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Disgraced Chinese politician charged with corruption (2013/07/25)

China has brought corruption charges against the disgraced senior politician, Bo Xilai. Next will come a trial in the eastern city of Jinan. 

Shortly after 10 am Thursday, state-run CCTV announced that Bo Xilai, the former Chongqing Communist Party chief, had been charged.

Not long ago Bo, the son of deceased senior politician Bo Yibo, was regarded on the same level as President Xi Jinping. Both were sons of elites with seemingly limitless prospects.

Bo Xilai’s downfall came swiftly. In February of last year, the former police chief of Chongqing, Wang Lijun, fled to the US consulate in Chengdu. The surreal incident lifted the veil over sordid activities at the upper reaches of power of Chongqing. Central to the case was Bo, who, faced with a high-profile investigation, was stripped of political and party titles at the municipal and national levels.

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State Compensation for Hung? (2013/07/25)

There are reports that the government is planning to compensate the family of deceased Corporal Hung Chung-chiu to the tune of NT$100 million, in line with compensation given to the family of the wrongfully executed airman, Chiang Kuo-ching. But Hung’s sister says the money should come from the perpetrators, not taxpayers. 

On Friday, the Ministry of National Defense will present a report on human rights reforms. Hung’s sister says if the content fails to deliver, she will decline military support for her brother’s memorial service on Aug. 4. 

文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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[[台北市議員(國)賴素如(2013.3.27) ]]


[[台北地檢署發言人 黃謀信]]




Taipei City Councilor Lai Su-ru faces a maximum of life in prison (2013/07/25)

The Taipei District Prosecutor’s Office has concluded its investigation into the Taipei Twin Towers bribery case. It brought three charges against Taipei City Councilor Lai Su-ju, a former close aide of President Ma Ying-jeou. Lai faces up to life in prison. 

Lai Su-ju (March 27)
KMT Taipei City Councilor 
I will respect the legal process and investigation. I hope that this case can be explained quickly so my innocence can be restored, said Lai.

The investigation into Lai’s involvement in the Taipei Twin Towers scandal lasted four months. Prosecutor Huang Mo-hsin made a strong statement Thursday when filing charges.

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Dapu Demonstration (2013/07/25)

Close to a hundred people spoke out on Thursday in support of displaced landowners from Miaoli County’s Dapu Township, who saw their homes razed a week ago. Among the supporters were actors Ko I-chen and Leon Dai. 

The demonstration took place in front of the Presidential Office on Ketagalan Boulevard. Protesters accused authorities of excessive land expropriations and said the government should be razed next.

文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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左手食指,紗布纏了一圈又一圈,連想要拿藥吃,都相當不便!就是他, 年約30歲的,台東黃姓男子,22號晚間,莫名的被鼬獾攻擊。






Taitung man describes actions he took to treat rabid animal bite (2013/07/25)

The Taitung man who became the first person in Taiwan bitten by a rabid Formosan ferret-badger showed his wound today. He described how he treated the bite and sought immediate medical care, actions which may have saved his life. 

Bandaging wrapped around this patient’s left index finger makes it difficult for him to even take his medicine. This 31-year-old Taitung man, surnamed Huang, was attacked on Monday evening by a ferret-badger.

Bite Victim
At first I thought it was a rat, says Huang. It was scuttling and jumping around. It jumped onto my computer desk then onto my body. When I pushed it aside with my hand, it bit me.

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台灣出現首起狂犬病鼬獾咬人事件,農委會還發現, 其實這九個月來, 全台死亡的鼬獾竟高達74隻,加上苗栗今天傳出雪貂咬傷人, 各地陸續傳出動物死亡和咬傷人案例,不免讓人擔心狂犬病是否有擴散危機。

照片中死亡的鼬獾,是民眾在台南市歸仁區的產業道路發現的,動保處人員到達現場後,小心穿上防護衣, 在林野間噴藥消毒。

[[台南市歸仁區民眾 沈先生]]


[[農委會防檢局長 張淑賢]]



Dozens of dead ferret-badger sightings heat up rabies fears (2013/07/25)

After confirmation was received that at least three Formosan ferret-badgers were infected with rabies, reports have been pouring in of dead animal sightings. On Thursday the Council of Agriculture said that more than 70 dead ferret-badgers had been reported over the past nine months. Taiwan has already been removed from the list of rabies free countries. It now seems possible that rather than being isolated, the disease has spread across the island. 

The ferret-badger in this photo was found by a member of the general public on an industrial road in Guiren District, Tainan. An animal protection official wearing protective gear sprayed the surrounding area.

Guiren District Resident
I’m scared, says this Guiren resident. There are a lot of wild dogs, especially in front.

