[[學運總指揮 林飛帆]]
[[學運總指揮 林飛帆]]
“所有關於這場運動接下來的走向, 我們都會積極地,跟參與這場運動的夥伴們 大家一起討論,目前為止,這個討論會持續進行”
“行為上有示好的意思,可是在事情還沒發生到最後之前,我們還是要保持一個 警戒態度”
The students have yet to decide whether Wang’s concession is enough for them to leave the Legislature. Student leader Lin Fei-fan says such a decision will only be made following consultation with all those taking part in the movement.
In the commotion at the Legislature, student leader Lin Fei-fan and Speaker Wang Jin-pyng were unable to speak. After three weeks of watching the lawmaking body occupied by students, Wang finally visited. He shook hands with each of the students who were willing to greet him, and was friendly toward those who weren’t so welcoming. Lin praised Wang’s gesture.
Lin Fei-fan
Student Leader
We approve of Wang’s promise to use his authority to ensure that a monitoring mechanism for cross-strait agreements is put into law before the services trade pact is reviewed, says Lin. Over the past three weeks, we have dealt with many impossible challenges. We have seen students bleed and shed tears, and we have faced many situations where we had to stand strong. But, today, we can say that light is finally shining on this island.
Many students consider Wang’s concession to be the first sign of goodwill from the government. They have not yet said if they are prepared to leave the Legislature.
Lin Fei-fan
Student Leader
We will discuss all future directions that this movement will take with everyone who has participated. For now, these discussions are ongoing, says Lin.
Student Demonstrator
(Wang) was cordial, but until the last moment of this dispute, we must remain alert, says this demonstrator.
While the students appreciate Wang’s gesture, they are still weary of President MaYing-jeou.