


[[屏東衛生局技正 蔡木財]]


[[屏東衛生局技正 蔡木財]]



Investigators searched factories owned by the Ting Hsin International Group and the headquarters of the conglomerate’s Wei Chuan Foods Corp. They are trying to figure out exactly how much the group knew when it took inferior, mislabeled oil purchased from the Chang Chi Foodstuff Factory and blended it with its own oils labeled as high grade. 

When it emerged that a brand as large as Wei Chuan was involved in the edible oil scandal, consumers were shocked. Today many brought products to the company’s Pingtung Ting Hsin factory to seek a refund. Outside staff were busy while inside problems were growing.

Pingtung prosecutors were also busy today. They met with local health officials and traveled in groups to Ting Hsin oil-making factories in Pingtung and Changhua. Besides seizing products and documents, they inquired about procurement of Chang Chi Foodstuff Factory oil. Investigators found serious problems with oil purchased from Chang Chi that was stored in the red containers.

Tsai Mu-cai
Technician, Pingtung Health Bureau
Fatty acid tests show that this isn’t pure olive oil as labeled.

This oil, marketed as “healthy kitchen,” has the same fatty acid content as Chang Chi’s adulterated olive oil. Investigators suspect that Ting Hsin bought cheap oil from Chang Chi, repackaged it then sold it under the Wei Chuan brand. Ting Hsin’s problems began when Chang Chi was caught selling adulterated products.

Tsai Mu-cai
Technician, Pingtung Health Bureau
Chang Chi told legal authorities that it sold oil products to Ting Hsin.

Prosecutors believe that Ting Hsin made NT$140 million over six years by blending inferior Chang Chi oils with its own products. If Ting Hsin officials knew the Chang Chi oil was mislabeled, they could be prosecuted for fraud and fined more than NT$300 million.







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[[台北市議員 吳思瑤]]


[[北市衛生局食藥處副處長 沈美俐]]




Before new labeling laws are introduced a Taipei city councilor is urging beverage makers to publicize calorie and nutritional information. The councilor’s main concern is the teas and custom-made drinks that are popular among consumers and often high in sugar. 

Even the maker of this drink has no idea how many calories it packs. A city councilor who investigated eight major beverage chains in Taipei found that only half provide labels. The market leader was one of the companies that didn’t provide any information.

Rosalia Wu
Taipei City Councilor
Today I want to make a special example of “50 Lan,” maker of the drink I hold in my hand. It’s the biggest beverage chain in Taipei, with 87 outlets in the city, but it doesn’t list nutrients, calories, or anything else.

The city government plans to recommend regulatory changes to the central government this year. Until then, it says it can only provide guidance.

Shen Mei-li
Taipei Department of Health
We will again assist these companies in producing a label that clearly shows calorie and even nutritional content of their products.

City Councilor Rosalia Wu also cited the problematic article in the Act Governing Food Sanitation. She says custom-made beverages are classified as “bulk foods” under the law, excluding them from labeling requirements and putting consumers at risk.







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台北市捷運公司打算與Hello Kitty合作,除了會賣Hello Kitty週邊商品外,也不排除打造Hello Kitty纜車,來搶更多人氣。



The Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation plans to sell Hello Kitty souvenirs in MRT shops. It also is considering introducing Hello Kitty themed cabins on the Maokong Gondola. 

The corporation hopes the Japanese character provides a financial boost to the gondola after the system operated in the red every year since reopening in 2010. Losses are attributed to high repair costs.







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[[五月天貝斯手 瑪莎]] 



Taiwanese rock band Mayday is raising its international profile ahead of an upcoming world tour. The band spoke to the BBC about its hope to become The Beatles of the Chinese-speaking world. 

Mayday’s “Noah's Ark” tour, which began last year, has finally left Asia. The first stop outside the region was England, home of The Beatles.

Yesterday in London, this 150-year old Langham London Hotel hosted a press conference which was also broadcast live on YouTube. Heavy network traffic gave foreign media some indication of the popularity of a band that has been billed the “Asian Beatles.” 

Mayday Bassist
Maybe you know that Mayday love The Beatles very much and have many influences by Beatles, so some of the American newspapers say that we are the Beatles in Asia. We feel very honored.

Mayday’s European tour will begin next February with a concert at Wembley Stadium, later going to 40 cities in the US, Japan and Korea.








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[[小吃店業者 賴先生]]



[[台經院景氣預測中心主任 孫明德]]



The Taiwan Institute of Economic Research has become the first major organization to predict that Taiwan will fail to achieve 2 percent growth this year. Today it cited weak exports and investments when cutting its GDP growth forecast to 1.93 percent. 

The owner of this restaurant carefully prepares chilies and other foods. One challenge for his business is the anemic economy, and another is the recent edible oil scandal.

Food Vendor
There was the plasticizer problem then starch. Now it’s edible oil. One scandal comes after another, ruining consumer confidence. It has a major impact on us.

In department stores customers are few. Buying sentiment is as chilly as the weather.

Sluggish domestic demand and falling exports have caused TIER to drop its earlier year-long growth forecast from at least 3 percent to just 1.93 percent. Among all major institutions, it is the first to predict that Taiwan will fail to achieve 2 percent growth.

Gordon Sun
Director, TIER Macroeconomic Forecasting
Taiwan is dependent on other nations. Over the first nine months of the year, trade fluctuated wildly. Second are investments. These were strong over the first half of the year but then fell over the second half.

For 2014, TIER predicts growth of 3.11 percent.






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