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2022/03/03 05:30

One of Thailand’s major fast food chains The Pizza Company has introduced "Crazy Happy Pizza", an under-the-radar product topped with a cannabis leaf. It’s legal but won’t get you high.


"It’s just a marketing campaign. And you can taste the cannabis and then if you have enough, you may get a bit sleepy," said the general manager.


The Crazy Happy Pizza is a mashup of toppings evoking the flavors of Thailand’s famous Tom Yum Gai soup along with a deep-fried cannabis leaf on top. Cannabis is also infused into the cheese crust and there’s chopped cannabis in the dipping sauce. A 9-inch pie costs only 499 baht.


Thailand became the first country in Southeast Asia to remove specific parts and extracts of cannabis from its controlled narcotics list in December 2020, and later allowed them to be used in foods and beverages.(AP)


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2022/03/02 05:30

Democrats in Congress have fractured repeatedly over President Joe Biden’s agenda, stalling legislation and creating an atmosphere of mistrust that has made it increasingly difficult for progressives and centrists to work together.


But one area where the party has not cracked, not even an inch, is on Biden’s nominations to the courts.


That ironclad unity has helped Biden appoint the most judges during the first year of a presidency since John F. Kennedy.


The achievement is giving Democrats hope that the coming fight over the Supreme Court seat will allow them to go on the political offensive and move past an ugly stretch of legislating that depressed their base. (AP)


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2022/02/28 05:30
A painting worth £740,000 has been destroyed after a ’bored’ security guard drew eyes on faceless figures depicted in the artwork at a Russian museum.


On his first day on the job, the security guard had drawn two pairs of eyes with a ballpoint pen onto artist Anna Leporskaya’s ’Three Figures’ (1932–1934) painting during an abstract art exhibition at the Yeltsin Center in the city of Yekaterinburg, western Russia.


The painting was defaced by a security guard, who has not been named but is believed to be 60-years-old, who worked for a private security company, the Yeltsin Center said in a statement.


The damage to the painting and cost of restoration has been estimated at £2,470.


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2022/02/24 05:30

News outlets reported that surveillance video showed a deer bounding into Our Lady of the Lake Hospital in Baton Rouge in Louisiana through an open door and stumbling on the slippery floor as stunned workers and visitors watched from a few feet away.


The deer regained its footing enough to climb up the escalator and reach the second floor, where it was finally corralled and held down by several people.


The deer was loaded on a hospital bed that was rolled outside to a truck from the The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Department.


The animal had to be euthanized because of injuries, the agency said, adding there were indications it may have been struck by a vehicle before entering the building.


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2022/02/23 05:30

The German government distanced itself from comments made by its navy chief after video footage emerged in which the vice-admiral said Russian President Vladimir Putin deserved respect and that Kyiv would never win back annexed Crimea from Moscow.


German Navy Chief Kay-Achim Schoenbach apologized for his "rash" comments, published on YouTube and widely circulated on German media, and called them a mistake.


In the video, Schoenbach, speaking in English, says Putin seeks to be treated at eye level by the West. "What he (Putin) really wants is respect," Schoenbach says. (Reuters)


distance oneself from:片語,與某人或事疏遠、保持距離。例句:You should distance yourself from the extremists.(你應該疏遠極端份子。)

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2022/02/21 05:30

How to treat a wound? For humans, the first instinct would be to disinfect it and then cover it with a bandage. But chimpanzees have invented a more creative method: catching insects and applying them directly to the open wound.


Scientists observed this behavior in chimpanzees in the West African nation of Gabon, noticing that the apes not only use insects to treat their own wounds, but also those of their peers.


The project began in 2019, when an adult female chimpanzee named Suzee was observed inspecting a wound on the foot of her adolescent son. Suzee then suddenly caught an insect out of the air, put it in her mouth, apparently squeezed it, and then applied it to her son’s wound.


disinfect:動詞,為…除菌,替…消毒。例句: Clean and disinfect your contact lens properly.(正確清潔及消毒隱形眼鏡。)

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2022/02/17 05:30


Britain’s iconic red payphone boxes may look like obsolete relics in an age of ubiquitous smartphones, but regulator Ofcom said they can still be a "lifeline" for people.


  • 英國政府修法保存部分紅色電話亭,為有需要的人留下「一線生機」。(美聯社檔案照)




Ofcom is proposing rules to prevent 5,000 call boxes in areas with poor mobile coverage from being closed down. It said that phone booths in areas considered accident or suicide hotspots, and those that have had more than 52 calls made from them in the past 12 months, would also meet the criteria.


