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[[前大聯盟球星 野茂英雄]]


[[前大聯盟球星 野茂英雄]]



Hideo Nomo, a retired pitcher who starred in both Japan and the major leagues, is in Taiwan to participate in an elite youth baseball camp. The baseball legend says that young Taiwanese players compare favorably to their counterparts in Japan. 

Nomo was known for his distinctive “tornado” style delivery along with a fork ball that often eluded batters. His storied professional career in Japan and the US included a total of 201 wins. His visit to Taiwan coincides with the Japan vs. Taiwan Baseball Challenge, and at the event he gave high marks to Taiwan’s young baseball players.

Hideo Nomo 
Former Major Leaguer
My initial impression is that Taiwan’s baseball skill is good and the hitting strong. My time here is short, so I can’t tell the difference between the two sides. But I can say that Taiwan’s level of play is not inferior to Japan.

Nomo came to Taiwan in 1997 to participate in a youth baseball camp. He was impressed by a number of promising young players, some of whom would go on to flourish in the major leagues, such as Wang Chien-ming and Tsao Chin-hui.

Hideo Nomo 
Former Major Leaguer
I came to Taiwan to participate in this baseball camp so that over the next 16 years I can see more players move to the next level.

After retiring from professional baseball, Nomo continues to keep himself involved in the sport. Helping him on this trip is Yang Dai-kang, a Taiwanese player in Japan’s professional leagues. The two are working hard to encourage and train the next generation of star players.








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大會賣關子不給曝光的,還有國內少見的Marching Band,軍樂隊表演。

[[亞職活動顧問 許賢文]]




Excitement is growing for the upcoming Asia Series. Fans may get a chance to see ace pitchers Masahiro Tanaka and Takahiro Norimoto, after the Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles announced the pair will be included on the team’s 28-man roster. Also taking place will be one of the largest opening performances ever seen at a sporting event in Taiwan. 

The countdown is on for the start of the Asia Series, to be held starting Friday at Taichung Intercontinental Baseball Stadium. Getting ready here is the performance squad. 

Their traditional dance has an ethnic flavor, and they have prepared a show that blends music and kung fu. A carefully crafted arrangement of songs means the melody from Taiwan’s national anthem will have a rare chance to be heard at an international sporting event.

One part of the show that is being kept under wraps is the military marching band.

Hsu Hsien-wen
Consultant, Asia Series
We created an ensemble music piece as part of the 2013 Asia Series program. It features melodies representative of the five nations taking part in the competition, including Taiwan.

About half a thousand performers will join the opening ceremony.






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[[消基會秘書長 雷立芬]]



After selling cheap oils labeled as higher grade products, Wei Chuan Foods faces the difficult task of winning back consumer trust. One step it is taking – offering a 10-day buy one get one free deal on select drinks – has failed to impress consumer protection officials. 

Wei Chuan Foods hopes that a buy one get one free promotion on three popular drinks will help rescue the company from tumbling fortunes. This offer will be available through all domestic channels and convenience stores beginning in mid-November and lasting for 10 days. And in February of next year, the company will offer 50 percent off admission for its Pushin Ranch. Unfortunately, promotions so far have only elicited a lackluster response.

“If there are more problems with compensation, then it will all be in vain.”

Walking around this hypermarket, one can see that Wei Chuan’s business has dropped dramatically since the edible oil scandal. A number of promotional posters were put up long ago offering “buy one get one free” for its three flagship drinks. The Consumers’ Foundation also feels the promotions are misguided.

Lei Li-fen
Consumers’ Foundation Secretary-General
Their compensation offer is unrelated to those who have been harmed. If Taipei’s Consumer Protection Office thinks this is acceptable compensation then we will think it neglected its duties.

For many, Wei Chuan’s promotions fall well short of expectations. The company may be underestimating the damage to its reputation. 





