2022/10/03 05:30
◎ 陳成良
A far-right party in Germany is being mocked online for planning to offer voters soft candies that bear a striking resemblance to a dildo.
Alternative for Germany had ordered the red gummy sweets in the shape of its party logo — a swoosh-like arrow — to hand out during the election campaign in Lower Saxony state, where a regional election is set for Oct. 9.
德國另類選擇黨(Alternative for Germany,AfD)訂購了其黨徽形狀(旋風狀箭頭)的紅色軟糖,準備在下薩克森邦的選戰活動中發送,當地預定10月19日舉行地方選舉。
A picture of the candies tweeted by a reporter for German weekly Der Spiegel drew tens of thousands of likes and numerous mirthful comments, many of them below the belt.
The party’s regional chairman, Frank Rinck, dismissed what he called the “media’s excitement” over the issue. “Everybody sees what they want to see,” he told German news agency dpa Thursday. “We’re not taking any consequences.”
bear a resemblance to someone or something:慣用語,與…相似。例句:This zipper bag bears a strong resemblance to the one I lost last week.(這個拉鍊袋和我上週弄丟的那個很像。)
below the belt:美國俚語,原指在拳擊中違規打擊對手腰帶以下的部,後來也用來指(評論、批評或攻擊等) 不公平的;卑鄙的;卑劣的。例句:That new advertisement really hits below the belt. (那支新廣告真是卑鄙。)