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One university is offering students from around the world the opportunity to win a $1,900 scholarship for doing nothing at all.


The unique scholarship program — called "Scholarships for Doing Nothing" — is offered by the HFBK University of Fine Arts in Hamburg, Germany.


Friedrich von Borries, a design professor at HFBK, created the scholarship to challenge social perceptions of achievement and success.


"The world we are living in is driven by the belief in success, in growth, in money. This thinking was leading us into the ecological crisis — and social injustice — we are living in," Borries told CNN.


Borries said that his idea was partly inspired by the lack of activity during COVID-19 lockdowns.


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Couples who want children of their own got a brief taste of parenthood by creating their own "digital babies" during a virtual reality art exhibit in the Netherlands.


Visitors selected the baby’s character traits, physical appearance and other features by answering questions on a computer tablet.


They sat in sofas in a futuristic room with soft lighting and flowing drapes, which was all part of an installation called "IVFX: posthuman parenting in hybrid reality," created by Dutch visual artist Victorine van Alphen.


Their choices were then used to form a computer generated infant - a pulsating pink creature in an incubator, which squealed and had a red glowing heartbeat.

接著電腦會依據他們的選擇,在培養器裡生成一個嬰兒,這個粉紅色的蠕動生物 ,會發出尖叫,心跳會發出紅光。



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After more than three centuries in business, the Onuma department store in northern Japanese city of Yamagata began bankruptcy proceedings this year - one of many distinguished department stores across the country in dire straits.


Japan’s department stores have been in a long slow decline as shopping habits change.


Now the coronavirus pandemic, just as it has forced U.S. retailers such as Lord & Taylor and Neiman Marcus into bankruptcy, is hammering nails into coffins for some - particularly those in regional areas.


Last month, 146-year-old Nakago closed the doors of its last remaining store in Fukushima city, while Izutsuya Co Ltd, a chain in the southern city of Kita Kyushu, shuttered one of its two main stores. (Reuters)




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In the Central University of Venezuela, it is not uncommon to see young student couples making out behind a palm tree.


Such public displays of affection are not to the taste of John Alvarez, 20, and Amanda Aquino, 19.


In two years of dating, John and Amanda have never paid for a room at a hotel. That is because a room in Caracas costs $10 for six hours, an exorbitant price in a country where the average salary is just $6 a month.


As for 37-year-old Jhoanna, when she is looking for a partner on the Tinder app, she asks about the "capacity" of would-be lovers.


She has got used to paying half the cost of any date she goes on, an unusual habit in a country where men are generally expected to pick up the tab.(AFP)


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"I never would’ve thought at my age so many people would want to look at pictures of me," says 84-year-old Hsu Hsiu-e.


For 70 years, she and her husband, Chang Wan-ji, 83, have been quietly washing the clothes of the people in Houli District, Taichung City, in central Taiwan. Over the decades, hundreds of pieces of clothing have piled up that customers had neglected to pick up.


Recently their grandson, Reef Chang, convinced them to have fun by modelling the abandoned clothes and posting the pictures on Instagram.


"Their business is not always busy. They would doze off in the shop and their spirits weren’t high. So I thought since our family has these clothes, I can remind people to pick up their clothes, and remind my grandparents their life can still be great even in old age," he told the BBC.




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Global fast food giant KFC says it is halting its "Finger Lickin’ Good" slogan given the current hygiene advice because of the coronavirus pandemic.國際速食巨擘肯德基表示,它正停用「吮指美味」標語,考量現在因為武漢肺炎大流行而制定的衛生建議。
"We find ourselves in a unique situation - having an iconic slogan that doesn’t quite fit in the current environment," the company said.
The company revealed its new look through a YouTube video, showing the slogan pixelated on posters and its food "buckets", saying: "That thing we always say? Ignore it. For now."

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New research on mice has found a possible explanation for why autoimmune diseases are more common in females, and it has to do with their extra X chromosome.


Amongst animals, females generally tend to have stronger and more robust immune systems. While this can help them to cope better with vaccines and infections, it can also cause an overactive immune response.


This means females are much more vulnerable to autoimmune diseases.


