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陳偉殷在五局下半遭到逆襲,Dustin Pedroia的二壘安打,讓比數縮小到3分的差距。

還好陳偉殷隨後解決掉David Ortiz,化解了危機。總計陳偉殷主投五局,被擊出4支安打有3次保送,失3分。

[[[金鶯隊投手 陳偉殷]]


After a disappointing game that saw the Orioles give up a five-run lead and lose on an error, Baltimore sought to salvage a series tie with division rival Boston Red Sox. The Orioles sent Taiwanese pitcher Chen Wei-yin to the mound, who was going for his third consecutive win. 

In the last of a four-game series with the Red Sox, Chen Wei-yin started with four strikeouts over the first three innings.

Chen received strong run support from the Orioles, who scattered seven hits in the sixth inning and scored six.

The Red Sox got to Chen in the fifth. Dustin Pedroia’s RBI double to left cut the lead to three.

But Chen got out of trouble when he retired David Ortiz on a lineout to second. Chen gave up four hits, three walks and three runs over five innings.

Chen Wei-yin
Orioles Pitcher
In the fourth it seemed like I got different results from the umpire even when throwing to the same location in the strike zone. This continued with the first batter who came up in the fifth, and I don’t think I did a good job of keeping my emotions under control.

The Orioles prevailed 7-6, and Chen got his third consecutive win.

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[[台北市副市長 張金鶚]]

[[房仲業者 陳泰源]]


Finance Minister Chang Sheng-ford met with Taipei Deputy Mayor Chang Chin-oh to discuss property prices today. Potential policies to curb prices include higher taxes for properties not occupied by the owner. 

Taipei real estate continues to become more and more expensive. To solve the problem, Finance Minister Chang Sheng-ford met with Taipei Deputy Mayor Chang Chin-oh. 

Both were confident that the first plan of action would be using higher taxes to prevent investors from hoarding property. 

Chang Chin-oh 
Taipei Deputy Mayor
If we could separate primary residences and those not occupied by the owner then increase the cost of non-primary residences through higher taxes it would be a big help in solving this housing problem. 

Chen Tai-yuan 
Realty Estate Broker 
According to past experience, adding taxes only leads housing prices to go higher. The government shouldn’t do this. It should view it from two different perspectives: the first is narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas, and the second is to build more public housing that is available only for rent and not for sale.

Today’s meeting between central and municipal government officials demonstrates attention to the property price issue, though if past experience is any barometer these proposals will have little impact.

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[[核研所所長 馬殷邦]]


[[核研所所長 馬殷邦]]


As activists try to stop the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant from operating, new light is being cast on Taiwan’s close relationship to nuclear power. One previously little known fact is that a large volume of nuclear fuel is stored in Taoyuan County at an institute known for its past efforts at building nuclear weapons.

Reporters wearing helmets and radiation protective gear head into the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research for the first time.

The Longtan County, Taoyuan facility has 106 storage vaults that can store five nuclear rods each. In 1988, when the institute sought to send fuel rods being used to create material for a nuclear weapon to the United States, at least seven hydrogen explosions occurred.

Ma Yin-pang
INER Director General
A colleague said that it seemed as if the protective shield in front of him was struck fiercely. He landed on his butt.

The explosions polluted the source of the Dahan River. Despite incidents such as these, many locals knew nothing of the institute or the spent nuclear fuel it stores.

Ma Yin-pang
INER Director General
We want to do our best to show this place to them. Our people all work here, and I grew up drinking the water of Longtan.

The institute’s director general says his willingness to work and live in the area shows that the institute poses no danger. The spent nuclear fuel it stores is kept in accordance with law and is carefully monitored to guarantee safety.