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由於在麵裡,添加銅葉綠素鈉是違法的,日前南僑旗下蕎麥麵卻被查獲違法添加, 現在風波越演越烈, 因為上游供貨商統園表示, 早就告知下游, 要把天然葉綠素改成銅葉綠素納, 檢方懷疑南僑早就知情, 昨天展開搜索和約談, 訊後,包括南僑副總裁等高層兩人以百萬元交保, 另外, 統一生機生產的統一生機明日葉精力湯, 也因為使用統園的銅葉綠素納, 被開罰二十萬元。

桃園地檢署一整夜燈火通明, 因為檢方搜索南僑化工中壢廠, 台北總公司, 帶回副總裁李堪文, 急凍熟麵部總經理周明芬及中壢廠廠長紀俊男等共十一人,訊後李堪文、周明芬、紀俊男被交保。

這次行動是因為檢方發現,供應南僑銅葉綠素納的上游廠商統園公司, 早在民國九十九年就已經告知下游廠商, 他們所販賣的天然葉綠素就是銅葉綠素納,南橋疑似知情不報,副總裁李堪文訊後,並未做出正面回應。

銅葉綠素納風波沒完沒了, 桃園縣衛生局這一追, 追出了統一標示不實。雖然銅葉綠素加在飲品裡並不違法,但統一旗下的「統一生機明日葉精力湯」,添加銅葉綠素鈉,包裝卻是標示為天然葉綠素。

[[桃園縣衛生局食藥科長 劉麗文]]
“他的部份就是加了銅葉綠素鈉,在他們的明日葉精力湯裡面,但是它外標盒子的外標寫天然葉綠素,明顯的與事實不符,我們這邊依違反食品衛生管理法第28條 ,重罰20萬”

此外,統一旗下號稱專門販售天然有機食品的”聖德科斯”, 也有四款精力湯因為標示天然葉綠素不實, 自行下架。



Uni-President became involved in the recent food scandal after its units added the chemical sodium copper chlorophyllin to soups then labeled it as natural chlorophyll. It is being investigated along with Namchow Chemical Industrial, another downstream company that received the additive from the upstream supplier Toong Yuean Enterprise. 

Taoyuan prosecutors worked day and night yesterday. First they searched the Jungli factory of Namchow Chemical Industrial, along with the company’s Taipei headquarters. Next they questioned 11 employees into the night, later releasing three on bail: Lee Kan-wen, the company vice president, Chou Ming-fen, the general manager of the frozen noodles division, and Ji Jun-nan, the head of the Jungli factory.

The investigation came after the supplier Toong Yuean Enterprise said that in 2010 it told downstream companies that its natural chlorophyll was actually sodium copper chlorophyllin. Namchow stands accused of being aware of this violation but not reporting it; after questioning the vice president wouldn’t tell reporters anything.

The Taoyuan Public Health Bureau also found that Uni-President Organics division uses sodium copper chlorophyllin in one of its soup products. The additive is allowed in soups, but Uni-President didn’t include it on its label.

Liu Li-wen
Section Chief, Taoyuan Health Bureau
They add sodium copper chlorophyllin to their ashitaba soup, but on the package is written natural chlorophyll. For this clear violation of Article 28 of the Act Governing Food Sanitation, we gave a stiff fine of NT$200,000.

Four soup products sold by the Uni-President health food subsidiary Santa Cruz also contain sodium copper chlorophyllin but are labeled as containing natural chlorophyll. These were removed from the shelves. 







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Taiwan’s first game in the Asia Series, set for Friday in Taichung, will pit the EDA Rhinos against the Japanese champion Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles. The Rhinos will send American pitcher Nick Green to the mound while the Eagles will hand the ball over to Karashima Wataru. 

In just their first year, the EDA Rhinos have earned the honor of representing Taiwan in the upcoming Asia Series. In the Rhino’s first game, they will take on the Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles. The Rhinos will start Nick Green, who had a regular season ERA of 3.69.

