


[[政大地政系教授 徐世榮]]


[[國發會主委 管中閔]]


When students took over the Legislature in protest against the services trade pact signed with China, they caused delays to several bills. Among them is another major economic plan: the establishment of free economic pilot zones. Today in legislative committee critics accused the government of planning forced expropriation of farmland in order to build the zones, while the government argued the zones will help farmers by bringing added value to agricultural products. 

A land economics professor was one of several experts to express concerns about land expropriation associated with building free economic pilot zones.

Hsu Shih-jung
National Chengchi University
In the name of development, the government is robbing from the poor to give to the rich. When the government plunders this land, it becomes a bandit. Do its actions meet the requirement that land expropriation be necessary? Minister Kuan, is this allowed?

National Development Council Minister Kuan Chung-ming promised supplementary measures before line-by-line review of the special regulations in the Legislature.

Kuan Chung-ming
Development Minister
For land expropriations, since the start we have almost entirely followed old mechanisms. If this leads to other concerns or doubts expressed in our public hearings, then I will review related articles with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of the Interior.

Kuan said he’s willing to join scholars in conducting a line-by-line review of articles that will have an impact on farmers. He added that it’s wrong of critics to accuse him of trying to eliminate agriculture, and that instead he hopes to bring added value to the industry.


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