







[[水利署長 楊偉甫]]


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Mobile messaging services compete in Taiwanese market


As smartphones become pervasive, mobile messaging services are gaining critical momentum. Communication providers are entering an age of stiff competition fought with cute stickers, free calls and other benefits for users. Others are attempting to integrate with cross-platform mobile social networking to attract users.


As the number of smartphone users rises, mobile messaging services have become a major mode of socializing. Various telecommunication software companies are targeting Taiwan to take advantage of this growing trend.


Currently the most popular options include US software Whatsapp, which was earliest to appear on the Taiwanese market, Korean software Line, and Chinese software WeChat. In order to boost popularity, WeChat has contracted entertainer Rainie Yang as its spokesperson. Today, WeChat announced its cross mobile community platform.

英倫翻譯文章出處 :民視英語新聞


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[[業者 譚樂文]]

“我們在台灣也是剛剛公布這個平台,但我們已經收到很多台灣廠商、 公司,都很有興趣,因為我們平台最大的特性是可以做很多互動,可以串接到企業本身的系統,對他們來講很簡單”

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While dogs are affectionate and lovable pets, their parasites may be hazardous to humans. A 14-year-old boy’s eyesight began to deteriorate after becoming infected with dog roundworm. Fortunately a diagnosis was made early and his health is recovering after treatment.


Dog-lovers frequently stroke and kiss their pets. However, affectionate contact with canines is potentially dangerous. The eyesight of a 14-year-old boy began to deteriorate after contact with dogs. After medical investigation, it was found that his eye had been infected with a species of parasite commonly referred to as “dog roundworm.”


If fertilized eggs are ingested through contact with dogs, roundworms can infect human organs through the digestive system and the bloodstream. Dog roundworm infections can cause blindness or lung inflammation.



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狗狗討喜的模樣,讓很多人喜歡又摟又親,但親密的接觸卻隱藏危機! 台北一位14歲的少年,左眼視力莫名其妙開始變差,多方求醫才發現,居然是被犬蛔蟲侵蝕到眼睛。




[[北醫寄生蟲學系主任 范家?]]


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