The Rhinos will then play the Australian professional league champions, Canberra Cavalry. Another American pitcher will start this game: Matt Torra, who had a regular season ERA of 2.77. He had strong outings as a starting pitcher in the Taiwan Series. He gave up just two runs in six innings in the first game and one run in seven innings in the fourth game, though both outings led to a no decision. 

Aside from these foreign pitchers, Yang Chien-fu, who performed well in warm-up games, will be in the bullpen, coming on in relief should either of these starters run into trouble.

The Rhino’s biggest worry will be the back end of their bullpen, with closer Juan Bautista Morillo struggling since mid-September. Also, a number of injuries have plagued the team, with Johnny Dahon, Chang Chien-ming, and Lin Kun-sheng all expected to sit. Hu Chin-lung is also battling injury, and his status is unclear.






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[[百貨公司副理 曹春輝]]




The abrupt change in temperature felt today led shoppers to crowd into department stores. They bought everything from winter apparel to blankets in preparation for the arrival of winter. 

The cold weather felt on Taipei’s streets is only made chillier by the light showers. It is a significant change from the warm weather yesterday. And it boosted sales of winter items today at department stores.

More than a thousand people crowded into this department store to take advantage of limited offer sales: duvets for about three-quarters off and waterproof boots for 60 percent off. Shoppers are purchasing coats and other items to keep warm.

“We just bought some things like this down quilt.”

“It’s cooler today, so I bought this duvet.”

Janet Tsao
Dep’t Store Assistant Manager
If the weather is damp and cold like it is today, then we can probably achieve 20 percent growth in the sale of quilts, comforters and other types of blankets.

Forecasters say the cooler weather will last until Wednesday. On Thursday, temperatures will increase, though they are expected to fall again the following day. 







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[[導演 李安]]


Ahead of the 50th anniversary of the Golden Horse Awards, Oscar-award winning director Ang Lee arrived in Taiwan to lead this year’s jury. 

Ang Lee
I am happy to come back and serve the Golden Horse Awards, which will celebrate 50 years. This is an important milestone, and I hope to do a good job as chairman of the jury. I don’t think my job is to give opinions but to maintain order and allow the jury to operate smoothly.






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[[台北市民政局副局長 陳其鏞]]



Taipei’s Lungshan Temple is trying to put an end to the long lines of people waiting to sponsor temple lights for the Lunar New Year. It hopes to quell this large crowd of devotees by ending the sponsorship of large lights. 

Taipei’s Lungshan Temple has announced it will end the annual blight of people queuing in line for the chance to sponsor large temple lights. In past years, many have staked their place in line by using chairs, stools, and PET bottles. This unsightly mess has drawn much public criticism.

“If you announced it in advance, we wouldn’t have waited in line.”

Some people had already begun queuing and assigning their own numbers before a notice was put up by the temple saying it was ending the sponsorship of large lights and potentially changing the location to wait to sponsor smaller lights. There were even reports that cleaning crews were using water to chase people away from where the line had formed.

“At 9 o’clock in the morning, someone came to clean and spray water like we were vagrants.”

Heavy demand for large temple lights at Lungshan Temple annually leads to chaos in this in line. Now that a notice has been posted cancelling the sponsorship of large lights, some are upset about the timing, though authorities believe it will have a positive impact.

Chen Qi-yong
Deputy Commissioner, Taipei Dep’t of Civil Affairs 
They never thought people would begin lining up so early. I think it was appropriate to put up a notice now. A month ahead of (registration) is actually quite early.

Last year, Lungshan Temple offered people the chance to sponsor 120,000 small lights and 10,000 large lights. Now that it is ending the sponsorship of large lights, it will add 60,000 small lights, potentially earning an additional NT$16 million.








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[[逢甲大學GIS技術經理 蕭淵展]]




The Asia Series, pitting top professional baseball teams in the region, begins on Friday. Preparations are underway with the broadcaster, FTV, to use cutting edge aerial and HD camera technology. 

