

You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process, is its own reward.”


Amelia Earhart, Aviator


愛蜜莉亞‧厄爾哈特 (1897-1939) 是美國飛行員,第一位獨自飛越大西洋的女飛行員,她也投身女權運動,協助成立女飛行員組織,其描述飛行經歷的故事成為暢銷書。

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Most people live their entire lives without achieving much or doing anything meaningful. That is not the case, however, for American teenager Moshe Kai Cavalin. Before turning 18, Cavalin had received two college degrees, had written a best-selling book, and had won multiple martial arts trophies. He even plays the piano and flies airplanes. In addition to such an impressive resume, Cavalin is now working on drone surveillance technology for NASA.


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Enzo Ferrari loved fast cars. From the first time he saw a race when he was 10 years old until his death in 1988, his life was all about high quality cars. Ferrari started off as a race car driver and worked in many positions inside the automobile industry. He eventually moved into team management and was a businessman for his whole life. The name Ferrari lives on to this day and makes people think of wealth, speed, excitement, and coolness. When anyone drives by in a Ferrari, people immediately stop to look at this amazing vehicle.

恩佐法拉利喜愛跑車。從他十歲時首次看到賽車比賽一直到他 1988 年過世為止,他的一生都跟高性能的汽車有關。法拉利一開始時是一個賽車手,而且在汽車工業裡擔任過許多職位。他後來轉進到車隊管理層,而且當了一輩子的生意人。法拉利這個名字持續存在到現在,而且讓人聯想到財富、速度、刺激以及酷炫。任何人開著法拉利經過時,人們都會馬上停下來注視這台令人驚奇的車子。

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Ice hockey is a popular winter sport in many northern countries. The game as it is today was invented in the late 1800s in Canada. Hockey players wore ice skates to play on ice. They used curved sticks to hit a black rubber puck into nets to score goals. It is a contact sport, so players are allowed to hit each other in certain ways. Fighting is not allowed, but it does happen from time to time. Because the players skate on ice, they move back and forth very quickly, which has earned the sport the nickname “the fastest game on Earth.”


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“Do the best you can in every task, no matter how unimportant it may seem at the time. No one learns more about a problem than the person at the bottom.”

— Sandra Day O’Connor, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court


珊卓拉··歐康納 (1930- ) 是美國最高法院首位女性法官,當過律師、亞利桑那州參議員,及該州上訴法院法官,曾被《富比士》雜誌選為最有權力的女人之一,2009 年獲授予「總統自由勳章」。

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