BT Group says nearly half of the phone boxes in the U.K. have been removed due to the growth of the mobile phone industry. It said more than 6,500 call boxes have so far been converted into mini community libraries, art galleries or storage units for public defibrillators under a plan called "Adopt a Kiosk."(AP)

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2022/02/16 05:30

A two-storey complex in a forested suburb of Vilnius that human rights organisations say was a CIA "black site" used for torture during the so-called war on terror is being put up for sale.


Lithuanian officials have denied the site’s use by the CIA but it matches the description of a facility codenamed "Violet" mentioned in a US senate investigation. A Lithuanian parliament investigation also described a similar facility.


The gated property in the suburb of Antaviliai operated until March 2004 as a riding academy and cafe owned by a local family.


The family then sold the property to Elite, a now-defunct company registered in Delaware, Panama and Washington DC.


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2022/02/14 05:30
The Omicron Covid variant has been found to multiply about 70 times quicker than the original and Delta versions of coronavirus in tissue samples taken from the bronchus, the main tubes from the windpipe to the lungs, in laboratory experiments that could help explain its rapid transmission.


The study, by a team from the University of Hong Kong, also found that the new variant grew 10 times slower in lung tissue, which the authors said could be an indicator of lower disease severity.


The findings, together with other recent work showing Omicron infects cells more readily, add to an emerging picture that the variant may be intrinsically more transmissible in addition to evading existing immunity.


multiply:動詞,指使相乘、使成倍地增加、繁殖。例句:As he climbed up the mountain, the dangers and difficulties multiplied.(危險和困難隨他攀向山頂倍增。)

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2022/02/10 05:30

A resident of a high-rise condominium in Thailand cut the support rope for two painters, apparently angry she wasn’t told they would be doing work, and left them hanging above the 26th floor.


The woman is facing attempted murder and property destruction charges, and could face a prison term up to 20 years.


One of the painters, a Myanmar national named Song, told the Thai media that he and his friends had lowered themselves from the 32nd floor to repair a crack on the building.


When he reached the 30th floor, he felt that the rope was heavier and when he looked down, he saw someone on the 21st floor open a window and cut his rope. He tried asking for help from other units, but nobody was in. The third colleague continued to support them from the top floor until a couple rescued them.(AP)


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2022/02/09 05:30

President Joe Biden blamed Donald Trump directly for the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol a year ago, saying the former president turned to violence to try to overturn the election he lost.


"For the first time in our history, a president not just lost an election, he tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power as a violent mob breached the Capitol," Biden said in a speech Thursday in the building’s Statuary Hall, commemorating the first anniversary of the insurrection.


Biden said that after Trump “rallied the mob to attack” the Capitol, he sat “in the private dining room off the Oval office in the White House, watching it all on television and doing nothing for hours as police were assaulted, lives at risk, the nation’s capitol under siege.”


tear into sth./sb.:片語,猛烈抨擊(某事或人)。例句:He tore into his opponents.(他猛烈抨擊他的對手。)

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2022/02/07 05:30

Getting vaccinated against Covid-19 won’t affect a couple’s chances of getting pregnant, but contracting the coronavirus could impair male fertility.


Those are the main conclusions of a study funded by the National Institutes of Health, refuting a common myth about the vaccine and sending a warning to men who avoid it.


Researchers at Boston University studied more than 2,000 couples and found no differences in their chances of conception if either partner was vaccinated compared to unvaccinated couples.


But the couples’ chances of conceiving decreased slightly if the male partner had contracted the virus 60 days or less before a menstrual cycle, an indication of diminished male fertility.

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2022/01/27 05:30

The Australian Outback town of Quilpie hoped its offer of free residential land to anyone who would make it their home might attract five new families to the remote community of 800.


But authorities have been overwhelmed by more than 250 inquires in less than two weeks from around Australia and internationally, including Britain, India, Hong Kong and New Zealand,


People who buy a block of land, build a house on it for less than 750,000 Australian dollars, and live in it for six months are eligible for a AU$12,500 grant.


People would be able to buy a fully serviced, 1,000-square-meter block for the same price as the grant, effectively giving the plots away for free. But home buyers need to be Australian citizens or permanent residents.(AP)


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2022/01/26 05:30

Extreme weather in Alaska that has brought record high temperatures and torrential downpours has left authorities in the far northern US state warning of "Icemageddon".


Hours after thermometers on Kodiak Island in the south reached 19.4 degrees Celsius - the warmest December temperature ever recorded in Alaska - the interior of the state saw 25 millimeters of rain fall in just a few hours, a downpour unseen in decades.