This baseball broadcast will not only be in HD but will include special high speed cameras which are now essential for sporting events. The international attention drawn to the Asia Series is pushing this broadcaster to implement the latest technology.

Hsiao Yuan-chan
Feng Chia University GIS Research Center
The biggest advantage is smooth shooting ability, and it can be lifted high into the air safely. It is quite light, so it is suitable for obtaining aerial shots at large scale sports events and in densely populated areas.

FTV’s broadcast team is working with the Geographic Information System Research Center of Feng Chia University to use this unmanned aerial vehicle to capture images of the baseball stadium. Costing more than half a million NT dollars, the vehicle uses a control system imported from Germany to manage everything from height to 360 degree camera angles.

This aerial camera technology coupled with self-developed software will create exciting real-time images for the Asia Games broadcast. In addition, FTV’s broadcast team will also introduce 3D-like technology comparable to major leagues broadcasts, enhancing the experience of all viewers.






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[[美津濃菁英賽冠軍 盧曉晴]] 



Taiwan’s Teresa Lu is giving local golf fans reason to cheer after recording her first career LPGA victory at the Mizuno Classic in Japan. Lu is a regular on the Japan tour but says she may return to the LPGA tour next season. 

After two rounds of golf, Teresa Lu was two strokes behind the leader, tied for sixth place. But in the final round, her fortune improved after carding three birdies over the first seven holes. This run of good luck was briefly interrupted by a bogey on the ninth, but Lu would storm back on the back nine. 

On the 14th hole Lu birdied, bringing her to 12 under and the lead, though a group of competitors was in close pursuit. Lu had another birdie opportunity on the 17th.

And finally on the 18th hole, Lu was in position to make it a perfect ending with yet another birdie.

Lu finished the round with a 64, putting her overall score at 14 under par. It was her first LPGA tour win after eight years of being a pro, and it was also the first LPGA tour win for a Taiwanese golfer this year. 

Teresa Lu
Taiwanese Golfer 
I am really happy. This is my first win and this is (really) something for me, because it has been eight years and I have been waiting and waiting, and this is great. 

26 -year-old Teresa Lu withdrew from the LPGA Tour in 2010 to concentrate on playing professional tournaments in Japan. She plans to return to Taiwan at the start of December to take part in the Swinging Skirts competition.







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[[立委(民) 陳亭妃]]


[[商品條碼策進會處長 胡榮勝]]




A common myth found on the internet is that the first three digits of a bar code identify country of origin. Today the local director of an international organization explained that these digits have a very different meaning. 

When buying edible oil, some people turn to the bar code to determine country of origin. They believe that the prefix tells them where it was imported from. But they are making the same mistake Legislator Chen Ting-fei made today.

Chen Ting-fei
DPP Legislator
This Spanish oil is imported and in its original packaging. But it has the number 471. Shouldn’t Spanish imports have a number starting with “8.”?

GS1 Taiwan is the local member of an international organization that issues identification numbers to companies. Because it is from Taiwan, it uses the prefix 471 for companies that register here, but that doesn’t mean the products are made here. These prefixes are often used in bar codes, but it’s a myth to think they identify country of origin. 

Johnson Hu
Director, GS1 Taiwan
If a product is imported in its original packaging, it might use the prefix for its country of origin. But this number depends on the brand, not on the source of the product. You can’t use those two or three numbers to determine origin.

Consumers need to trust that companies properly label country of origin and that the government provides suitable supervision.




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[[花蓮縣長 傅?萁]]



[[桃園縣長 吳志揚]]



In recent weeks Taiwanese consumers have faced adulterated edible oils and unapproved drugs in weight-loss supplements. With the central government proving unable to guarantee food safety, local governments are introducing their own measures. 

Over the past few weeks local governments have responded to the recent spate of food safety problems in different ways.

