[[台北市議員(民) 簡余晏]]
Taipei City councilors drew attention to Taipei’s traffic, which can be categorized by bottlenecks and long delays during rush hour. City councilors even measured average auto speeds during rush hour, identifying the top 10 areas with traffic congestion as they called upon municipal authorities to address the problem.
One section of Guangfu South Road frequently experiences motorcycle and scooter accidents while at the other end, a group seeking protection for local trees has blocked the road in protest. During rush hour, average speeds traveling north on Guangfu South Road are just 17.1 kilometers per hour. This section of road has the infamous honor of being the slowest road in Taipei.
To find out how slow is 17.1 km an hour we watch this small truck stuck in traffic as it slowly makes it way, and to the right, we see YouBike starting to overtake it.
Chien Yu-yen
DPP Taipei City Councilor
(Adjusting) traffic lights so they are coordinated and people don’t need to wait at one red light after another. The present situation is really like a turtle race.
Taipei said it was willing to adjust traffic lights to increase the speed of traffic flows. However, it did add that some adjustments may not be possible such as allowing left turns on some roads as vehicle and pedestrian safety cannot be sacrificed.