Exactly why this discrepancy exists remains a mystery. Clear biological differences between the sexes usually boil down to hormones, chromosomes, or some combination of both. But while the role of testosterone, estrogen and progesterone in autoimmunity have been reasonably well explored, the part that X and Y chromosomes play remains far more murky.




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Director Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s latest film "Wife of a Spy" has been selected for competition at the 77th Venice International Film Festival to vie for the top Golden Lion prize at one of the Big Three film festivals alongside Berlin and Cannes.


Set in Japan in 1940 before the Pacific War breaks out, the film follows a woman under fire for staying loyal to her husband, who is mixed up in espionage after accidentally learning about a government secret.


Though Kurosawa is an internationally renowned director, it marks the first time for his work to be shown in the competition section at the festival.


The festival starts on Sept. 2 in Venice, with the winners announced on the final day, Sept. 12. "Wife of a Spy" is scheduled to open in cinemas in Japan on Oct. 16.




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If you’ve never heard of jackfruit, keep your eyes open:You’ll start noticing it everywhere.


Jackfruit is a very large tropical fruit often used as a meat substitute. It has high nutritional value, and that you can cook, chunk or shred it like chicken or pork makes it a go-to main ingredient in many vegetarian dishes.


Melissa’s Produce, a specialty produce company in the US, has noted jackfruit’s upward trend. As word spread in the U.S. about jackfruit’s versatile benefits, Melissa’s went from selling a few cases a week to thousands of cases a week.


"We eat meat because of the texture and the spices. Jackfruit is a great substitute," the owner of an vegan Jackfruit Cafe in Los Angeles said.(AP)




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In pulling 12,000 US troops from Germany, President Donald Trump is laying bare what has long been clear - there is no love lost between him and Chancellor Angela Merkel.


Trump has clashed with plenty of US allies but he has appeared to have special enmity for Merkel, whose liberal, technocratic approach on issues from the coronavirus to immigration is at stark odds with the New York mogul’s in-your-face populism.


"The United States has been taken advantage of on trade and on military and on everything else for many years, and I’m here and I’ve been straightening it out." (AFP)




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Mittens, a famous feline from Wellington, is in the running to be voted New Zealander of the Year, going up against Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Director-General of Health Dr. Ashley Bloomfield.


The feline joins a host of nominees for the annual Kiwibank award, including figures from sectors such as politics, media, health, music and design.


Other nominees for New Zealander of the Year include microbiologist Siouxsie Wiles and lawmaker Chloe Swarbrick.


The Wellington Museum has also dedicated a mini exhibition to Mittens and his adventures, named "Floofy and Famous." And in May the mayor of Wellington, Andy Foster, gave Mittens the key to the city, an honor previously granted to "The Lord of the Rings" director Peter Jackson.




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Some Texans are trying to relieve the loneliness and isolation that many elderly Americans are feeling during the coronavirus pandemic by creating safe "hugging booths."


Amber Crenshaw and her husband Steve Crenshaw own a business called Handle With Care and work with Unlimited Care Cottages, an assisted living facility. Amber said she and her husband designed and built the hugging booths after one of the nurses suggested the idea.


"The residents have been, just so filled with joy," Amber said. "It was one of our resident’s birthdays. We were able to set the booth up for their birthday, and family members were able to come in and give birthday hugs. It has really lifted the spirits of the assisted living residents."




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A little weird, a little scary and a little playful, this googly-eyed, doughnut-shaped design stood out among nearly 6,000 submissions vying to represent the Osaka Kansai Expo.


The Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition, which operates the Osaka Kansai Expo, announced Aug. 25 that it selected the vivid red design as the Expo’s official logo for its humor and originality.


Tamotsu Shimada, 55, who runs a local design office, created the logo with his team.


He said the red circles and ellipses represent cells, the basic building blocks of life, and that he expressed the ’’brilliance of life’’ in the design by having different cell shapes connect to each other in a ring.




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It’s a living nightmare - but a socially distanced one.


"Zombies" attack vehicles, smearing them with artificial blood. But the customers inside the cars are safely separated from their stalkers by the windows.


