“Who feels no ills, should, therefore, fear them; and when fortune smiles, be doubly cautious, lest destruction come remorseless on him, and he fall unpitied.”

– Sophocles, Playwright

「感受不到危機的人,應懼怕它;當命運之神眷顧時,應加倍小心,以免毀滅無情的來臨,失敗了還得不到同情。」– 索福克勒斯 (劇作家)

  • ill (n.) 困難,禍害。例:The village has encountered a number of ills since last year. (這村莊自去年以來經歷了諸多禍害。) fortune (n.) 命運,際遇。lest (conj.) 以免,免得。例:Rest early lest you are unable to wake up early tomorrow. (早點休息免得你明天無法早起。) remorseless (adj.) 無情的,冷血的。unpitied (adj.) 沒得到同情的;pity (v.) 憐憫,同情。
  • 索福克勒斯 (496/7 BC. – 405/6 BC.) 是古希臘劇作家、古希臘三大悲劇詩人之一,生活於雅典奴隸主民主制的全盛時期,他一生共寫 123 個劇本,如今只有 7 部完整的流傳下來,其中以《伊底帕斯王》最為出名。


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“To me, the definition of focus is knowing exactly where you want to be today, next week, next month, next year, then never deviating from your plan. Once you can see, touch and feel your objective, all you have to do is pull back and put all your strength behind it, and you’ll hit your target every time.”

– Bruce Jenner, Athlete

「對我來說,專注的定義是確切知道你今天、下週、下個月及明年會在哪裡,絕不偏離你的計劃。一旦你能看到、摸到及感受你的目標,你唯一需要做的是退後一步、把你所有的力氣放在那願景之後,你將每次都達到目標。」– 布魯斯‧傑納 (運動員)

  • deviate (v.) 脫離,越軌。例:The plane has deviated from the regular flight route.(飛機偏離了正常的航道。)
  • 布魯斯‧傑納 (1949-) 是前美國田徑選手,在 1776 年夏季奧運的「十項全能」獲得金牌,入選「奥林匹克名人堂」、「美國田徑名人堂」,之後投入演藝圈,因真人秀節目而走紅。


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Street Genius

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There is no doubt that the advancement of science and technology has fundamentally changed our world for the better. With every passing year, scientists and engineers continually develop new ways for people to live their lives in a more efficient, cleaner, and safer way. The rapid pace in which these developments occur has made scientists look a lot like magicians. Now, National Geographic Channel’s (NGC) Street Genius 2 shows how ordinary things can turn into something magical.
Do you think it is possible to stop a bullet with a set of party balloons? PresenterTim Shaw travels to different spots around the UK and the US to show how seemingly impossible experiments can turn into jawdropping marvels.

毫無疑問地,科學和科技的進步,從根本上改變了我們的世界,使之變得更好。隨著一年年過去,科學家和工程師不斷研發出新方法,讓人們以更有效率、更乾淨及更安全的方式來過生活。這些發展來得十分快速,使科學家看起來很像是魔術師一樣。現在國家地理頻道的《街頭科學實驗室 2》要帶大家來看看,平凡無奇的事物是如何化為神奇。

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The Eiffel Tower 艾菲爾鐵塔


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The Eiffel Tower, the famous structure standing in the middle of Paris’ Champ de Mars, was first opened on March 31, 1889. Generally considered to be one of the most recognizable pieces of architecture in the world, the Eiffel Tower was named after engineer Gustave Eiffel. It was Eiffel’s construction company that designed and built the tower just as they did the Statue of Liberty in New York City in 1886.
The architectural marvel stands at more than 300 meters high, which made it the tallest standing structure for a brief period of time. Not to mention, the entire iron tower weighs an impressive 7,300 tons. Fifty to 60 tons of paint has to be applied to the structure every now and again to keep it from rusting. There are three floors with a few elevators to help tourists travel up and down the tower.


聳立於巴黎戰神廣場中央的著名建築物 —— 艾菲爾鐵塔 —— 1889 年三月三十一日首度對外開放。艾菲爾鐵塔通常被認為是世上最容易指認的建築物之一,它是以設計師古斯塔夫艾菲爾的名字命名的。這座塔是由艾菲爾的建設公司所設計打造,如同紐約市的自由女神像也是由他們於 1886 年時所設計打造的。

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Brian Tracy (勵志教練)


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“Decisiveness is a characteristic of high-performing men and women. Almost any decision is better than no decision at all.”

– Brian Tracy, Motivational Coach

「果決是傑出表現男女的特質,幾乎任何決定都比完全沒決定更好。」布萊恩‧崔西 (勵志教練)


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