[[關廠工人代表 毛振飛]]
Laborers are at odds over an anti-services trade pact rally. A group of labor representatives announced the rally to take place on May 1 in response to student-led demonstrations against the pact. But other labor representatives voiced concern by telling workers to stay away from a movement that has already grown political.
Labor Day rallies are an annual event to press for better working conditions. But this year, they have new appeal.
To support the Sunflower Movement, 17 labor unions, including the National Alliance for Workers of Closed Factories, issued a joint statement claiming that the main results of trade liberation are to expedite capital flow and maximize profits for major enterprises. They do not believe free trade benefits workers.
Mao Chen-fei
Labor Rights Activists
Opening up the services trade industry will hurt Taiwan. Workers already have low wages, and these wages will go even lower, says this activist.
These labor representatives called for a rally to take place in front of the Presidential Office. But the Labor Welfare Alliance and Taipei Labor Union, which are in favor of the trade-in-services pact, do not feel workers should join students.
Tsai Hung-chun
Taipei Labor Union Director
The 17 groups do not represent the view of all laborers. I do not oppose rallies that only consist of laborers, but if you join the students, your rally could take on a political flavor, says this labor representative.
Labor Day rallies are typically announced in mid-April. But the student demonstrations led some labor groups to announce a rally at the beginning of the month, despite opposition from some of their fellow workers.