Among the many people who make North Korea run are hordes of roving merchants from China. They travel to and from the socialist state practicing their own brand of capitalism: snapping up everything from cigarettes to mines. If they notice a price discrepancy between places or a resource to be exploited they seize the opportunity, providing a needed boost to the economy along the way.
There are at least seven trading posts by land between North Korea and China, along the northern provinces of Hamgyong-pukto, Ryanggang-do, Chagang-do and P'yongan-pukto. The largest is Sinuiju, which is opposite the Chinese city of Dandong. Linking the border towns is a customs outpost, highway and railroad.
After six days in North Korea, instead of boarding a plane we decided to leave from Pyongyang Station on an international train. It would take us to Dandong via Sinuiju.
Anne Hu
FTV News Chief
It’s 230 kilometers from Pyongyang to Sinuiju. We are boarding the train to begin our five-and-a-half-hour journey.
North Korean Tour Guide
Passengers on this train include North Koreans from the public and private sectors who do business with China. Also embassy staff and their families traveling to Beijing, along with Chinese who are permanent residents of North Korea.
After the train departs Pyongyang and reaches the border city of Sinuiju, it crosses the Yalu River then heads direct to Beijing via Dandong. The full journey takes 22 hours. Carriages are divided into compartments with up to six beds each. Passengers can sit or lie down.
Before departure, the train inspector took interest in us. He rarely sees Taiwanese passengers.
Anne Hu
FTV News Chief
How many carriages are for North Koreans?
Chinese Train Inspector
Six large ones. They’re all this large. There are two for Chinese.
Anne Hu
FTV News Chief
Can we pass through those two?
Chinese Train Inspector
Anne Hu
FTV News Chief
What are the numbers?
Chinese Train Inspector
Twelve and 13. After you pass those, you reach the North Korean carriages.
Anne Hu
FTV News Chief
Where are the Chinese carriages?
Chinese Train Inspector
Anne Hu
FTV News Chief
Twelve and 13?
Chinese Train Inspector
Yes, 12 and 13.
Anne Hu
FTV News Chief
Others are mixed?
Chinese Train Inspector
The others are the North Korean carriages.
The train left Pyongyang traveling at 40 kilometers an hour. The real North Korean landscape opened before our eyes.
Photography was banned the entire way, so we had to be discrete.
On the train were many travelers from outside China and North Korea. Besides us, passengers who bought a soft sleeper ticket mostly consisted of Chinese purchasing agents who could speak Korean. To pass time on the long journey, they smoked and chatted in the aisles.
Train Staff
They trade with North Korean businesspeople. Each finds something useful, such as goods from the sea or metal ore.
In the carriage to our right was this person who completed a gold mine purchase.
Chinese Purchasing Agent
(Do they only interact with Chinese?) Mainly Chinese along with some Russians, but not many purchasing agents. (So each person does something different. Like you two do gold.) Yes. (You do gold?) Yes. (How much can you excavate in a month? How much gold can you mine in a month?) We just recently made our investment. (For how much?) Over a million Chinese yuan. (Over one million.) We just started. (How much profit do you expect?) We’re not sure. Some mines are good. (How much?) It varies. You need to see how much deposits there are.
To our left in the carriage was a rare sight - a team from a state-run Chinese company. It buys 10,000 tons of iron ore pellets from North Korea monthly.
Chinese State Employee
(How many people are underneath you?) More than 50. (How many?) 56. We’re a state-run company. (What do you mean by state-run company?) It’s the state’s. (The country asked you to come here? What about the person I was just talking to. He is here independently.) Most are independent. (They are.) The vast majority is, but we’re from a state-run company.
The Chinese purchasing agents on the international carriages are known as “profiteers.” They specialize in traveling between China and North Korea seeking profits in both countries. They trade in cigarettes, alcohol, food and clothes. Sometimes they transport everyday goods needed in North Korea and exchange them for minerals North Korea has in abundance, whether it’s coal, iron or gold. But both sides prefer to use the Chinese yuan, euros and U.S. dollars profiteers bring to buy raw materials. North Korean won cannot be exchanged in international markets. The currency is not even accepted by North Korea’s two main allies, China and Russia. North Korea therefore needs foreign currency so it can acquire goods from overseas.
The profiteers see good opportunity trading between China and North Korea. Risks are high and so is the chance for profits.
Anne Hu
FTV News Chief
When there is opportunity for profits, there will be people in pursuit. Those capable of doing business in North Korea have many options, whether aboveboard or under the table. For North Korea, each deal presents the chance for a breakthrough. This is Anne Hu, Ku Te-chuan and Johnson Lee in an exclusive report from North Korea.
[[民視新聞部經理 胡婉玲]]
“第十二 十三,那過了就是朝鮮車了”
“對 十二 十三”
“(他們只跟中國人打交道),中國人多,朝鮮人,俄羅斯也有,但是做買賣的少,(所以每個人都做的不一樣,兩位都是做黃金),喔,是,(做黃金),嗯,(是一個月可以開採多少),啊,(一個月可以開採多少黃金) ,剛來投資,剛來投資,(那您投資多少) ,一百多萬人民幣,(一百多萬) ,剛開始,(那大概有幾倍的利潤),那不一定,也有的多,(有多少),那不一定,你看看它儲藏量多少”
“(你手底下有多少人),五十多個人,(多少),五十六個人,我們是國營企業,(國營企業,所謂國營企業是),國家的,(國家請你來這邊(北朝鮮) ,那跟他們,剛才我跟他一直聊的,他們是個人(個體戶) ),大部分都個人,(大部分都個人),絕大部分是,就我們是國營
[[民視新聞部經理 胡婉玲]]
文章出處 :民視英語新聞