

[[台大急診部主任 鄭銘泰]]




Debate over the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant continues. Today legislators raised questions about emergency medical care in case of a nuclear accident as they toured National Taiwan University Hospital to learn about protocols and preparedness. They were surprised to find the hospital only had one room dedicated to those requiring treatment after serious radiation exposure.

A technician maneuvers a Geiger counter around this patient’s body, scanning it from top to bottom. Those suffering major injuries associated with a nuclear disaster are to be sent directly to National Taiwan University Hospital. Both patients and doctors need to be carefully screened for radiation exposure. 

Cheng Ming-tai 
NTU Emergency Department Director 
These two (items) are used to detect radiation. The one that looks bigger can check a larger area.

However, there are only 17 such hospital rooms able to perform this decontamination in northern Taiwan, with NTU having only one such room. 

Although NTU believes the number of patients could dramatically increase in case of an accident, it believes patients can be transferred to Tri-Service General Hospital or Taipei Veterans General Hospital, with only the most serious cases not being able to be transferred. 

Today’s visit only added to legislators’ concerns that hospitals such as NTU are poorly prepared in case of a nuclear disaster. 

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    英倫翻譯社/ Trsmaster

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