屏東縣泰武國小的「古謠傳唱隊」,用美妙的排灣族古謠感動葛萊美得主Daniel Ho,雙方合作音樂專輯,將角逐葛萊美獎。校方接受訪問表示,希望藉此能把排灣族的音樂發揚光大。
有如天籟般的嗓音,讓排灣族的古謠傳唱隊,獲得六座葛萊美獎得主Daniel Ho的注意,泰武國小的老師受訪時表示,就是因為孩子的聲音很自然。
[[泰武國小 老師]]
Daniel Ho不只擔任古謠傳唱隊的唱片製作人,也因為他的關係,讓傳唱隊在上個月受邀到美國演出。
[[泰武國小校長 伍麗華]]
“Daniel Ho先生跟我們接觸後,他覺得他一定把這樣的聲音,帶到國際舞台,因為他說,這是絕對配得更高的國際榮譽”
Instructors at Taiwu Elementary School hope that a recent collaboration with a Grammy-winning musician can allow native Paiwan music to gain international acclaim. Acclaimed American producer Daniel Ho produced an album with children from the school and even arranged for them to perform in the United States.
These angelic voices are from Taiwan’s Paiwan tribe. They are members of the Taiwu Children's Ancient Ballads Troupe. This group recently came to the attention of six-time Grammy award-winner Daniel Ho. In an interview, a teacher at Taiwu Elementary School said the voices of local children are known for being pure and natural.
Taiwu Elementary School Teacher
In fact, the first time he heard our voices, he felt it took him back to the time when he began making music. There is nothing fake in children’s voices.
Daniel Ho not only served as a producer on the album, but also used his connections to bring the group to the US for concerts last month.
Wu Li-hua
Taiwu Elementary Principal
After Daniel Ho contacted us, he felt a need to bring these voices to an international stage. He believes these voices are definitely worthy of international acclaim.
These children have already been recognized with a Golden Melody Award, but the school is hoping to help them qualify for a Grammy award. Such an honor would lead to greater international recognition.