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2021/11/24 05:30

U.S. officials issued new warnings about China’s ambitions in artificial intelligence and a range of advanced technologies that could eventually give Beijing a decisive military edge and possible dominance over health care and other essential sectors in America.


The counterintelligence center’s acting director, Michael Orlando, told reporters in a rare briefing that the U.S. "can’t afford to lose’’ ground to China in several key areas: artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, quantum computing, semiconductors and biotechnology.


Orlando noted that Chinese businesses and academics are beholden to the Chinese Communist Party and are required to serve the party’s interests.


"Although we’ve been saying this for year after year, people are not digesting this,’’ he said. (AP)


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2021/11/21 05:30

The Denver Police Department’s first therapy dog was originally trained to be a guide dog, but she turned out to be too friendly to focus on helping one person.


Now the department is counting on the Black English Labrador Retriever’s outgoing nature to help it break down barriers and start conversations with people in high-crime areas and those wary of the police.


Shelby, an eager 19-month-old who will work with the downtown area’s community resource officer, Teresa Gillian, was officially sworn onto the force Thursday by Judge Renee Goble. Goble crouched down in her black robe to get on dog level for the quick ceremony as Shelby’s tail wagged.


Since arriving in Denver late last month, Shelby has already been accompanying Gillian on her work in the community, which involves visiting schools and senior residents and attending meetings and community events.

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2021/11/18 05:30

Cho Jae-weon, an urban and environmental engineering professor at the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology(UNIST), has designed an eco-friendly toilet connected to a laboratory that uses excrement to produce biogas and manure.


The BeeVi toilet - a portmanteau of the words bee and vision - uses a vacuum pump to send faeces into an underground tank, reducing water use. There, microorganisms break down the waste to methane, which becomes a source of energy for the building, powering a gas stove, hot-water boiler and solid oxide fuel cell.


An average person defecates about 500g a day, which can be converted to 50 litres of methane gas. This gas can generate 0.5kWh of electricity or be used to drive a car for about 1.2km.(Reuters)


excrement:名詞,糞便。例句:That is a room full of animal excrement.(那是一間滿是動物糞便的房間。)

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2021/11/17 05:30

Intel Corp. is weighing scuttling a multibillion-dollar investment in a new semiconductor manufacturing plant as efforts to boost the industry stall in Congress, according to the company’s head of government relations.


The company plans to develop and build a facility at a U.S. location yet to be named, representing a boon to the future of the domestic industry, one that may not be possible without government assistance.


"We aren’t going to be able to do that without CHIPS funding,” said Al Thompson, head of U.S. government relations for Intel, referring to legislation that would provide $52 billion in grants and incentives to semiconductor manufacturers.


dither: 動詞,猶豫;名詞(in a dither about sth.),對某事物感到緊張。例句:Stop dithering and make up your mind.(別再猶豫,下定決心吧。)

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2021/11/15 05:30

Sicilian Rouge High GABA is a special type of tomato designed to contain high levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an amino acid believed to aid relaxation and help lower blood pressure.


Tokyo-based startup Sanatech Seed Co. teamed up with scientists at the University of Tsukuba to develop a new variety of tomatoes using CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing technology. Named Sicilian Rouge High GABA, this new type of tomato contains five to six times the normal level of GABA.

總部在東京的新創企業Sanatech Seed和築波大學的科學家,利用CRISPR/Cas9基因編輯技術,聯合研發出這種名為「高GABA西西里胭脂」的新品種番茄。這種新種番茄的GABA含量是普通番茄的5到6倍。

According to Japanese media, the company removed an inhibitory domain within the tomato’s genome to enable it to produce these high levels of GABA.


Unlike genetically modified foods, genome-edited plant varieties are considered just as safe as varieties improved using conventional methods because no outside gene is introduced during the process.

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2021/11/12 05:30

Officials here in Naoshima, Kagawa Prefecture, are racking their brains over how to reinstall Yayoi Kusama’s “Yellow Pumpkin,” a tourist-luring piece of art that was badly damaged when it was washed away by Typhoon No. 9.


The pumpkin, 2 meters high and 2.5 meters wide, was installed at the tip of a pier jutting into the sea in 1994.


The harsh weather loosened the bolts anchoring the pumpkin to the pier. The artwork fell into the sea and crashed repeatedly into the pier before it was carried away by the waves.


It broke into three pieces, which eventually washed ashore and were retrieved.


