[[小吃店業者 賴先生]]
[[台經院景氣預測中心主任 孫明德]]
The Taiwan Institute of Economic Research has become the first major organization to predict that Taiwan will fail to achieve 2 percent growth this year. Today it cited weak exports and investments when cutting its GDP growth forecast to 1.93 percent.
The owner of this restaurant carefully prepares chilies and other foods. One challenge for his business is the anemic economy, and another is the recent edible oil scandal.
Food Vendor
There was the plasticizer problem then starch. Now it’s edible oil. One scandal comes after another, ruining consumer confidence. It has a major impact on us.
In department stores customers are few. Buying sentiment is as chilly as the weather.
Sluggish domestic demand and falling exports have caused TIER to drop its earlier year-long growth forecast from at least 3 percent to just 1.93 percent. Among all major institutions, it is the first to predict that Taiwan will fail to achieve 2 percent growth.
Gordon Sun
Director, TIER Macroeconomic Forecasting
Taiwan is dependent on other nations. Over the first nine months of the year, trade fluctuated wildly. Second are investments. These were strong over the first half of the year but then fell over the second half.
For 2014, TIER predicts growth of 3.11 percent.