為了解決淡水交通壅塞的問題,新北市政府規劃興建〝淡北道路〞,但施工一年多,台北高等行政法院卻在昨天裁定〝撤銷環評〞,不過, 新北市長朱立倫認為,這對淡水地區的發展不公平,嚴重影響當地居民的交通出入,因此,將和環保署研議、提出上訴,全案還沒定讞前,建設絕不喊卡。
[[新北市長 朱立倫]]
[[台北市長 郝龍斌]]
[[提告人 王鐘銘]]
A ruling by the Taipei High Administrative Court has put a roadblock in the path of a new expressway between New Taipei’s Tamsui District and the city of Taipei. The court rejected an environmental impact assessment for the Tamsui-Taipei Expressway, though New Taipei Mayor Eric Chu vowed to continue with construction.
Work is already underway on the Tambei Expressway. Foundation piers near the Guandu Bridge are complete, and NT$60 million has been invested in follow-up tenders. But the project has hit a major snag, in the form of the rejected environmental impact assessment. Mayors of the two cities where the project is taking place reacted very differently to the ruling.
Eric Chu
New Taipei Mayor
Our viewpoint is that of the executing agency. The environmental impact assessment is still valid, and traffic jams in the Tamsui area are a serious problem. The people want the Tambei Expressway built, so we will continue with construction.
Hau Lung-bin
Taipei Mayor
We need to communicate again with the people of Taipei and the budget must be approved by local residents before we continue construction.
Besides the MRT, the only major transportation link between Taipei and Tamsui is the crowded Provincial Highway No. 2. The Tambei Expressway is expected to ease traffic considerably and boost local development. But the Taipei High Administrative Court feels these considerations are outweighed by the project’s effects on the area’s ecology.
Wang Chung-ming
Environmental Activist
The Taipei High Administrative Court deserves affirmation for its willingness to closely investigate this point. Because of its careful investigation, it arrived at this ruling.
New Taipei Mayor Eric Chu promises to appeal.