In Hualien, grocery stores and other shops run by farmers’ associations have taken all edible oil products produced by Wei Chuan, Ting Hsin and Formosa Oilseed Processing Co. off the shelves. The government has also introduced a certification system so local shops can build consumer trust. 

Fu Kun-chi
Hualien County Commissioner
All levels of government should act to protect people’s safety. Foremost comes food. If people don’t know what is safe to eat, there won’t be any trust in this society.

Yilan has established a food safety joint inspection task force to uncover problematic items. Hsinchu City has started a food safety hotline, and the local government there is considering taking the lead in launching lawsuits against violators.

Taoyuan County had the widow of the late Chang Gung Memorial Hospital toxicologist Lin Chieh-liang speak on food safety. It also plans to introduce stiffer penalties for violators.

John Wu
Taoyuan County Commissioner
We have already sent this to county council. These are the nation’s first autonomous regulations governing food additives to be proposed by a local government. There are clear regulations and stricter penalties for every category of violation.

Local governments are taking food safety into their own hands to protect consumers and businesses in their areas.





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[[微電影演員 黃于芩]]

[[宜蘭縣長 林聰賢]]




There are more than 50 centenarians who live in Yilan. To document their stories, the local government cooperated with a journalist association to produce a short film in which many of them shared interesting tales and wisdom they have gathered over the years. 

This short film follows a female protagonist who went to live with her grandfather after her parents divorced. Now that she is a magazine editor, she decided to return to her hometown of Yilan to interview local centenarians.

The protagonist is an actress, but the senior citizens are not. They are Yilan natives who have lived more than 100 years. 

104-year-old Lin-Kuo A-Mei loves Chinese operas and is considered one of the happiest people in her family.

105-year-old grandmother Yu Lin-pan surprised the interviewer with her sharp memory and the ability to recite seven-character couplets. 

Huang Yu-chin
I thought they were very friendly, and their minds were very clear.

Lin Tsung-hsien
Yilan County Commissioner
We took the most vivid expressions and chapters of life from these elders to create this story. 

The magic of cinema brings forth the rich life and wisdom of these Yilan centenarians.





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[[學員 澎先生]]


[[學員 邱先生]]


[[晨曦會高雄所主任 吳明錫]]
“15年前來到晨曦會(戒毒) ,然後也是受幫助,然後後來戒完毒再去讀書,我一直認為戒毒是可以成功的,生命改變了,我很感動,想留下來幫助一樣吸毒的朋友”




A drug counseling and rehabilitation center in Kaohsiung teaches baking skills to addicts to help them re-enter society. One individual who completed rehabilitation at Operation Dawn was so inspired by his experience that he decided to remain as a counselor, helping others overcome their addiction. 

Three years ago, Mr. Peng was a drug user and dealer. Now, at 19 years of age, he has found a new passion: making pastries.

Mr. Peng
Letting us former drug users learn a skill is important because it gives us something decent to do when we re-enter society.

Mr. Chiu started taking drugs at just 14. The 26 year old previously studied food and beverage, and now is happy to re-enter the kitchen as he gets a new start on life. 

Mr. Chiu
I’m studying again. I think it’s a good opportunity.

The center’s director picks up a camera to capture this touching scene. He sympathizes with the patients as he, too, was once a drug addict. 

Wu Ming-hsi
Kaohsiung Director, Operation Dawn
Fifteen years ago I came to Operation Dawn, so I also benefitted from this help. After I stopped doing drugs, I began to study. I believe that anyone can quit drugs and change their life. The experience had such a deep impact on me that I wanted to stay and help other drug users facing the same problems.

One eggroll pastry represents hope for these individuals. They are not only learning a new skill but also preparing to re-enter general society.