Haunted house production company Kowagarasetai has launched a drive-through haunted house in Tokyo in response to the coronavirus pandemic.


"We have started this drive-in because we cannot get close to customers at a traditional haunted house," explains Daichi Ono, a cast member.


Unlike a traditional haunted house, where guests can flee if frightened, customers are confined to their cars and cannot escape the horrors during the 13-minute performance.(AP)


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Berlin’s brothels were allowed to reopen last week after months of closure due to coronavirus restrictions - but full-on sex is still off-limits.


Instead, clients looking for sexual healing in the German capital will have to make do with erotic massages until regulations are further relaxed in September.


At the brothel where longtime sex worker Jana plies her trade, beds have been made, animal-print pillows fluffed and fresh flowers placed in vases.


But Jana, 49, is looking forward to next month when she can offer the full service again.


Sex work had been banned in Berlin since mid-March as part of efforts to control the spread of the coronavirus. (AFP)


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Palmerston, the chief mouser at the U.K. Foreign Office, has decided to leave sorting out international affairs to the human diplomats and retire to the countryside after four long, hard years on the job.


Palmerston made it official in a letter sent in his name to Simon McDonald, the U.K. Foreign Office’s permanent under-secretary, which explained that he wanted more time "away from the limelight."


Palmerston, who is named after the longest-serving British Foreign Secretary, Lord Palmerston, arrived in April 2016 as a rescue cat.


Jon Benjamin, director of the department’s Diplomatic Academy, wished him a very happy retirement. "He left us a slightly chewed dead mouse next to my desk" Benjamin tweeted.


英倫翻譯轉自 https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1395378

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The head of Russia’s space agency said Friday that Roscosmos wants to return to Venus and bring back soil samples and build spacecraft that will surpass Elon Musk’s rockets.

俄羅斯太空機構負責人週五說,俄羅斯航太太空活動國有公司(Roscosmos)想重返金星 ,帶回土壤樣本,並打造超越(太空探索科技公司)創辦人穆斯克的火箭的太空船。

"We are making a methane rocket to replace the Soyuz-2," Roscosmos chief Dmitry Rogozin said in an interview with state news agency RIA Novosti.


He said it will be a reusable space complex, noting that it will be possible to use its first stage at least 100 times.


"Of course we are looking at what our American colleagues are doing," said Rogozin. "But our engineers are trying to take a shortcut - not to repeat what our SpaceX colleagues are doing but surpass them."




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Some of the world’s biggest advertisers have joined forces with Facebook, YouTube and Twitter in an attempt to prevent harmful online content messing with their campaigns.


Companies such as Procter & Gamble, Kellogg, Adidas, Unilever, and PepsiCola, are worried that their ads can pop up next to content they don’t want associated with their brands, such as violent or terrorist videos and hate speech.


The Global Alliance for Responsible Media, which represents 60 companies, ad agencies, industry associations and digital platforms, announced at the World Economic Forum on Thursday a series of measures it says will help keep harmful content offline and away from advertisements.




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Money laundering is not a good idea, as a South Korean found out when he or she put banknotes in a washing machine to remove possible traces of the coronavirus.


The person living in Ansan city, and only identified by family name Eom, placed an unspecified amount of 50,000-won bills in a washing machine.


Under bank rules on the exchange of damaged, mutilated and contaminated banknotes, the person was provided with the new currency totaling about 23 million won.


Bank official said the number of 50,000-won bills the bank exchanged at half value was 507. The bank doesn’t count the number of bills that it cannot exchange because damage is too big. It was said the loss was considerable.(AP)




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On Tuesday, the enigmatic British street artist Banksy unveiled his latest public work. Art fans hoping to check out the Underground graffiti for themselves are out of luck, however, as Transport for London cleaners scrubbed the spray paint away before Banksy even announced it.


Apparently, the workers were "unaware" the black-and-teal paint on the Circle Line carriage was left by the artist, and thus "it was treated like any other graffiti on the network."


It also seems likely Banksy, who isn’t one to shy away from creating temporary art, knew the work wasn’t going to last long.




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