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A fourth grade boy fighting for his life recently discovered the power of friendship.


"I was diagnosed with a brain tumor," Travis Selinka said. "I went to Houston for radiation and I lost all my hair." After the seven weeks of radiation therapy, the bald 10-year-old was embarrassed to return to school.


"He was a little nervous about coming back only because he didn’t have hair," Travis’ mother Lynne Selinka said. "He was afraid what the kids would think."


His friends at El Camino Creek Elementary School were quick to pick up on Selinka’s feelings. Fifteen of them went to the barber shop and shaved their heads.


"Without me even knowing it, one of the boys got together with his mother and they planned a whole thing at this barbershop," fourth grader teacher Karin Roberts said. "Since they did it, Travis hasn’t worn his hat."

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The risk of developing autism may be passed on through - and not just to - future generations, researchers say. The international study suggests older fathers are more likely to have grandchildren with autism than their younger counterparts.


Previous studies suggested older fathers may be at greater risk of having children with autism than younger dads.


But the team of UK, Swedish and Australian researchers say this is one of the first pieces of evidence to show the risk can be passed on through - rather than just straight to - future generations.


The "silent mutations" - changes in genetic material - are likely to have no obvious impact on older fathers’ own children, but they may build up through subsequent generations, or interact with other genes and environmental factors, to increase the chance of their grandchildren developing the condition, the researchers say.



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Officials at a small school district in upstate New York say an "honest mistake" led to students being identified in the yearbook as "Creepy smile kid" and "Some tall guy."


The labels appear in photo captions of the high school yearbook at Hoosick Valley, a rural district 20 miles northeast of Albany.


Acting Superintendent Amy Goodell tells the Troy Record that a "nonintentional, honest mistake" resulted in some members of the track and field team being labeled with made-up names such as "Isolation kid." Several students were identified simply as "Someone."


Goodell says corrections are being made and the parents of students whose names weren’t published correctly have been contacted.


The high school has about 380 students, with a graduating class of fewer than 100. (AP)

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紅磚牆,青屋瓦,和莊嚴的寺廟,動畫裡的場景,是不是很熟悉呢? 這部動畫,就是以大溪為背景,也是第一部以閩南文化為主題的3D動畫電影《我是隻小小鳥》,預計8月就要搬上大螢幕。


[[一隻小小鳥製作人 陳志強]]




Animated film to feature the scenery and culture of Taoyuan’s Dasi (2013/07/17)

The first 3D animated film featuring scenes from Taoyuan’s Dasi community will soon be released. On Wednesday producers explained that their purpose in making this film was to introduce the beauty of Taiwan. 

Red brick walls, roof tiles and this solemn temple are all part of the background of this animated film. Some may find the scenes familiar, as it is set in Dasi. It’s the first 3D animated film to feature Minnan culture. The film, "A Little Bird," is expected to hit the big screen in August.

A producer of the film, Chen Chih-chiang, decided to set the movie in Dasi Township circa 1980, adding elements such as local temples and temple troupes. It took him five years to create this picture of Dasi.

Chen Chih-chiang

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[[新北市長 朱立倫]]
“我們的節目,如果可以做得非常精采,就會有很多包括,說不定是華人,全世界的人,都可以來欣賞我們節目,過去十六年,我們民視在國內成功,台灣成功 ,未來六十年,我們要拚世界”


[[民視總經理 陳剛信]]
“我們加入台灣好萊塢的打造工作,這是我們的任務,民視現在開始,在林口拍戲,我們有一個很大的媒體總部, 我們也有可能有一個影城,我們會讓這個影城,成為全台灣最大的,看民視怎麼樣的呈現我們台灣聚落、及飲食文化的形成”



Groundbreaking takes place for new FTV headquarters (2013/07/17)

FTV held the groundbreaking on Wednesday for its new headquarters in the New Taipei district of Linkou. The moment represents an initial step toward building a leading media village. 

The heads of various New Taipei government agencies attended the groundbreaking. They were led by Mayor Eric Chu. 

Eric Chu
New Taipei Mayor
If our programs are exciting enough, not just those of Chinese descent but people from all over the world will appreciate them. Over the past 16 years FTV has been a domestic success here in Taiwan. During the next 16 years, we will try to succeed globally. 

