




In a government shakeup, National Security Bureau Director Tsai De-sheng has resigned for health reasons. He will become a policy advisor to the president. Replacing Tsai will be Deputy Defense Minister Lee Hsiang-chou. 

At the Legislature’s National Defense Committee meeting, when asked about his future role in the government, National Security Bureau Director Tsai De-sheng joked that his fate was up to God.

Tsai smiled when responding to reporter questions about whether he would remain in his current post. By the afternoon, a Presidential Office press release announced that Tsai would be appointed national policy advisor. The bureau then announced that Tsai was suffering from eye trouble and doctors recommended he rest and recover. It cited this as the reason for President Ma approving Tsai’s resignation from his current post.

During the student-led Sunflower Movement and occupation of the Legislature and Executive Yuan, displeasure from ranking officials led to several reports of Tsai’s resignation. Now that his departure is official, his successor will be Deputy Defense Minister Lee Hsiang-chou. 


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