

More than 70 years after the Berlin Zoo forced Jewish shareholders out of its ranks, the institution is trying to come clean about its own dark chapter during the Nazi era.


A Berlin historian is combing through thousands of names to identify members made to sell their shares back to the zoo at a loss under the Third Reich, and has begun tracking down their descendants ahead of publishing her findings.


"Jews were very important for the zoo," said historian Monika Schmidt, who estimates up to a quarter of the zoo’s 4,000 shareholders in the 1930s were Jewish. "But they were pushed out step by step by the zoo itself, before the Nazi state asked any institution to do those things," said Schmidt.



Their exclusion is just one example of how Jews were pushed out of public life in 1930s Germany and stripped of their assets.



The zoo’s actions pale in comparison to other atrocities committed in Hitler’s Germany, but historians say there is value in documenting them.


"It’s very important to see that this discrimination and these Nazi crimes were not only done by some people, but in all parts of society," said Johannes Tuchel, a professor of political science at the Free University of Berlin.



come clean:片語,非正式用語,指說出真相、全盤托出、招供,如He’s finally come clean about his role in the scandal.(他終於全盤供出他在這樁醜聞裡所扮演的角色。)


push somebody out:動詞片語,指不公地排擠某人、迫使某人去職或停止參與某項活動,如I felt I was being pushed out of the job.(我覺得我正被人刻意從這份工作上逼退。)

pale:動詞,指遜色、相形見絀,後面常接before或beside,如His accomplishments pale beside those of his father.(他的成就和他的父親相比顯得相形失色。)


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