Japan recently refused to take back a letter sent by its own prime minister after Seoul said it would not accept delivery of the note, as a row over islands threatened to descend into diplomatic farce.
South Korea said earlier it would return the protest from Yoshihiko Noda without answering it, for fear any move to acknowledge the missive would bolster Tokyo’s claim to islands that both sides say they own.
The letter to South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak has not even made it to Seoul, having been kept at the South’s embassy in Tokyo, foreign ministry spokesman Cho Tai-Young said, announcing the intention to hand the note back.
But in what was beginning to look like a real live game of hot potato, the Japanese foreign ministry turned away a South Korean diplomat, believed to have been carrying Noda’s letter, at the gate of the ministry building. The letter was subsequently put in the post, registered delivery, a spokesman at the foreign ministry in Seoul said.
The relationship between the two countries has sharply worsened since Lee paid a surprise visit to the Seoul-controlled islands, known as Dokdo in Korean and Takeshima in Japan. Tokyo, caught on the hop by the island visit, recalled its ambassador to Seoul, cancelled a planned visit by its finance minister and said it would review a foreign exchange swap agreement.(AFP)
hot potato:名詞,指棘手的問題、難題,例句:The abortion issue is a political hot potato in the United States.(墮胎議題在美國是政治的燙手山芋。)
tit for tat:名詞,指以牙還牙、一報還一報,例句:He answered their insults tit for tat.(他對他們的侮辱還以顏色。)形容詞為tit-for-tat,例句:Recent months have seen a pattern of tit-for-tat killings between the two sides.(近月來雙方陣營間出現了以牙還牙的殺戮模式。)
catch sb on the hop:片語,非正式用法,指讓人措手不及、來不及反應,例句:If we attack at the very start of the game, we may just catch their defenders on the hop.(假如我們在比賽一開始就發動攻擊,很可能把對方守備者殺個措手不及。)