The German city of Hamelin may be in need of another Pied Piper -- it seems the rats are back.
City officials say a popular fountain has been put out of service after the rodents gnawed through a power cable, according to the Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper.
The Lower Saxony city is where, legend has it, the Pied Piper led all the rats out in 1284 with his magic pipe into the Weser River, where they drowned.
But more than 700 years later, city officials say such drastic measures may not be necessary. The fountain was due to be permanently closed anyway because of the high upkeep costs.
And the solution in the fictitious Piper story isn’t practical anyway:rats are actually pretty good swimmers.(AP)
in need(of something):慣用語,某人需要(某物)。例句:We are in need of a new leader.(我們需要一名新領導人。)
out of service:慣用語,暫停使用,暫停服務;相反詞,in service,使用中,運行中。例句:All elevators in the office building had been put out of service, so I had to use the stairs.(辦公大樓內的所有電梯都暫停服務,我只好爬樓梯。)