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[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]
“在慘案的這間房子裡面絕食,昨天我從跟他的擁抱裡面,有很不祥的感覺,義雄兄為了這個土地上的世世代代,他把生命交給台灣人民。主政者,有權的人, 還沒有感覺到事情的嚴重性”


[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]


Those who came to the Gikong Church today to wish Lin Yi-hsiung well included DPP leaders Su Tseng-chang and Tsai Ing-wen and even Premier Jiang Yi-huah. Su discussed Lin’s struggles over decades of fighting for democracy and worried whether he will be able to survive a fast. 

As soon as he began speaking, DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang was moved to tears. Su stood outside the Gikong Church where he came to visit former DPP Chairman Lin Yi-hsiung. He and Lin’s other friends were saddened to see Lin return to the place where his family was murdered. They respected Lin’s wish not to take visitors once his fast began.

Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
Yesterday, when I hugged Lin, I had a bad feeling about him fasting in this house where such a terrible tragedy occurred. Lin has given his life to the generations of Taiwanese who live on this land. Those in power and in authority still haven’t realized the seriousness of what is taking place.

With the Ma Ying-jeou administration unwilling to give up the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant, Su worries that Lin will pay a steep price.

Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
A person in his 70s won’t be able to last long. We have already fought for 40 years yet still must continue this fight.

Besides former DPP Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen, visitors to the church today included Premier Jiang Yi-huah. Jiang left a message asking Lin to heed his health.

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[[前民進黨主席 林義雄]]


[[前民進黨主席 林義雄]]


[[前民進黨主席 林義雄]]


Former DPP Chairman Lin Yi-hsiung has begun a fast to demand the government scrap work on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. Supporters and anti-nuclear activists are rallying around Lin, who has long been opposed to nuclear power. 

Lin Yi-hsiung 
Former DPP Chairman
I believe that I am doing something very meaningful which may be beneficial to Taiwan. I feel very calm.

Lin appeared wearing a bamboo hat. He chose to start his fast at the Gikong Church, a location that 20 years ago saw his mother and twin daughters murdered by unknown assailants. Lin hopes his fast will convince people to not only scrap nuclear power but also take a closer look at those in power.

Lin Yi-hsiung 
Former DPP Chairman
I did not choose to harm my own body. It was the choice of those in power who want to complete the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. If I don’t survive, I would like my friends and family to understand that it was those in power who killed me.

Lin says his sacrifice represents his continued opposition to nuclear power. He rejects the government’s position that without safety assurances, the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant won’t be completed. 

Lin Yi-hsiung 
Former DPP Chairman
Nuclear safety is a gimmick so they can complete construction. If there is a natural disaster, a sudden change of the ground or even human negligence then irreparable harm could occur. 

Today many of the faithful from Gikong Church turned out to encourage Lin. A small space was sectioned off for Lin to maintain some privacy during his ordeal.

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Cleveland Indians reliever C. C. Lee set a new major league career mark by pitching two full innings on Tuesday. 

Down 5-1 to the Kansas City Royals with two outs in the sixth, the Indians called on Taiwanese pitcher C. C. Lee. Following just one pitch, Lee sat after Norichika Aoki was caught stealing.

The seventh inning didn’t go as smoothly for Lee. Consecutive base hits gave the Royals another run on the board.

But Lee got the next three batters on groundouts. In the eighth, Lee retired two more.

Lee pitched two innings, the highest single-game total of his major league career. The Indians lost 8-2.

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[[交通部長 葉匡時]]


[[台灣漂書協會理事長 賴鼎銘]]


For World Book Day, the Ministry of Transportation and a local literacy group encouraged people to donate used books. The donations support secondhand book services available at train stations, airports and other areas. 

Transportation Minister Yeh Kuang-shih donated books that were part of his personal collection. The ministry is working with the Taiwan Fun Reading Association to encourage book donations and borrowing services at transport hubs around Taiwan.

Yeh Kuang-shih
Transportation Minister 
The mission of the Ministry of Transportation is to help people connect to a better life. These book stations encourage people to donate books they have already read so they can reach others.

A sticker is applied to the cover of donated books. Secondhand book services are already available at 56 locations, including train stations and airports. By the end of June, another 52 locations will be added.

