[[學生總指揮 林飛帆(3.18)]]
[[318學運領袖 林飛帆(3.30)]]
[[立法院長 王金平(04.06)]]
[[318學運總指揮 林飛帆]]
[[台大新聞研究所所長 洪貞玲]]
[[台大社會系副教授 范雲]]
[[媒體觀察教育基金會發言人 林福岳]]
更有學生利用公民媒體CNN的iReport Globalvoice,直接向國際發聲明,這一次,學生不靠主流電子和報紙媒體,也能自己掌控發聲權。
[[媒體觀察教育基金會發言人 林福岳]]
[[媒體觀察教育基金會發言人 林福岳]]
When protesters stormed and occupied the Legislature on March 18, they set off the most important student-led demonstration of this generation. Triggering the occupation was the forced passage of a controversial services trade pact with China through legislative committee. Tonight we look back at the impact of this movement on democracy and politics in Taiwan.
On the evening of March 18, the iron gates surrounding the Legislature were pushed open and 400 students surged forward, setting off Taiwan’s largest student movement in more than two decades.
Lin Fei-fan (March 18)
Sunflower Movement Leader
Please stand together with us and defend Taiwan’s democracy. We represent the people taking back the Legislature.
Students upset at how the cross-strait trade-in-services pact was negotiated behind closed doors were infuriated when the pact cleared legislative committee without substantive review. This led to the unprecedented move of storming and occupying the main legislative chamber.
The number of student protestors would soon escalate and draw upon other social movements, academic circles and artists. On March 23, some protestors split from those at the Legislature and launched another unexpected attack.
For the first time in history, security at Taiwan’s highest administrative branch, the Executive Yuan, was breached.
With the government failing to respond to their demands, student leaders sought support from the populace, scheduling a mass protest on Ketagalan Boulevard on March 30. Organizers estimate the number of participants topped half a million people.
Lin Fei-fan (March 30)
Sunflower Movement Leader
A student movement has successfully morphed into a nationwide civil movement. This isn’t something that the students can achieve alone. It can only be realized if all citizens of Taiwan rally together.
On day 20 of the Sunflower Movement’s occupation of the Legislature, Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng finally entered the chamber he is responsible for overseeing. Wang made a personal pledge to student leaders.
Wang Jin-pyng (April 6)
Legislative Speaker
Before cross-strait agreement monitoring regulations are put into law, I will not convene consultations between ruling and opposition legislative caucuses on issues related to the cross-strait trade-in-services agreement.
On April 10, student leaders Lin Fei-fan and Chen Wei-ting bowed for 15 seconds to thank fellow students and other supporters who had participated in occupation of the Legislature, which had lasted 24 days and a total of 585 hours.
Lin Fei-fan (April 10)
Sunflower Movement Leader
If one day the results we have achieved and the pledges from the ruling party are disregarded, I serve notice that we will return in full force and broaden our protest. Leaving the Legislature does not mean we are retreating or giving up.
Lin emphasized the Sunflower Movement is not over, but instead noted it was the beginning of a grassroots initiative. Scholars following social movements thought highly of this action.
Hung Chen-ling
NTU Graduate Institute of Journalism
Energy showed by the student occupation of the Legislature brought greater exposure to the trade-in-services pact. This was a major accomplishment.
Fan Yun
NTU Graduate Institute of Sociology
I think that over the past few days we have seen their ability is greater than that of a few politicians. This could be due to their cooperation and use of the internet.
The internet facilitated rapid organization and mobilization by the students. From the evening of March 18, when more than 200 students and activists stormed the Legislature, images from inside the lawmaking body were broadcast online.
Lin Fu-yueh
Taiwan Media Watch
This social movement not only provided information but also made resources and information of the whole movement accessible online. For example, they could even post a map showing where people were convening, where police were located and where additional support was required.
More students are using open media, such as CNN 's iReport, to directly broadcast their message to the world. This time, students didn’t need to rely on mainstream electronic media and newspapers to make their message heard.
Lin Fu-yueh
Taiwan Media Watch
I can use my own power to make a statement or even challenge mainstream media coverage. A major component of this is first person reporting of news, which can be done from a personal perspective. This is a new type of reporting.
In 2011, Time magazine chose “The Protester” as its person of the year. This indicates that student movements could potentially have a bigger impact upon the world.
Lin Fu-yueh
Taiwan Media Watch
The Jasmine Revolution in North Africa showed that the internet lets people communicate with the outside world. Earlier, we saw similar transmission of audio and video during the Saffron Revolution in Myanmar and the revolution in Ukraine.
Lin Fei-fan
Sunflower Movement Leader
Our movement has already achieved half of its objectives, and we have written a new page in the history of Taiwan’s democratization. Next, we need to encourage people to preserve these successes and not let them easily collapse.
Leaders of the Sunflower Movement hope their protest is remembered not only for the short time it captured the nation’s attention but also for its ability to effect real change. Once again, a generation of students has shown the power of youth in shaping the history of this land.