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北朝鮮專題 (7) 






[[民視新聞部經理 胡婉玲]]


[[平壤婦產醫院對外辦事科科長 文昌雲]]


[[平壤婦產醫院對外辦事科科長 文昌雲]]

“(進來多久了),十來天,(需要住多久) ,聽說再治療個二十幾天,應該可以痊癒,結果應該也不錯吧,(接受什麼樣的治療) ,低週波水治療,乳腺也有打針”


[[民視新聞部經理 胡婉玲]] 


“去藥局買藥吧,謝謝你 再見,這個藥吃兩粒,一天三次,謝謝”

“叩叩叩,是誰在敲門,醫生你好嗎,妳有哪裡不舒服嗎,醫生 我的身體,就像這樣很健康,如果有哪裡不舒服的,請一定要到我們醫院來檢查,好的,再見”









敬愛的首領金日成大元帥,在這樣美麗的萬景台出生,朝鮮的太陽 漸漸昇起,我們就用去追尋,美麗萬景台的心情,一起來唱歌吧”

“嬌豔的花朵 朵朵綻放,開滿了山坡上,這裡是大元帥誕生的故鄉”


民視新聞胡婉玲 李健成 蕭惟任在平壤的獨家採訪報導


Pyongyang: Women and Child Care (2013/07/17)

As part of our ongoing series on North Korea, FTV provides a rare look at a women’s hospital and a nursery school in Pyongyang. These facilities, together with child-rearing subsidies, are among the many measures the government is taking to raise the birth rate and better provide for women and children. 

Whether in the city or countryside, children roam the streets. Nevertheless, Pyongyang wants more. Population growth primarily depends on the birth rate and mortality rate, both of which are large. Raising fertility is vital.

But even in this authoritarian nation, incentives, not force, are the only tools the government has to encourage families to have more children. The country pays child-rearing costs, from pregnancy to birth, nurturing and education. But as women grow more independent, they have gone from having two or three children to just one or two. Further government subsidies to encourage having a third child include free formula for a year instead of two months and paying for all clothing prior to high school graduation.

North Korea also offers women professional medical care.

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Payback? (2013/07/17)

Bringing a cell phone onto base warrants a reprimand, not being thrown in the brig. So why was Hung Chung-chiu dealt this stiff punishment? 

An officer in the 542 Armor Brigade, which Hung served in, believes it is due to an incident that occurred before Hung’s scheduled discharge. Hung asked why sergeants were able to demand that his brigade maintain a tight ship when the sergeants themselves were disorderly. Apparently, this criticism sparked a desire for revenge among Hung’s superiors.

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[[洪仲丘同梯義務役下士 劉烜揚]]


Prosecutors interrogate witnesses in death of Army conscript Hung Chung-chiu (2013/07/17)

To unravel what transpired when Corporal Hung Chung-chiu died earlier this month, military prosecutors continued questioning suspects and witnesses on Wednesday. They have already detained one in the case and listed several others as suspects. 

Over the past two days, Corporal Liu Hsuan-yang, one of Hung Chung-chiu’s fellow conscripts, has been a mainstay in the news. On Wednesday he found himself interviewed by military prosecutors, who consider him to be a witness.

Liu Hsuan-yang
Army Corporal 
I will take what I know and what I said on the TV shows, which is the truth, and tell it again to the (military prosecutors).

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Tropical Storm Cimaron (2013/07/17)

A sea warning is in effect for Tropical Storm Cimaron. 

Cimaron was moving at a speed of about 20 kilometers an hour and heading northwest, tending slightly to the north. The storm will not make landfall in Taiwan, but its close approach on Wednesday and Thursday morning could bring torrential rain to southern and eastern regions

文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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新北市府與日商三井不動產公司合作,簽下長達50年的公有地營運合約。規劃五年內,在林口打造一座Outlet 購物城。不只搶佔觀光商機,也可望為地方,新增2千個工作機會。

0718Briefs  (2013/07/18)

Cimaron Warning Lifted
The Central Weather Bureau lifted its sea warning for Tropical Storm Cimaron this morning as it gradually moved away from Taiwan. But the storm’s periphery continued to affect the southwestern part of the island Thursday, causing occasional downpours. It is expected to make landfall in southeastern China late tonight or early tomorrow.

Tainted Food Containers
Recent tests have found that some of Taiwan Railways’ boxed lunches packed in stainless steel containers may not be safe. Six kinds of the metal containers used since 2010 were found to contain excessively high levels of manganese, which if ingested could affect one’s reproductive system. Though the risk is limited because manganese has a melting point of 3,000 degrees, the railway company plans to recall the containers still in circulation and ask the supplier for compensation. 

New Taipei Outlet Stores
New Taipei has signed a 50-year lease with property company Mitsui Fudosan to develop and manage public land in the city. The contract calls for the Japanese company to create an outlet shopping city in Linkou within five years, a project that is expected to draw tourists and create 2,000 new jobs in the area.