Lai Ting-ming 
Taiwan Fun Reading Association
If everyone donates books, then at any time when you travel you can read. These books can spread everywhere, from north to south, from the railways office to depots, to every place, rural area, and the whole world. We can demonstrate the power of Taiwanese culture.

The transportation minister’s announcement came on World Book Day. He hopes to spark book donations and greater literacy throughout Taiwan.

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[[交通部長 葉匡時]]



[[地球公民基金會主任 蔡中岳]]


After years of planning, the government has approved a new direct train route between Taipei and Yilan. It will cut travel time between the cities by as much as 38 minutes, but groundbreaking will have to wait until environmental review is completed. 

Currently it takes over an hour to travel from Taipei to Yilan by train. A proposal to construct a direct train route between these locations will substantially cut time off this trip.

Yeh Kuang-shih
Transportation Minister
From the perspective of the entire Taiwan area, especially the eastern region, and from the concept of a one-day living circle around Yilan and Hualien, we believe spending NT$50 billion in (construction costs) to save half an hour of time for travelers is an efficient use of resources.

At the moment, the Northern Link Line is routed through Keelung.

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[[廣大興案死者洪石成女兒 洪慈綪]] 


A Philippines court has issued arrest warrants for eight Philippine Coast Guard officials suspected of homicide in the death of a Taiwanese fisherman. If found guilty, the suspects would face 12 to 20 years in prison. 

In the morning of May 9, 2013, the Philippine Coast Guard sprayed the Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28 fishing vessel with gunfire, killing fisherman Hung Shih-cheng. Philippine prosecutors charged eight officers with homicide.

The defendants submitted a motion for reconsideration, but the court rejected it, citing sufficient evidence. It has issued arrest warrants for the suspects.

Hung Tzu-chien
Daughter of Killed Fisherman
It seems like the maximum sentence is 20 years. I’m pleased to see these arrests and believe (the suspects) should face justice.

Due to the tragic death of her father, Hung Tzu-chien wants the suspects punished in accordance with the law. As part of her father’s legacy, she hopes a mechanism can be created to protect the rights of Taiwanese fishermen if similar cases occur in the future.

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[[律師 蔡志雄]]


[[遠雄集團董事長 趙藤雄]]


Taipei Deputy Mayor Chang Chin-oh’s comment that housing prices could fall by 30 percent over two years sparked a rebuke from business leaders and economists. Farglory Group Chairman Chao Teng-hsiung said an attack on the housing market would end up hurting everyone in Taiwan. 

Upon hearing that the government could seek to reduce housing prices by 30 percent over two years, a mortgage lawyer surnamed Tsai demonstrated the consequences of such a precipitous drop.

Tsai Chih-hsiung
Mortgage Lawyer 
For example, if we have a house worth NT$10 million and go to a bank for a mortgage worth 80 percent of the value of the house, the loan would be around NT$8 million. But if the value of the house suddenly dropped by 30 percent to NT$7 million, then your equity would be less than the loan you received. At this time, the banks may require you to add more collateral or face foreclosure.

Farglory Chairman Chao Teng-hsiung said suppressing the housing market would negatively affect everyone.

Chao Teng-hsiung 
Farglory Chairman 
There isn’t much of a willingness to invest in Taiwan, and consumer spending isn’t very strong, so if there’s little confidence or support in the real estate market, this will affect overall investment.

Shining Group Chairman Lai Cheng-yi believes the solution to the current housing problem should involve increasing salaries and government construction of more affordable housing. Otherwise, he warns, such a direct attack on the housing market will impact willingness to invest along with consumer spending, employment and wages.

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[[財政部長 張盛和]]


[[財政部長 張盛和]] 


A legislative committee has passed a bill that would raise taxes on property that does not serve as the primary residence for the owner. Such a change would increase costs for speculators who purchase multiple homes. 