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[[工研院電光所工程師 林尚一]]


[[R&D 100Awards總編輯兼總評審Tim Studt]]

同樣是頭戴式眼鏡,和google glass比一比,戴上google眼鏡,螢幕騰空顯示在眼前,不過要操作還得透過旁邊的鏡架;而戴上工研院的頭戴顯示器,眼前30公分會出現8吋大小的虛擬螢幕,可以直接在螢幕上操作。



The 51st R&D 100 Awards were presented today in the U.S today. One of the big winners was Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute who took three awards. One of the most celebrated inventions is ITRI’s Air Touch which is quite similar to Google Glass, allowing users to view a virtual screen by wearing a pair of specially fitted eyeglasses.

Wearing this thick pair of black eyeglasses and gesticulating in the air with his fingers, this person resembles Robert Downey Jr. of Ironman fame. All of these computer instructions are done with technology that was recently developed by ITRI.

Lin Hsiang-yi
ITRI Engineer 
This Air Touch technology makes use of a virtual screen, making it receptive to touch control.

This technology can accurately detect the position of the finger in the air allowing one to easily navigate and click through a virtual computer screen. This innovation was specially cited for its technical innovation by R&D 100 . 

R & D 100 Awards
I think it just verifies again what ITRI does and what Taiwan is doing over there in terms of creating new technologies.

Air Touch is quite similar to Google Glass, though it differs because Google Glass displays on the eyeglass lens with control on the side of the eyeglass frame. ITRI’s system actually projects an 8-inch virtual screen 30 cm in front of one’s eyes, and one can directly operate and navigate the screen.

At the moment, this innovation can also be used to navigate the Internet as well as make phone calls. Many believe it could see even greater market use in the future as there may be no need for one to actually touch a physical screen as more and more diverse and mobile services are being offered.







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.因此,今天外交部舉辦了慶祝酒會,馬總統與立法院長王金平也都出席,這是九月政爭後,兩人二度碰面。 雖然台星經貿關係更進一步,但馬總統最在意的,仍是卡在立法院的,兩岸服貿協議。

[[總統 馬英九]]
“我們希望兩岸服務貿易協定,能夠盡快的完成審議,那我們實際上展現出 給世界各國感覺到,我們不論行政跟立法部門,都一致的支持,國家貿易自由化的政策”


[[立法院長 王金平]]



Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry held a party to celebrate the recent signing of a Taiwan Singapore economic partnership agreement. President Ma Ying-jeou used the opportunity call upon the Legislature to pass his cross strait service trade agreement. However, Legislative Speaker, Wang Jyn-ping said the agreement with Singapore gained passage due to good communication and deliberations with lawmakers. Many believe Wang may be implying more communication is needed to pass the cross-strait service trade pact.

More people may have a chance to sample authentic Singaporean cuisine as a special economic partnership agreement was recently signed by Taiwan and Singapore. It calls for zero tariffs on 100 percent of Taiwanese goods sent to Singapore and 99.48 percent of Singaporean goods delivered to Taiwan.

Today, the Foreign Ministry held a party to commemorate the event, inviting President Ma and Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng to attend. It was the second time the two had encountered each other since September’s falling out. Now that this free trade pact has been signed with Singapore, Ma is interested in passage of the cross strait service trade agreement which has languished in the legislature. 

President Ma
I hope the cross strait service trade agreement can quickly complete its deliberations and we can show it to the world and demonstrate that the executive and the legislature both support a policy of trade liberalization.

While Ma was making his views known to the Legislature, Wang Jin-pyng noted that the passage of the Taiwan Singapore trade pact was based upon prior communication, implying that Ma should strike up sincere dialogue to gain passage of the cross strait service trade pact. 

Wang Jin-pyng 
Legislative Speaker
I especially thank the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for communicating the main contents and progress of the Taiwan Singapore economic partnership agreement before it was signed. This indicates the Cabinet respects the legislature’s representation of the people, and has sped up passage of the agreement in the legislature.

By all indications, Ma and Wang are still very far apart on the Legislature’s passage of the cross strait trade services agreement.








