


[[蛋糕連鎖店總經理 曾佳煜]]


[[蛋糕連鎖店總經理 曾佳煜]]


[[兒童攝影公司總經理 陳常誌]] 
“目前遭遇到的情況是有些困難,07 08年之後,單客營業額其實是緩步,沒有再持續往上的空間,租金成本早就超越一般所能想像的程度”


In the past, Taiwanese businesspeople who sought their fortunes in China often had a capital advantage. Not anymore, leading a new generation of entrepreneurs to concentrate on smaller service industry businesses. Follow our report as we visit two Taiwanese entrepreneurs in Shanghai and examine the challenges they face. 

In 2013, Tseng Jya-yu went to Shanghai to open a chain of cheesecake stores. 

Tseng Jya-yu
Cheesecake Chain CEO
This market is quite large. It would take me five years of work in Taiwan to achieve what I have done in just three months.

The Chinese market is full of opportunities, but there are also hidden and unspoken rules to be followed.

Tseng Jya-yu
Cheesecake Chain President
When we open a shop over here, the procedures are very complicated. You need to complete a variety of different approval procedures.

Because Tseng failed to thoroughly understand regulations, shops have been ordered closed on three different occasions. Another entrepreneur, Chen Chang-chih, has been involved in the children’s photography business for 10 years. Rents have risen threefold.

Chen Chang-chih 
Children’s Photography Manager
The current situation has brought some difficulties. After 2007 and 2008, customer turnover began to slow and space rental costs exceeded expectations.

Chen says Chinese businesses frequently copy or imitate other successful businesses, posing yet another difficult challenge in the China market.

    創作者 英倫翻譯社 的頭像

    英倫翻譯社/ Trsmaster

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