To bring high housing prices in Taipei and New Taipei City under control, an amendment that aims to stop hoarding of properties by investors passed first reading in the Legislature today. Taxes on homes that are not the owner’s primary place of residence would increase from 1.2 percent to between 1.5 and 3.6 percent. Implementation as early as this year could lead the tax to take effect as quickly as next year.

Chang Sheng-ford
Finance Minister
85 percent of homes are occupied by the owner, and 15 percent are not. The hoarding tax would increase costs for long-term property investors.

According to real estate expert and Taipei Deputy Mayor Chang Chin-oh, prices could fall by 30 percent in just two years.

Chang Sheng-ford
Finance Minister
Past training has led Taipei Deputy Mayor Chang Chin-oh to believe that prices can slide that much in two years. I’m doubtful, however. That would require a steep decline. You can see that the Financial Supervisory Commission has begun preparing. If prices drop too quickly, the financial industry would turn into a disaster zone.

While the government hopes to provide affordable housing, it realizes that going too far could have significant economic repercussions.

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[[總統 馬英九]]


[[前行政院長 張俊雄]]
“我們竟然留下這個毒(核廢料) ,給土地跟我們的子子孫孫,有幾萬年的毒品,為了貪圖我們幾十年發電的方便,我們這樣做對嗎,我心裡好痛”

[[前行政院長 謝長廷]]


Former DPP chairman Lin Yi-hsiung is in the second day of a hunger strike to oppose work on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. Lin has vowed not to receive visitors but several stopped by to express sympathy, including the president. 

As President Ma Ying-jeou’s motorcade approached Gikong Church, a group of people began to shout out in protest. Ma was unable to visit Lin, but he left behind a card expressing his sentiments.

President Ma Ying-jeou
I am willing to represent the government in pledging after strict security reviews are performed by domestic and foreign experts, the fate of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant will be put to a referendum.

A former DPP premier argues that even if operations at the plant are safe, it will impact Taiwan for generations.

Chang Chun-hsiung 
Former Premier 
We will leave the poison of (nuclear waste) in the earth for our children and grandchildren for tens of thousands of years simply for the convenience of generating power for a few dozen years. Is this the right? I am saddened by this.

Frank Hsieh 
Former Premier 
Around the world there are nuclear power plants that have passed safety inspections yet experienced disaster. Therefore, I don’t think we can’t rely on these safety checks.

Other visitors who stopped by and expressed sympathy for Lin included Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin, independent candidate for Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je and former President Chen Shui-bian’s son, Chen Chih-chung.

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Climbing Yushan, Taiwan’s tallest mountain, is a challenge for even those who are fully fit. But when 20-year-old Kuo Wei-chi scaled the peak on Wednesday, it was a truly remarkable feat because she’s missing parts of all four of her limbs. 

Wearing prosthetics on both of her legs made climbing the uneven rocky path difficult. As she moved into higher altitudes, fatigue and pain accompanied every step.

Eventually, one of Kuo Wei-chi’s prosthetics had problems and the adhesive strip helping hold it in place peeled off. After removing the artificial limb, the source of Kuo’s pain became clear, her leg red and swollen from friction.

When Kuo was 7 years old, she developed septicemia after catching a cold and had to have parts of all four limbs amputated. 

After finally making it to the 3,952-meter-high peak, the teary-eyed Kuo gripped a funeral portrait of her grandfather in her mouth, the climb having been made with him at her side. 

In all, Kuo needed 15 hours to scale East Asia’s highest mountain, about twice the norm. But her hard work brought tears of joy, her decision to challenge the impossible finally rewarded.

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[[台北市議員(民) 簡余晏]]


Taipei City councilors drew attention to Taipei’s traffic, which can be categorized by bottlenecks and long delays during rush hour. City councilors even measured average auto speeds during rush hour, identifying the top 10 areas with traffic congestion as they called upon municipal authorities to address the problem. 