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北朝鮮專題 (8) 




[[民視新聞部經理 胡婉玲]]



[[全成玉 朝鮮國旅解說員]]


[[朴英姬 朝鮮國旅解說員]]



“客人來七寶山參觀開心寺,都會敞開心懷回去,之後萬事都會變得順心如意,(師父出家多少年了) ,十年了, (出家人的養成) ,(要經過什麼過程 訓練) ,是有程序的,我們共和國,北方出家的僧人不多”


自二0一二年四月起,北朝鮮特別為中國觀光客,開闢一條從吉林省延吉,跨過圖們江,入境北朝鮮南陽,搭上七寶山火車專列,沿途經過清津 鏡城,再到七寶山。

這次 北朝鮮,為了對台招攬觀光,特別將幾個不對國際開放的景點,獨家開放給台灣,也因此採訪小組的登山路,鮮少人煙、足跡,沿途屢見落石、枯樹橫梗,讓這趟七寶山之旅,平添驚奇。

民視新聞 胡婉玲 李健成 蕭惟任 在北朝鮮的獨家採訪報導。

Mystical Mountains of North Korea (2013/07/18)

Over the past several years North Korea has promoted Mt. Kumgang to South Korean tourists while offering Chinese special itineraries that include Mt. Chilbo. But for Taiwan and the rest of the world, these mountains remain shrouded in mystery. On a recent trip to North Korea, FTV was given a chance to visit Mt. Chilbo. Tourist authorities brought our reporting team to areas off the beaten path, astonishing for both their ruggedness and beauty. 

Towering over the south of North Korea is Mt. Kumgang. Further up along the eastern seaboard in North Hamyong Province is another mountain whose impressive scenery has led it to be called the Mt. Kumgang of the north. Mt. Chilbo, a sprawling expanse of basalt rock, covers 250 square kilometers and is divided into Inner, Outer and Sea regions. Like the rest of the northeast coast development began late, though progress has gathered pace under Kim Jong-un.

“Chilbo” means seven treasures, in reference to a legend of seven forgotten gems concealed there. Less foggy are records of the more than 30 types of animals and 800 types of plants which inhabit the mountain. This vast vista can be savored at a popular stopping point found after traveling from Outer Chilbo to Sea Chilbo.

Anne Hu
FTV News Chief

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[[資深軍事記者 林弘展]]


Punishments in military scandal may be related to infighting for promotion (2013/07/18)

There is growing speculation that the corporal’s death may be exposing severe infighting within the military. A senior military analyst said that the way the military has handed down punishments for the incident reveals the fierce battle raging for the position of chief of the general staff. 

Based on typical military practice, disciplinary action should have begun at the brigade level and reach as high as the 6th Army Corps commander. But punishment for the incident went even higher, as high up as Army Commander Gen. Lee Hsiang-chou. 

Some suggest that Lee was punished because of infighting in the battle for the chief of general staff job.

That’s because Yen Ming’s term comes to an end in November, and unless the Legislature amends the law to allow him to stay on, Lee was well-positioned to take his place. Next in line after Lee would be Yang Tien-hsiao, a military adviser to the Presidential Office, and Navy Commander Tung Hsiang-lung.

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[[立法委員(民) 趙天麟]]



[[立法委員(民) 趙天麟]]


Legislator relays account of witness to Hung’s ordeal in military jail (2013/07/18)

Legislator Chao Tien-lin relayed on Thursday what he says is a witness’s account of what happened to the late Corporal Hung before he lost consciousness on July 3. Chao said he was told that as Hung’s body started to fail him, he lamented that he was to be discharged in only a few days. 

Relaying the words of the serviceman who was in the brig with Hung, Chao said Hung was already in trouble physically on July 1. 

Chao Tien-lin
DPP Legislator
They were doing lunges at the time, and Hung Chung-chiu complained to the person supervising them that he sprained his right foot. The guard told him to change over to his left foot. That led to him hurting both his feet. 

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[[洪仲丘舅舅 胡世和]]


[[洪仲丘舅舅 胡世和]]


Corporal’s family releases text messages sent before his death (2013/07/18)

Regulations did not permit the punishment Corporal Hung Chung-chiu was dealt. For bringing a camera cell phone onto base, he should have been reprimanded, not locked up and subjected to the grueling exercises that contributed to his death. A series of text messages shows that Hung worried his superiors were out to get him and that he feared for his well-being. 

The text messages were released by the victim’s family. Hung Chung-chiu sent them to a superior on June 27, one day before his punishment began.

Hung writes that he will spend seven days in the brig because he brought a banned item onto base. But he has a mild case of claustrophobia, so he does not know if he can last that long.

Hung questions whether the punishment was reached following proper procedures. The health report was issued shortly after he saw the doctor, and the mental health center approved his punishment on the same day. The next day, he was to be locked up.

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