


[[中藥業者 廖慶安]]



[[總統府副秘書長 羅智強]]



Ruling and opposition leaders continue to prepare for their upcoming debate on the trade-in-services pact Taiwan signed with China. President Ma Ying-jeou’s camp has begun to lower expectations by complaining about a lack of preparation time while aides of the DPP’s Su Tseng-chang says government agencies are not providing the information they need. 

As this Chinese medicine pharmacist arranges products, he expresses a litany of complaints. Price pressures are mounting. He and other members of the industry are both hopeful and fearful of the impact the cross-strait trade-in-services pact will have. 

Liao Ching-an
Chinese Medicine Pharmacist
If imports are opened, their costs will drop. This would be highly beneficial to downstream companies.

Chinese Medicine Pharmacist
It will lead to more competition, so of course I don’t support it. There hasn’t been sufficient explanation, and I don’t understand what supplementary measures are in place.

Business owners such as these hope for answers on Sept. 15, when leaders of the nation’s two largest parties hold a debate centered on the pact. Both sides are preparing, though President Ma’s camp seemed eager to temper expectations.

Lo Chih-chiang
Presidential Office
The president is busy with government affairs. Changes have frequently been made to preparation time that we had arranged.

The debate will be between Ma and the DPP’s Su Tseng-chang. They have already begun trading pre-debate barbs. Ma insists the trade-in-services pact will increase Taiwan’s competitiveness. Su counters that it’s impossible to verify the government’s claim because the entire pact was negotiated in secrecy. Both sides will need to refine their arguments to convince the public come debate day.




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