One section of Guangfu South Road frequently experiences motorcycle and scooter accidents while at the other end, a group seeking protection for local trees has blocked the road in protest. During rush hour, average speeds traveling north on Guangfu South Road are just 17.1 kilometers per hour. This section of road has the infamous honor of being the slowest road in Taipei.

To find out how slow is 17.1 km an hour we watch this small truck stuck in traffic as it slowly makes it way, and to the right, we see YouBike starting to overtake it. 

Chien Yu-yen 
DPP Taipei City Councilor 
(Adjusting) traffic lights so they are coordinated and people don’t need to wait at one red light after another. The present situation is really like a turtle race.

Taipei said it was willing to adjust traffic lights to increase the speed of traffic flows. However, it did add that some adjustments may not be possible such as allowing left turns on some roads as vehicle and pedestrian safety cannot be sacrificed.

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[[德明財經科大副教授 花敬群]]


Raising the tax for apartments that are not occupied by the owner from 1.2 to 3.6 percent may not be a big enough increase for some experts. They say that for some luxury apartments this increase wouldn’t be more than a month of maintenance fees. 

Hua Ching-chung
Takming University of Science and Technology
The stated results would be much larger than the actual effect, as this tax adjustment will be relatively weak. To be more effective we will have to undergo comprehensive tax reform which is more reasonable.

Responding to the criticism of these scholars, Finance Minister Chang Sheng-ford says that raising the tax is just one possible remedy as they may also research other tax measures to control property prices

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[[台大急診部主任 鄭銘泰]]




Debate over the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant continues. Today legislators raised questions about emergency medical care in case of a nuclear accident as they toured National Taiwan University Hospital to learn about protocols and preparedness. They were surprised to find the hospital only had one room dedicated to those requiring treatment after serious radiation exposure.

A technician maneuvers a Geiger counter around this patient’s body, scanning it from top to bottom. Those suffering major injuries associated with a nuclear disaster are to be sent directly to National Taiwan University Hospital. Both patients and doctors need to be carefully screened for radiation exposure. 

Cheng Ming-tai 
NTU Emergency Department Director 
These two (items) are used to detect radiation. The one that looks bigger can check a larger area.

However, there are only 17 such hospital rooms able to perform this decontamination in northern Taiwan, with NTU having only one such room. 

Although NTU believes the number of patients could dramatically increase in case of an accident, it believes patients can be transferred to Tri-Service General Hospital or Taipei Veterans General Hospital, with only the most serious cases not being able to be transferred. 

Today’s visit only added to legislators’ concerns that hospitals such as NTU are poorly prepared in case of a nuclear disaster. 

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聲援林義雄, 民進黨全體總動員, 前主席蔡英文今天加入反核行腳的活動, 新北市長參選人游錫?則是帶著市議員到立法院召開記者會, 兩人都向馬總統喊話, 希望立法院能儘速通過核四公投特別條例的立法, 降低公投門檻, 停建核四。

頭戴斗笠, 身穿人民作主的反核白T, 在台北市街頭, 這群人用行動聲援禁食中的林義雄, 每一天, 都有不同的人加入, 今天是前民進黨主席蔡英文。

[[前民進黨主席 蔡英文]]

立法院民進黨黨團會議室, 新北市長參選人游錫?和市議員高呼停建核四。

[[民黨新北市長參選人 游錫]]

民進黨上下總動員, 就是希望藉由行動,給馬政府壓力。

The DPP continued on Thursday to merge its political appeals with the hunger strike being staged by Lin Yi-hsiung. The party’s 2012 presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen and ex-premier Yu Shyi-kun urged the government to stop work on the fourth nuclear power plant and make referendums easier to pass.

Wearing bamboo hats and white, anti-nuclear T-shirts, a group of people walk down a Taipei street to show their support for Lin Yi-hsiung. Every day, different people participate. On Thursday, it was former DPP Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen. 

