遠雄集團董事長趙藤雄,為了〝八德合宜宅〞行賄案,台北地院昨天晚間再度召開羈押庭,儘管趙藤雄當庭坦承,確實托人交付1600萬給葉世文,希望獲得交保,但他的供詞避重就輕,不僅涉嫌串供,還企圖銷毀近百箱的機密文件,並在凌晨一點零五分裁定。Top land developer, Chao Teng-hsiung, detained and held incommunicado on bribery charges (2014/06/02)
The Taipei District Court reversed a ruling from over the weekend and approved a prosecutor's request that Chao Teng-hsiung, chairman of Far Glory Group, be detained and held in-communicado.
Chao is being held on bribery charges connected to a public housing project. Prosecutors have shown that Chao and colleagues have sought to destroy evidence and collaborate with witnesses.
英倫翻譯文章出處 :民視英語新聞