Official disclosure of extraterrestrial life is imminent 


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Michael Salla, Ph.D.,

譯者按:麥可‧莎拉博士(Michael Salla. Ph.D)在10月21日發表的一篇〈官方揭密外星人迫在眉睫〉(Official disclosure of extraterrestrial life is imminent)的一篇文章中,詳細論述了自2008年初聯合國召開30國秘密會議討論公佈外星生命實情的會議中,以來的過程。


1. disclosure: n. 公佈
2. extraterrestrial: adj. 地球之外的
3. imminent: adj. 即將來到的
4. deliberate: v. 仔細考慮

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A plan to create temporary housing for children critically ill with cancer was opposed by some residents of Taipei’s Daan District. The residents wrongly feared they too could become infected. News of the opposition drew harsh public criticism, including strong words from Mayor Hau Lung-bin. 


This four-story building is located in Daan District’s Jinshan South Road, prime real estate that is destined to become a temporary residence for children critically ill with cancer and their family. However, a few residents of the area oppose the plan, wrongly fearing that they could be infected by the cancer.


A few days ago, someone in the community posted these anonymous leaflets criticizing the plan. This led to lots of online criticism accusing residents of the area for being privileged and insensitive to others. This led the Jinan neighborhood chief to come forward to clarify these comments, saying they were made by a few residents who do not properly understand the situation. 

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Elections are over for the DPP’s Central Standing Committee, the party’s top decision-making body. Among the biggest winners was the former New Tide faction along with former Premiers Frank Hsieh and Yu Shyi-kun. 


After the votes for Central Standing Committee were counted, current member Trong R. Chai found himself in an awkward position. He was tied with Rosalia Wu and Yen Hsiao-ching, both members of the former New Tide faction. Three nominees were vying for two spots. Party rules called for lots to be drawn. Chai was the only one present, but came up short.


Trong R. Chai
Standing Committee Nominee

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The bribery investigation continues into former cabinet member Lin Yi-shih and his family. Prosecutors today questioned his mother, Shen Juo-lan, a second time. She apparently managed the graft funds taken by her son. 

It was a striking image on July 4 when Lin Yi-shih’s mother, Shen Juo-lan, arrived at the Special Investigation Division. She had brought NT$18 million in cash. Prosecutors quickly listed her as a suspect for corruption, money laundering and concealing evidence. Today they questioned her a second time.

Last time Shen Juo-lan had millions, hoping to save her son. This time she had no wads of cash.

Prosecutors have found NT$75 million tucked away in Lin family accounts, safe deposit boxes and other repositories. Lin only admits to accepting a bribe of NT$63 million.

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「I'm happy as a clam.」就會想到蛤,不需要做什麼事情。它整天只需要無所事事的在沙灘上或在海底下,不需要工作。聽起來很快樂,不是嗎?如果有人問你:「How are you today?」您可以這樣告訴他們,他們就會知道你的心情有多好。


「I wouldn't touch that (or him/her) with a ten-foot pole.」不覺得像某種東西嗎?也許令人噁心的像是垃圾或腐壞的食物,或某人你不想要和他做朋友甚至和他說話?嗯,意思就是你不是很喜歡他以致於你不想與他聯繫或有很近的接觸 � 甚至你的十個腳指頭!

「I think I went overboard.」如果你曾經想要做某些過度以致於沒有負責能力負擔的事情,這是一個很有幫助的表示方式。「Going overboard」造字面上翻譯是從船上掉落水裡,但是在英文裡就是承認你做了不該有的事情的一說法。還有很多相類似的諺語,像是「I've stepped over a line」及「I've gone too far.」你也可以用在說明某人錯誤事情。

「You don't have a leg to stand on.」不,它不是說明正在和你說話的那個人沒有腿。它的意思是說他們在爭論是不對的。因為他們都沒有任何證據足以立論。這是一個很好的方法告訴某人你認為他們是錯的。

「Break a leg!」這句話的意思就是它的反意。如果你告訴某人這個,你正希望他有好運!它來自於一種迷信就是當說這句話愈大聲,相反的意思就愈會實現。這起源於劇院,通常只使用在祝福某人有很出色的演出。所以也可以用在職場上祝福某人有好的表現或於面試給予好印象。

by Zack Schenkkan 


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