Tsai Ing-wen
Ex-DPP Chairwoman
I call on the president to allow the Legislature, and especially KMT lawmakers to review the special fourth nuclear power plant referendum bill on Friday, and handle it according to public opinion. 

At the DPP’s legislative caucus office, the party’s candidate for New Taipei mayor, Yu Shyi-kun, and city councilors called for work to be halted on the nearly completed nuclear power plant.

Yu Shyi-kun
DPP New Taipei Mayor Nominee
Lin Yi-hsiung is 73 years old. I don’t know whether he can hold on. So I am urging the Ma administration to quickly face the issue and quickly scrap nuclear power or amend the Referendum Act.

The DPP is clearly mobilizing as much public pressure as it can to force the government’s hand.

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[[民進黨立委 姚文智]]


[[立委 段宜康]]

[[政院秘書長 李四川


Senior government officials held an emergency meeting Wednesday night to discuss the possibility of lowering the threshold needed for a referendum in Taiwan to be valid. They decided to maintain their support for the existing law, but DPP lawmakers on Thursday continued to press officials to relent. One of them asked the government to do it to save the hunger-striking Lin Yi-hsiung.

DPP lawmaker Yao Wen-chih attended the hearing wearing a shirt from the “Let the People Decide” movement started by former DPP Chairman Lin Yi-hsiung. He asked Cabinet Secretary-General Lee Shu-chuan and Interior Minister Chen Wei-zen to save the hunger-striking Lin. 

Yao Wen-chih
DPP Lawmaker
Lin Yi-hsiung is using his life to show his strong will. I’m begging you while there’s still time to find a way to get Ma Ying-jeou to make the right decision and save Taiwan’s democracy and save Chairman Lin Yi-hsiung’s life. 

They urged the official to show some guts and give their opinion on whether the referendum threshold can be lowered. At present, at least 50 percent of eligible voters need to turn out for a referendum to be valid.

Duan Yi-kang
DPP Lawmaker
Those opposing a measure can simply not vote and in effect veto a (referendum) initiative because there is a threshold.

Lee Shu-chuan
Cabinet Secretary-General
Of course, there are many legislators and many local leaders who have raised the idea of changing this. We respect their efforts.

Chang Po-ya, the head of Taiwan’s Central Election Commission, acknowledged that the threshold was high, but she would not say if it was possible to lower the bar. Interior Minister Chen Wei-zen said major issues should be decided by a majority of voters and that the existing law is appropriate.

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President Ma Ying-jeou and DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang will meet Friday morning at 10 to see if they can find a solution to the stalemate over Taiwan’s nearly complete Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. The meeting will have no pre-conditions. 

It’s hard to tell what, if anything, will come out of the meeting. The chances of a breakthrough are slim because of major differences on key issues -- the future of the nuclear power plant and making it easier to pass a referendum.

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馬總統憑什麼代表政府給承諾,內政部長陳威仁,被問的啞口無言,雖然有法律方面的辯論, 不過核四爭議的僵局仍未解。

When President Ma Ying-jeou left a card for Lin Yi-hsiung on Wednesday, he hoped to extend an olive branch to the former DPP chairman by pledging a referendum on the nuclear power issue. Instead, Lin responded on Thursday with an open letter that said Ma did not have the power to make such a promise on constitutional grounds.

On Wednesday, President Ma left a card for Lin Yi-hsiung pledging that a referendum on the fourth nuclear power plant’s future would be held after safety tests had been completed. Lin, trained as a lawyer, answered Ma on Thursday.

Aside from thanking Ma for his wishes, he wrote that a president’s responsibilities are limited to foreign affairs and the military and do not cover nuclear power. Thus, a president does not have the power to interfere with the issue or make any promises. He also accused Ma of lacking constitutional wisdom and knowledge of the law.

When asked by a legislator why President Ma could make a promise on behalf of the government, Interior Minister Chen Wei-zen had trouble answering. Amid the legal semantics, however, the stalemate was no closer to being solved.

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