[[國民黨副主席 郝龍斌]]
“CPI 3%以下,就不開基本工資調漲委員會,過去十年只有1次超過3,基本工資已經不能反映,現在物價的調漲”
[[經濟部長 張家祝]]
[[超市管理部協理 林子文]]
Just over NT$19,000 is the monthly amount paid to minimum wage workers in Taiwan. Today Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin said this amount does not reflect recent price rises on necessities such as foodstuffs. He urged reform to a system that makes it difficult for the economically disadvantaged to survive.
For the first time as KMT vice chairman, Hau Lung-bin attended the party’s Central Standing Committee meeting. Hau urged new standards for how the minimum wage is calculated.
Hau Lung-bin
KMT Vice Chairman
When the consumer price index rise remains under 3 percent, the committee which handles rises in the minimum wage doesn’t meet. In the past 10 years, just once has CPI exceeded 3 percent. The minimum wage is no longer able to reflect rises in the cost of consumer goods.
According to the latest data from the government’s statistics bureau, consumer prices in April rose 1.65 percent compared to a year earlier. More troubling is that foodstuffs prices were up more than 5 percent.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs says it is urging enterprises to provide better pay to workers.
Chang Chia-juch
Economics Minister
From last year to now, the response from enterprises, especially mid-to-large-sized ones, has been positive. But some mid-to-small-sized enterprises are more conservative when it comes to the topic of raises.
One company being watched is Pxmart, which today announced plans to hire 1,220 new staff. It starts floor staff out at NT$23,000 a month, lower than competitor Simple Mart.
Lin Tse-wen
We are quickly expanding our number of stores, so promotions will also be accelerated. In the next year, we will need to promote 80 to 90 store managers.
In response to Hau’s request, Labor Minister Pan Shih-wei said his agency will soon gather experts to research the possibility of a regional-based minimum wage system.