Then when temperatures plummeted again, it all froze. The state’s transportation department has coined the neologism - a play on "Armageddon" - to describe the chilly impasse.


"We’re experiencing an unprecedented series of winter storms," the department tweeted. (AFP)


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2022/01/24 05:30
Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania are working to create a special chewing gum that could help reduce the spread of COVID-19 by "trapping" the virus so a person can’t transmit it to someone else.

賓州大學的研究人員正在努力製造一種特殊的口香糖,這種口香糖可以透過「捕獲」病毒來幫助減少 COVID-19的傳播,這樣一個人就無法將其傳播給其他人。

The gum contains plant-grown ACE2 proteins, which showed in laboratory studies to neutralize the SARS-CoV-2 virus. When researchers exposed saliva samples from COVID-19 patients to the modified chewing gum, they found the levels of viral RNA were "drastically reduced" to the point that the virus was almost undetectable, according to a study published in Molecular Today.

根據發表在《今日分子》期刊的研究報告,這種口香糖含有植物培養的「血管收縮素轉化酶2」( ACE2) 蛋白,實驗室研究表明這種蛋白可以中和 SARS-CoV-2 病毒。當研究人員將 COVID-19 患者的唾液樣本暴露在改良的口香糖中時,他們發現病毒核醣核酸( RNA) 的水平,「急劇下降」到幾乎無法檢測到病毒的程度。

The research is still in its early stages, and the researchers are working on getting permission to conduct a clinical trial in humans to determine if the gum is safe and effective.


transmit:動詞,傳染、傳播、傳遞。例句:Iron transmits heat.(鐵能傳熱。)

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2022/01/20 05:30

A rare two-headed diamondback terrapin turtle is alive and kicking, with all six of its legs, at the Birdsey Cape Wildlife Center in Massachusetts.


A threatened species, this turtle is feeding well on blood worms and food pellets. The two heads operate independently, coming up for air at different times, and inside its shell are two gastrointestinal systems to feed both sides of its body.


The turtle originally came from a nest in West Barnstable that researchers determined was in a hazardous location and needed to be moved. After hatching, turtles are sent to different care centers to be monitored before their release in the spring.


The two heads are nicknamed Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen after the twin child stars.(AP)


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2022/01/19 05:30

Company executives are beginning to consider different permanent work models for their employees as the coronavirus pandemic, and the spread of the Omicron variant destabilize their latest return-to-office plans.


With Omicron so new, companies are struggling to understand how the variant might affect their operations and profits.


Most have taken a wait-and-see stance as they weigh how fast the variant may spread and its potential harmfulness.


The prospect of a fast-spreading variant has raised fears of a return of the sort of restrictions that shut down a swath of industries in 2020. (Reuters)


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2022/01/17 05:30
Obesity dulls the sense of taste, according to research that offers new insights into why some people enter a persistent cycle of weight gain.


Researchers found that within eight weeks of becoming obese, mice lost 25% of their taste buds. The findings suggest that weight gain not only changes appetite but may also fundamentally alter the way taste is perceived.


“Obesity is by nature very complex,”said Robin Dando, a food scientist at Cornell University in New York and senior author. “There are a bunch of different factors that contribute to our state of obesity – we think a change to taste is one of those, and one that people don’t tend to consider.”


The findings are the latest to push back against the assumption that people become obese because they love food more than the average person and so find it harder to resist.


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2022/01/13 05:30

In a packed Istanbul passenger ferry between Europe and Asia, all eyes turn to one commuter enjoying the view from his window.


A street dog with golden-brown fur, dark eyes and floppy ears, Boji has become a regular sight on ferries, buses and metro trains in Instabul. A devoted commuter, the dog enjoys long journeys on public transport, up to 30 kilometers on a regular week day.


Istanbul municipality officials who record Boji’s trips with a microchip say he drops by at least 29 metro stations a day and was even tracked at sea, taking a weekend break to the Princes’ Islands off the city’s coast.


Boji respects public transport rules and waits for disembarking passengers before hopping on the train.(Reuters)


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2022/01/12 05:30

New Zealand will shorten the gap between second COVID-19 vaccine doses and boosters and push back the phased reopening of its borders in measures announced Tuesday to keep the omicron variant at bay.


COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkin told reporters the government has agreed to a ``suite of precautionary measures’’ in light of the threat posed by the omicron strain of the coronavirus.


The gap between a second vaccine dose and a booster will be shortened from six to four months, meaning 82 percent of vaccinated New Zealanders will be due for a booster by February. (AP)


keep out:片語,使不進入,防禦。例句:Keep the dog out.(不要讓狗進來。)

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