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[[陸軍司令部計畫處長 吳天安]]
“不管是它的攜彈量,攜行彈藥的數量,它的射程,他的精準度 以及穿甲能力,均較共軍的武直-10攻擊直升機,來得更好”



One of the first batch of AH-64E Apaches delivered to Taiwan was formally unveiled on Thursday. The most advanced Apache on the market, the AH-64E has strong surveillance and combat capabilities, and Taiwan’s military believes it is more than a match for China’s latest WZ-10 chopper. 

The AH-64E Apache helicopter made its official debut this morning. It drew applause after returning to Tainan Air Force Base behind an AH-1W SuperCobra and OH-58D Kiowa helicopters.

The Apache demonstrated its ability to fly laterally and showed off its 30mm cannon under the fuselage. Taiwan bought 30 of the helicopters for more than NT$60 billion.

The helicopter has a maximum speed of 293 kph, a cruising speed of 265 kph, and a combat radius of 480 kilometers, and its missiles can destroy enemy helicopters and armored vehicles. 

Taiwan thinks the Apache AH64E has a clear edge over China’s new WZ-10 combat helicopter. 

Wu Tian-an
Army Command Planning Chief
Its payload, its ammunition capacity, its firing range and accuracy, and armor piercing capabilities are all superior to those of China’s WZ-10.

Delivery of the 30 Apache AH-64Es bought from the United States is expected to be completed by the middle of next year. They will form two combat divisions at an air base in Longtan, Taoyuan County.






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Consumers may wonder why sodium copper chlorophyllin is banned in instant noodles but permitted in oat products. 

A doctor we asked said that when exposed to high temperatures, the chemical can release copper, a toxin that affects the nervous system, liver and red blood cells.






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[[味全食品董事長 魏應充]]




The chairman of Wei Chuan Foods could face formal charges after his company sold adulterated oils under the Wei Chuan brand. Prosecutors suspect Wei Yin-chun of committing fraud and violating other laws. He was released on NT$10 million bail after being questioned overnight. 

After being grilled by prosecutors throughout the night, the visibly tired Wei Chuan chairman left the Taipei District Prosecutors Office at 6:30 this morning. 

Wei Yin-chun
Wei Chuan Foods Chairman
Our company has always abided by the law. In terms of the prosecutors’ investigation, we have explained everything clearly. Because the investigation is ongoing, it would not be appropriate to comment publicly.

Wei was released on NT$10 million bail after being listed as a potential defendant for fraud, Food Sanitation Act violations, and false product labeling. Wei Chuan President Chang Chiao-hua may also face similar charges and was released on NT$5 million bail.

Late last week, health authorities found that 21 Wei Chuan brand oils had used adulterated oils made by Chang Chi Foodstuff, the company at the heart of Taiwan’s edible oils scandal. Wei Chuan hid that connection for 19 days after the scandal first broke. Prosecutors may also question the major shareholders of Ting Hsin Oil & Fat, the Wei Chuan affiliate that produced the Wei Chuan brand oil.







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The Brother Elephants are one of only two original founding members of Taiwan’s professional baseball league still in business, but that will soon end. In their 24 years in the league, the Elephants won seven championships and built a diehard fan base. 

In the league’s opening game in 1990, the Elephants wore the same yellow uniforms that have remained one of their most recognizable trademarks to this day.

In 1993 and 2002, the Elephants completed three-peats, and their runs sent the team’s popularity soaring. The team’s never-say-die spirit and the loyalty and passion of its fans meshed into one of Taiwan’s most enduring sporting successes. 

Even when the team went through difficult seasons or became engulfed in a game-fixing scandal, Elephant fans stuck by the club. So it is somewhat ironic that the Elephants are now up for sale after a year in which the CPBL’s popularity soared following a spirited showing by Taiwan in the World Baseball Classic. Still, Brother Elephant fans are remaining loyal to the end, snapping the 8,000 bleacher seats for the Asia Series warm-up games, possibly the last games the club will ever play.






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