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2021/11/11 05:30

A home in Massachusetts seriously damaged by fire has been listed on the market with an asking price of $399,000. WBZ-TV reported that the listing for the home in Melrose, a suburb of Boston, is evidence of how hot the housing market is.


In August, industry groups listed the median sale price of single family homes in the state to be between $535,000 and $552,000.


The online listing for the burned three-bedroom, 173-square meter home says: "House is in need of a complete renovation or potential tear down and rebuild. Buyer to do due diligence."


The house suffered an intense fire in August that blew out the front windows, which are now boarded up. Firefighters had to tear out parts of the walls and ceiling of the home to extinguish the blaze.(AP)


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2021/11/10 05:30
A roof of solar panels shades Pierre Escudie as he inspects the last plump grapes to be harvested at his vineyard in southwest France, after a year of hard frosts and blistering heat that damaged many of his neighbours’ crops.

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2021/11/08 05:30

Rhode Island is set to become the first state to create safe-injection sites for intravenous drug users as overdoses take over from car crashes as the number one cause of accidental death in the US.


The state is set to codify rules for operating supervised injection sites in a two-year pilot program by January, with locations to be agreed upon by March.


Safe injection sites have been slammed by critics who say they encourage illegal drug taking and bring crime to the surrounding area.


But proponents say they help avoid needless overdose deaths and allow drug addicts, who would be taking the drugs regardless, a safe, clean place to do so. The spaces both protect the users and gets addicts off the streets, improving the surrounding neighborhoods.

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2021/11/04 05:30

Cambodian authorities raided a house in a wealthy district of Phnom Penh to rescue an 18-month-old lion that had been defanged, declawed and illegally kept as a pet.


They said they had tracked down the animal in the Boeung Keng Kang district after videos of it went viral on TikTok.


The officers found the male lion padding placidly around a hallway with a collar around its neck. One blew a tranquilizer dart into its side before the team moved in and carried the slumped 70 kg animal into a metal crate.


"It was rare species that was smuggled from abroad," environment ministry spokesperson said. "According to the law, people don’t have the right to raise wildlife at home, especially rare species."(Reuters)


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2021/11/03 05:30

New light has been shed on secret letters between Marie Antoinette and a man long rumored to be her lover, after scientists deciphered mysteriously redacted portions of their affectionate correspondence.


The French queen’s missives were composed during the revolutionary upheaval of the early 1790s. The wife of Louis XVI was able to smuggle out letters to her friend Axel von Fersen, a Swedish count.


Researchers used a novel method of X-ray imaging that was able to differentiate between the different compositions of ink used in the original text and the redactions.


In all they were able to reveal obscured passages from eight of the 15 letters studied, coming to the surprising conclusion that the censor of the letters was Fersen himself. (AFP)


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2021/11/01 05:30
The Covid pandemic will "go on for a year longer than it needs to" because poorer countries are not getting the vaccines they need, the World Health Organization (WHO) says.
世界衛生組織(WHO)稱,由於貧窮國家無法獲得所需的疫苗,冠狀病毒病(Covid )大流行將「不可避免地延長1年」。
Dr Bruce Aylward, senior leader at the WHO, said it meant the Covid crisis could "easily drag on deep into 2022".

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2021/10/29 05:30


It had all the makings of a modern royal fairytale: the marriage of an aspiring lawyer to a real-life princess who was prepared to leave her Tokyo palace for a new life in New York.


But since Japan’s Princess Mako and Kei Komuro announced their engagement in 2017, their union has been mired in scandal, public disapproval and tabloid frenzy.


Some Japanese don’t consider the commoner son of a single parent to be worthy of a princess. Their disdain was confirmed last month when he arrived in Japan for their October 26 wedding sporting long hair tied in a ponytail.


People saw the ponytail as a sign Komuro wasn’t conforming to social expectations, according to Hitomi Tonomura, a women’s and gender studies professor at the University of Michigan.


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2021/10/28 05:30


A plague of mice that has ravaged vast swathes of eastern Australia has forced the evacuation of a prison while authorities repair gnawed electrical wiring and clear dead and decaying mice from walls and ceilings.


Around 200 staff and 420 inmates will be transferred from the Wellington Correctional Center in rural New South Wales state to other prisons in the region.


Millions of mice have caused havoc in the grain-growing region of Australia’s most populous state for months, devouring crops and haystacks as well as invading homes, businesses, schools, hospitals and prisons.


