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除了電漲價外,郵費也是!下個月開始,國際函件掛號費,要從45元漲到65元,漲幅超過4成,[[cg in]]針對國際郵件的保價費,也改為1千元以下就收20元,每增加1千元,也從4元調高到10元。[[cg out]]

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[[台灣雲豹調查研究團隊 姜博仁]]


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[[新北議員 李坤城]]




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[[整形民眾 傑樂漢]]




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不過今天下午,在七美海域四十多海里進行例行訓練的一架F16戰機,疑似因為機械故障墜毀,機上的吳姓飛行員跳傘獲救! 墜機原因仍等軍方進一步調查。




F-16 Crash (2013/05/15)


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[[馬尼拉經濟文化辦事處主席 裴瑞茲]]



MECO Statement


Amadeo Perez, chairman of the Manila Economic and Cultural Office, arrived in Taiwan today. Originally, his request to visit Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs was denied, though he did enter the ministry toward evening. Perez met for an hour with Benjamin Ho, director of the ministry’s Department of East Asian and Pacific Affairs. Perez later issued a brief statement.

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17-person team from Taiwan to visit Philippines to gather evidence 

Taiwan will send a 17-person team to the Philippines to carry out a joint investigation into the recent shooting death of the fisherman. Based on preliminary forensic investigation, the Taiwan Ministry of Justice believes it is a case of intentional homicide. It says the Taiwanese fishing boat was not involved in a collision and did not cross territorial waters. 

The investigation into shots fired at the Huang Ta Hsing fishing boat will include bilateral cooperation between legal authorities in Taiwan and the Philippines. A fact-finding delegation travelling to the Philippines will include individuals from Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry, Justice Ministry, Criminal Investigation Bureau, Coast Guard and Fisheries Agency.

Based on initial forensic reports, the Justice Ministry has made three initial conclusions in the investigation.

It believes the shooting was homicide and not negligence, it has ruled out the Taiwanese fishing boat ramming into the Philippine ship, and it says the Taiwanese fishing boat did not enter Philippine territorial waters.

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Swedish cleaning lady crashes train into house : police




A Swedish cleaning lady on Tuesday commandeered an empty Stockholm commuter train, which careered off the tracks when it reached the end of the line and smashed into a block of flats, police said.




The woman’s condition was "serious but stable", Stockholm police spokesman Lars Bystroem said. She was detained on suspicion of destroying public property, a crime punishable by up to eight years in jail.


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Australian courtWorkers comp covers sex mishap




A woman who was injured while having sex in a Autralian hotel during a work trip has won the latest round in her legal battle for industrial compensation.




She suffered injuries to her nose and mouth when a light fitting above the bed was ripped from its mount and landed on her face.


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Researchers found that Britons work an additional 460 hours a year on average as they are able to respond to emails on their mobiles.




The study by technology retailer Pixmania, reveals the average UK working day is between 9 and 10 hours, but a further two hours is spent responding to or sending work emails, or making work calls.




More than 90 percent of office workers have an email-enabled phone, with a third accessing them more than 20 times a day.

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How smartphones are adding TWO HOURS to our working day



Owning a smartphone may not be as smart as you think.




They may let you surf the internet, listen to music and snap photos wherever you are…but they also turn you into a workaholic, it seems.



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A tourist swimming in a river in Australia has had a shock after a crocodile leapt onto him, slapping him in the face in the process.




The reptile had been sunning itself on a rock in a national park in the Northern Territory but then seemed to want to cool off.




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Eating cherries could cut gout

Ten to 12 cherries was counted as one serving. During the period the patients were studied, they had a total of 1,247 gout attacks. Some 42% of those studied ate cherries or cherry extract. These patients had a 37% lower risk of gout attacks than those who did not eat the fruit.






attack:名詞,疾病發作,如an attack of asthma:氣喘發作。


affect:動詞,(疾病)侵襲、罹患。例句:Its a disease which affects mainly older people.(這是一種主要侵襲老年人的疾病。)

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US researchers found patients with gout who ate cherries over a two-day period had a 35% lower risk of attacks compared to those who did not. The study in Arthritis & Rheumatism said cherries contain anthocyanins, antioxidants which contain anti-inflammatory properties.




Gout is a common type of arthritis that can cause sudden and very severe attacks of pain and swelling in the joints, particularly in the feet. Gout affects about one in 100 people, with men two to three times more likely to be affected than women.




In this study, researchers from Boston University recruited 633 gout patients with an average age of 54. Most were male. People were asked to record gout attacks including symptoms, the drugs they used and their diet and drinking patterns in the two days prior to the attack, including whether or not they had eaten cherries or cherry extract intake.

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The consumers saw no discernible quality difference in the breads


After 60 days, researchers found the treated bread that remained packaged had the same mold content when compared to a freshly baked loaf, Stull said. In the end, though, he knows it comes down to consumers’ palates.




’’The consumers saw no discernible quality difference in the breads,’’ Stull said of testers who found the treated breads taste and texture unchanged. AP




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Texas companyMicrowave keeps bread mold at bay




A Texas company could have the answer to some consumers’ unwelcome discovery that just-purchased loaves contain mold.




MicroZap Inc. claims its technology allows bread to stay mold-free for 60 days. The bread is bombarded with microwaves for about 10 seconds, which kills the mold spores, said chief executive officer Don Stull said.


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In 2008 Brazil’s government gave Gradiente the right to use the brand on its cellphones.




Gradiente suggested it might go after Apple for copyright infringement. "The two brands can’t coexist in the market," said Eugenio Staub, president of Gradiente, "it’s up to Apple to make a move."






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In Brazil, an iPhone that isnt an iPhone



Apple Inc. is grappling with fresh trademark battles overseas for its popular mobile devices, this time for the rights to the "iPhone" name in Latin America.




A Brazilian company has begun selling smartphones in Brazil with the iPhone brand after winning the legal right to use the name in Latin America’s biggest country. Adding insult to Apple Inc.’s injury, the phone runs on the Android operating system from archrival Google Inc.



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3 QI am on the right side of age twenty.



Get up on the right/wrong side of the bed 意為「(早晨一起床就) 心情好/心情不佳」,如 I think John must have got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. (我想約翰今天早上一定心情不佳)


這成語亦可寫成 get out of the right/wrong side of the bed get out of bed on the right/wrong side


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