at times appeared to be trying to storm the building.


"Return our islands! Japanese devils get out!" some shouted. One of them held up a sign reading:"For the respect of the motherland, we must go to war with Japan."


Protester Liu Gang said:"We hate Japan. We’ve always hated Japan. Japan invaded China and killed a lot of Chinese. We will never forget."


The long-standing territorial dispute escalated dramatically on Friday when China sent six surveillance ships to a group of uninhabited islets in the East China Sea, raising tension between the two countries to its highest level since 2010.

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A charity for US Navy SEALs says it will refuse any proceeds from a book by an ex-commando who took part in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, after the Pentagon threatened legal action against the author.


The former Navy SEAL who wrote "No Easy Day," Matt Bissonnette, has promised to donate a majority of his profits to charities, but one of the non-profit groups he touted -- the Navy SEAL Foundation -- has ruled out accepting his donations.


At the end of his book, the author appeals to readers to donate to charities that help veterans and their families, listing three that focus on the elite SEAL units, including the Navy SEAL Foundation based in Virginia Beach, Virginia.


Bissonnette’s book has shot to the top of best-seller lists amid an avalanche of publicity, but his decision to publish his first-hand account has angered many fellow SEALs, including the commander of the elite units, who say he has betrayed the ethos of the special operators to be "quiet professionals."


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People who keep their teeth and gums healthy with regular brushing may have a lower risk of developing dementia later in life, according to a U.S. study.


Researchers at the University of California who followed nearly 5,500 elderly people over an 18-year-period found that those who reported brushing their teeth less than once a day were up to 65 percent more likely to develop dementia than those who brushed daily.


"Not only does the state of your mind predict what kind of oral health habits you practice, it may be that your oral health habits influence whether or not you get dementia," said Annlia Paganini-Hill, who led the study, published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.


Inflammation stoked by gum disease-related bacteria is implicated in a host of conditions including heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Some studies have also found that people with Alzheimer’s disease, have more gum disease-related bacteria in their brains than a person without Alzheimer’s, Paganini-Hill said. (Reuters)



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A Los Angeles restaurant is offering a deal to customers who agree to look at their fellow diners instead of their phone screens.


Eva Restaurant is giving a 5 percent discount to customers who will leave their cellphones with staff when they are seated.


Owner Mark Gold told KPCC radio that the policy isn’t about other diners who might be annoyed by cellphone chatter or the glow of smartphone screens, but an attempt to create an environment where diners connect to each other instead of to technology.


Servers make the offer to diners when they introduce themselves.


Gold says nearly half take advantage of the discount, and many express gratitude at the opportunity to let go of their devices for a while. (AP)

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Microsoft has discovered new computers in China are coming preinstalled with software that is embedded with malware, the company said on its company blog.


The tech giant claims it discovered that retailers in China were selling computers that were installed with counterfeit Windows software, and the fake software was corrupted with malware.


Cybercriminals took advantage of unsecure supply chains to install the harmful software, the company said.


Microsoft called its discovery "disturbing," and warned consumers to be cautious of deals that seem too good to be true.


The company found that 20 percent of the PCs researchers bought from unsecure supply chains were infected with preinstalled malware. The malware was especially dangerous because it could be spread easily via removable devices, like USB drives.

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Japan recently refused to take back a letter sent by its own prime minister after Seoul said it would not accept delivery of the note, as a row over islands threatened to descend into diplomatic farce.



South Korea said earlier it would return the protest from Yoshihiko Noda without answering it, for fear any move to acknowledge the missive would bolster Tokyo’s claim to islands that both sides say they own.


The letter to South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak has not even made it to Seoul, having been kept at the South’s embassy in Tokyo, foreign ministry spokesman Cho Tai-Young said, announcing the intention to hand the note back.


But in what was beginning to look like a real live game of hot potato, the Japanese foreign ministry turned away a South Korean diplomat, believed to have been carrying Noda’s letter, at the gate of the ministry building. The letter was subsequently put in the post, registered delivery, a spokesman at the foreign ministry in Seoul said.


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It is a myth that we are at our most miserable at the beginning of the week, according to academics. People’s moods on Mondays are actually no worse than on any other week day barring Friday, a survey found.


The popular fixation on the idea of "Blue Monday" should be given the status of a "cultural myth", the team behind the new findings wrote in the Journal of Positive Psychology.


"Despite our global beliefs about lousy Mondays, we conclude that this belief should be abandoned," said lead researcher Prof Arthur Stone, of Stony Brook University in New York state.


Prof Stone and colleagues analysed data collected by Gallup from more than 340,000 American citizens in telephone interviews.


The respondents were asked whether or not they had felt enjoyment, happiness, worry, sadness, stress and anger during much of the previous day.

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North Korea has made a parody of the South Korean music video phenomenon "Gangnam Style" to attack the South’s ruling conservative party presidential candidate Park Geun-Hye.


The parody, posted on the official government website Uriminzokkiri, shows a crudely photo-shopped image of Park doing the "horse-riding dance" created by South Korean rapper Psy on the original "Gangnam Style" video.