The most common complaint about the plague is an ever-present stench of mice urine and decaying flesh. People report being bitten by mice in bed. Mouse carcasses and excrement in roof guttering are polluting farmers’ water tanks and causing sickness.(AP)


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2021/10/25 05:30


Amidst an uptick in the number of pregnant people dying from COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday issued an urgent health advisory to doctors, public health leaders, and babymakers across the country - urging more vaccinations of pregnant people to protect the lives of those who are or may become pregnant, and to keep their fetuses safe and healthy too.

在死於 COVID-19 (武漢肺炎,新型冠狀病毒病)的孕婦人數增加之際,美國疾病管制暨預防中心(CDC)週三向全國各地的醫生、公共衛生領袖和孕婦發佈緊急健康建議,敦促孕婦接種疫苗以保護孕婦或準孕婦的生命,同時也保護胎兒的安全和健康。

The advisory comes on the heels of the deadliest month of the pandemic for pregnant people yet. In August, at least 22 pregnant people died from COVID-19 in the US, and almost all of the pregnant people who have been hospitalized with COVID-19 in 2021 so far have been unvaccinated (97%).

該建議是在對孕婦而言最致命的大流行月份之後發佈的。8月,美國至少有22名孕婦死於COVID-19,而2021年迄今因 COVID-19住院的孕婦幾乎全部未接種疫苗(佔97%)。

The CDC strongly recommends COVID-19 vaccination either before or during pregnancy, yet only around 1 in 3 pregnant people nationwide are vaccinated right now.




uptick:名詞,上揚、增加。例句:The nation has seen an uptick in hate crimes.(這個國家的仇恨犯罪已見升高。)

come/follow on the heels of sth:片語,之後緊接著發生;緊隨…而來。例句:For Walter, disaster followed hard on the heels of his initial success.(對華特來說,最初的成功之後緊接著就是慘敗。)

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2021/10/22 05:30


When North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, re-emerged last June after a four-week hiatus from public view, outside analysts and news outlets began studying state news media for clues to explain his latest absence.


Right off the bat, they noticed that Mr. Kim, 37, looked considerably thinner than before.


Mr. Kim’s health, like the North Korean regime itself, is shrouded in such secrecy that experts are often forced to divine clues using pure guess work. Did he have a health scare? Or did the obese dictator of the world’s most isolated country finally decide to go on a diet?





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2021/10/21 05:30


The New England Aquarium in Boston accepted an entrance ticket first purchased in 1983 that allows the holder to return "at any time in the future."


Rachel Carle, 26, picked up the ticket from her great aunt, Catherine Cappiello, who came to visit the aquarium more than 37 years ago.


Cappiello and her partner arrived near closing time in November that year and both got a "late gate ticket," which was good for a visit at a later time.


Aquarium President and CEO Vikki Spruill said the late gate tickets were discontinued about 25 years ago, but that they will see about one a year.


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2021/10/20 05:30


While there has been a decline in births in the U.S. during the pandemic, a new report released Tuesday by the U.S. Census Bureau suggests the drop may have turned a corner last March as births started rebounding.


"This trend suggests that some people who postponed having babies last year had them this year," said Anne Morse, a Census Bureau demographer in the report.


"The winter decrease in births may have been prompted by couples who consciously chose to delay having children amid the uncertainty of the pandemic. It may also have been influenced by stress or limited physical interaction with a sexual partner." (AP)





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2021/10/18 05:30



The traditional British Christmas dinner could be missing its centrepiece this year if a shortage of carbon dioxide (CO2) caused by surging natural gas prices persists, leading turkey farmer Paul Kelly told Reuters.


Kelly, who hatches 2 million of his own breed KellyBronze birds a year, accounting for 27% of all turkeys sold at Christmas, said CO2 was used in the slaughter process and more importantly to keep the product fresh.


The shortage of CO2 will hit meat processing in a matter of days if supplies do not come back online, the industry has warned, which would the make the alternatives of a joint of beef or a goose also hard to find.


A gin and tonic could also be off the menu, with the carbonated drinks industry facing the same issue.


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2021/10/15 05:30



Shock waves are reverberating over concerns attributed to Emperor Naruhito by his key aide about the wisdom of the government’s decision to host the Tokyo Olympics in July while the novel coronavirus pandemic is raging.




The issue goes to the heart of the role the emperor plays in postwar Japan. As the symbol of the state, the emperor, like monarchs everywhere, has only a limited role, such as attending important ceremonial functions. It is strictly taboo for the emperor to comment publicly on government policy.



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