《牛津線上字典》(Oxford Dictionary Online, ODO) 日前公布該字典本季所收錄的新單字,有近 40 個之多,茲舉其中幾個字加以說明,餘者請參考英文解釋:
- dog food:(動詞) 使用自己或自己公司所生產的產品 - 尤其是程式軟體 - 以便在上市前進行測試。事實上,這個片語也可當名詞用,如 "eat one’s own dog food" (這意思跟 "to dog food" 是一樣的)。
- e-cigarette:(名詞) 電子菸。
- e-learning:(名詞) 線上學習。
- genius:(形容詞) (舊詞新義) 非常聰明的;絕頂聰明的。
- lolz:(名詞 - 複數型) 好玩;大笑;娛樂。lol 原為 laugh out loud (大笑) 的縮寫。
- mansion tax:(名詞) 豪宅稅。
- micropig:(名詞) 迷你豬。
- mwahahaha:(感嘆詞) 表示大笑「哇哈哈」。
- OH:(名詞) 另一半。指一個人的太太、先生或同居人,為 other half 的縮寫,主要用於電子通訊。
- photobomb:(動詞) 亂入他人照片。指在別人拍照時突然出現在鏡頭前,通常是基於惡搞或開玩笑的目的。名詞為 photobombing。
- ridic:(形容詞) 可笑的;荒謬的;滑稽的。為 ridiculous 的縮寫。
- soul patch:(名詞) 男子下嘴唇正下方的一小撮鬍子。.
- tweeps:(名詞 - 複數型) 某人在社群網站「推特」(Twitter) 上的粉絲。
- UI:(名詞) 使用者介面。為 user interface 的縮寫。
- vajazzle:(動詞) 以水晶、亮片或其他裝飾物裝飾女子的私處。
- Wikipedian:(名詞) 維基人。參與維基百科條目的編輯和撰寫者。
《牛津線上字典》 本季所收錄的新單字一覽表:
- date night, n.: a prearranged occasion on which an established couple, esp. one with children, go for a night out together.
- dirty martini, n.: a cocktail made with gin (or vodka), dry vermouth, and a small amount of olive brine, typically garnished with a green olive.
- dog food, v. [new sense, chiefly computing]: (of a company’s staff) use a product or service developed by that company so as to test it before it is made available to customers.
- douche, n. [new sense]: an obnoxious or contemptible person. Alsodouchey, adj.
- Dunbar’s number, n.: a theoretical limit to the number of people with whom any individual is able to sustain a stable or meaningful social relationship (usually considered to be roughly 150).
- e-cigarette, n.: another term for electronic cigarette.
- e-learning, n.: learning conducted via electronic media, typically on the Internet.
- ethical hacker, n.: a person who hacks into a computer network in order to test or evaluate its security, rather than with malicious or criminal intent.
- genius, adj. [new sense]: very clever or ingenious.
- group hug, n.: a number of people gathering together to hug each other, typically to provide support or express solidarity.
- guilty pleasure, n.: something, such as a film, television programme, or piece of music, that one enjoys despite feeling that it is not generally held in high regard.
- hackathon, n.: an event, typically lasting several days, in which a large number of people meet to engage in collaborative computer programming.
- hat tip, n.: (in online contexts) used as an acknowledgement that someone has brought a piece of information to the writer’s attention, or provided the inspiration for a piece of writing.
- hosepipe ban, n.: an official restriction on the use of hosepipes, imposed by a particular water company on its customers during a water shortage.
- inbox, v.: send a private message or an email to (someone, typically another member of a social networking site or Internet message board).
- lifecasting, n.: the practice of broadcasting a continuous live flow of video material on the Internet which documents one’s day-to-day activities.
- lolz, pl. n.: fun, laughter, or amusement.
- manage expectations, phr.: seek to prevent disappointment by establishing in advance what can realistically be achieved or delivered by a project, undertaking, course of action, etc.
- mansion tax, n.: a tax levied on residential properties worth more than a certain amount.
- micro pig, n.: a pig of a very small, docile, hairless variety, sometimes kept as a pet.
- mood disorder, n.: a psychological disorder characterized by the elevation or lowering of a person’s mood, such as depression or bipolar disorder.
- mwahahaha, exclamation: used to represent laughter, esp. manic or cackling laughter such as that uttered by a villainous character in a cartoon or comic strip.
- NFC, abbrev.: near field communication, a technology allowing the short-range wireless intercommunication of mobile phones and other devices for purposes such as making payments.
- OH, n.: a person’s wife, husband, or partner (used in electronic communication).
- photobomb, v.: spoil a photograph of (a person or thing) by suddenly appearing in the camera’s field of view as the picture is taken, typically as a prank or practical joke (n.: photobombing).
- ridic, adj.: ridiculous (abbrev.).
- ripped, adj. [new sense]: having well-defined or well-developed muscles; muscular.
- soul patch, n.: a small tuft of facial hair directly below a man’s lower lip.
- takeaway, n. [new sense]: a key fact, point, or idea to be remembered, typically one emerging from a discussion or meeting.
- tweeps, pl. n.: a person’s followers on the social networking site Twitter.
- UI, n.: short for ‘user interface’.
- user experience, n.: the overall experience of a person using a product such as a website or a computer application, esp. in terms of how easy or pleasing it is to use (also UX, n.).
- vajazzle, v.: adorn the pubic area (of a woman) with crystals, glitter, or other decoration.
- video chat, n.: a face-to-face conversation held over the Internet by means of webcams and dedicated software.
- vote, v. [new sense: vote someone/thing off the island]: dismiss or reject someone or something as unsatisfactory [with reference to the reality television Survivor).
- Wikipedian, n.: a person who contributes to the collaboratively written online encyclopedia Wikipedia, esp. on a regular basis.
- 3D printing, n.: a process for making a physical object from a three-dimensional digital model, typically by laying down many successive thin layers of a material