
Why would three nations tussle over specks of rock in the East China Sea? Fishing rights and potential gas reserves are one reason Taiwan, China and Japan have staked claim to islands known as both the Tiaoyutais and the Senkakus. Another more important reason is national pride and political calculations, on display today in comments made by President Ma Ying-jeou and a Chinese official. 

When reporting on the escapades of Taiwanese fishermen near the Tiaoyutai Islands, Japan’s NHK played down sovereignty. Instead, it said the fishermen were defending their rights to fish. President Ma Ying-jeou disagrees.

President Ma Ying-jeou
The most important issue was to announce to the world that the Tiaoyutai Islands are the territory of the Republic of China. They are islands inherently attached to Taiwan and are not the territory of Japan. It is land seized by Japan and occupied for 117 years, without yet having been returned to us.

Each of the trio of claimants to the islands is showing its motives.

Fan Liqing
China’s Taiwan Affairs Office
We are compatriots on the two sides of the (Taiwan) Strait, a family. Any action undertaken by either side to defend the interests of the Chinese race will be resolutely supported by all Chinese sons and daughters.

While the politicians chattered, the stars of this protest, the fishermen, visited their local Matsu temple to thank the god for protecting them on their journey. They asked for the government to continue defending their interests.

Chen Chun-shung
Suao Fishermen’s Association
Fishing rights are equal to sovereignty rights. There is a saying: the sea has no national borders. Wherever a fishing boat goes, its sovereignty lies. 

The United Nations disagrees. Its Convention on the Law of the Sea states that territorial waters extend 12 nautical miles from the coastal baseline. The Taiwanese fishing boats entered this zone of the Japanese-administered waters.



[[總統 馬英九]]


[[國台辦發言人 范麗青]]


[[蘇澳漁會理事長 陳春生]]


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    創作者 英倫翻譯社 的頭像

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