The North Korean version mocks Park as a devoted admirer of the "Yushin" system of autocratic rule set up by her father, Park Chung-Hee, after he seized power in South Korea in a 1961 military coup.


"I’m Yushin style!," read a subtitle under the image of the dancing Park.The implied message is a sensitive one, with Park under pressure to denounce the excesses of her father’s 18-year rule, which laid the foundations for the country’s economic rise but was marked by systematic human rights abuses.


Psy’s "Gangnam Style" video went viral soon after being posted on YouTube in mid-July and has since racked up more than 200 million views, sending the song to the top of the US iTunes Chart.(AFP)

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A gorilla has died in the Prague Zoo after accidentally hanging himself with a climbing rope, zoo officials said Friday. The zoo said in a statement that 5-year-old Tatu was found hanging with a rope around his neck Friday morning in a sleeping room. Spokesman Michal Stastny said all attempts to revive Tatu failed. He said there were no cameras in the room and it is not clear exactly what happened.


Mammals curator Pavel Brandl said Tatu likely unbraided one of the dozens ropes the gorillas use in their pavilion for climbing and put a strand around his neck before hanging himself. "It was an accident," Brandl said.


Brandl said another gorilla, Kamba, appeared to be trying to help Tatu when zookeepers arrived but "it’s hard to say what exactly she was doing." Director Miroslav Bobek said the death was the most tragic event at the zoo since flooding in 2002 killed more than 100 animals.


The zoo still has six gorillas, and they are among the most popular animals there. Tens of thousands of people watched Tatu’s birth online on May 30, 2007.(AP)



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The Japanese city of Hiroshima, devastated by a World War II atomic bomb, has backed the granting of world heritage site status to the D-Day landing beaches in France, a local official said.


Laurent Beauvais (Bo-VAY), president of Lower Normandy, said in a statement that the support by Hiroshima mayor Kazumi Matsui was a "message of hope and peace".


If the bid is successful, the beaches will join sites that mark a dramatic moment in human history.


These include the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, Robben Island in South Africa where opponents of the apartheid regime were jailed, and the memorial to peace in Hiroshima.


The Normandy landings and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima each marked a major turning point in World War II.

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The most decorated Olympian, Michael Phelps, recently met his childhood idol, Michael Jordan. The two joined a talk-show on the sidelines of the Ryder Cup. 

Michael Phelps and Michael Jordan finally met one another. One is known for flying through the air, and the other for flying through the water. 

Michael Jordan was invited to become an honorary member of the U.S. Ryder Cup team. Phelps was also at the event participating in related activities. After retiring from swimming, Phelps has taken up golf, even employing Tiger Woods’ former swing coach Hank Haney.

Michael Phelps
Olympic Swimmer 
You work for so many years and you’ve been through I guess so many workouts that you have to clear it. It’s like muscle memory. You just get up and race. I tried doing it in golf and actually recently it didn’t work out. 

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Just how bad are Taipei’s roads? 

A Neihu woman surnamed Lee felt they were so bad, she decided to start laying asphalt. Since the end of June she has already applied 1,400 kilograms of the material. But Taipei’s New Construction Office says some of the areas she applied the asphalt include tiled surfaces. The filler will have to be removed.



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Among the many people who make North Korea run are hordes of roving merchants from China. They travel to and from the socialist state practicing their own brand of capitalism: snapping up everything from cigarettes to mines. If they notice a price discrepancy between places or a resource to be exploited they seize the opportunity, providing a needed boost to the economy along the way. 

There are at least seven trading posts by land between North Korea and China, along the northern provinces of Hamgyong-pukto, Ryanggang-do, Chagang-do and P'yongan-pukto. The largest is Sinuiju, which is opposite the Chinese city of Dandong. Linking the border towns is a customs outpost, highway and railroad.

After six days in North Korea, instead of boarding a plane we decided to leave from Pyongyang Station on an international train. It would take us to Dandong via Sinuiju.

Anne Hu
FTV News Chief
It’s 230 kilometers from Pyongyang to Sinuiju. We are boarding the train to begin our five-and-a-half-hour journey.

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Why would three nations tussle over specks of rock in the East China Sea? Fishing rights and potential gas reserves are one reason Taiwan, China and Japan have staked claim to islands known as both the Tiaoyutais and the Senkakus. Another more important reason is national pride and political calculations, on display today in comments made by President Ma Ying-jeou and a Chinese official. 

When reporting on the escapades of Taiwanese fishermen near the Tiaoyutai Islands, Japan’s NHK played down sovereignty. Instead, it said the fishermen were defending their rights to fish. President Ma Ying-jeou disagrees.

President Ma Ying-jeou
The most important issue was to announce to the world that the Tiaoyutai Islands are the territory of the Republic of China. They are islands inherently attached to Taiwan and are not the territory of Japan. It is land seized by Japan and occupied for 117 years, without yet having been returned to us.

Each of the trio of claimants to the islands is showing its motives.

Fan Liqing

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