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台北101登高賽歡慶十週年,參賽者超過五千人,最後冠軍還是由去年的第一名,來自澳洲的選手Mark Bourne奪下,得到獎金10萬元。


World Table Tennis Championship 
Taiwan entered the semifinals of the team competition at the World Table Tennis Championships after defeating South Korea. Unfortunately, they would face China who is working on winning this title 7 consecutive times. Taiwan’s team consisted of Chen Chien-an, Chuang Chih-yuan, and Huang Sheng-sheng would lose three consecutive games to their Chinese competitors, though they would end up qualify for a bronze medal, the highest level of achievement for a Taiwan team. 

Taipei 101 Race 
To celebrate the tenth anniversary of Taipei 101, a race to the top of the building was held attracting more than 5,000 participants. Mark Bourne from Australia was able to successfully defend his title, and walk away with NT$100,000 in prize money. 

TRA Ticket App
Taiwan Railways is expected to officially launch an app in mid-June that will allow commuters to directly reserve tickets. At the moment, the app is going through trial tests. The app will also allow users the opportunity to check timetables and the status of trains as well as directly book tickets and make payment. Another important function is the app can also inform users should a railway accident or major disruption of service take place. 

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[[台北捷運副總經理 沈志藏]]



A signal problem suspended operations on Taipei’s Wenhu MRT Line. It took more than seven hours for full service to resume on Saturday. The disruption was the longest delay in five years for this MRT line with approximately 13,000 people being affected. 

Station personnel are relieved to finally allow passengers onto the platform and resume normal operations. On Saturday, the Wenhu MRT Line was closed for more than 7 consecutive hours while repairs were carried out. 

Voice of Shen Chih-chang 
TRTC Deputy Chairman 
Our current analysis is that the signal system experienced a (circuit board) problem. Our initial finding is that problems in the communication between platform doors and the signal system, implemented for safety issues, led to door failure problems yesterday which interfered with the larger signal system. 

Some speculate that the larger problem may be due to the integration of the older “Muzha” line with the newer “Neihu” section. However, operators of the MRT assure the public that when the two lines were merged the entire system was upgraded, rebuking claims that malfunctions are associated with the hasty pairing of the two lines.

Requiring seven hours of repair is a record for this line over the past five years, though it continues to worry commuters who believe a more comprehensive or thorough check may be needed.

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[[學生總指揮 林飛帆(3.18)]]





[[318學運領袖 林飛帆(3.30)]] 


[[立法院長 王金平(04.06)]]


[[318學運總指揮 林飛帆]]


[[台大新聞研究所所長 洪貞玲]]

[[台大社會系副教授 范雲]]


[[媒體觀察教育基金會發言人 林福岳]]

更有學生利用公民媒體CNN的iReport Globalvoice,直接向國際發聲明,這一次,學生不靠主流電子和報紙媒體,也能自己掌控發聲權。

[[媒體觀察教育基金會發言人 林福岳]]


[[媒體觀察教育基金會發言人 林福岳]] 



When protesters stormed and occupied the Legislature on March 18, they set off the most important student-led demonstration of this generation. Triggering the occupation was the forced passage of a controversial services trade pact with China through legislative committee. Tonight we look back at the impact of this movement on democracy and politics in Taiwan.

On the evening of March 18, the iron gates surrounding the Legislature were pushed open and 400 students surged forward, setting off Taiwan’s largest student movement in more than two decades.

Lin Fei-fan (March 18)
Sunflower Movement Leader
Please stand together with us and defend Taiwan’s democracy. We represent the people taking back the Legislature.

Students upset at how the cross-strait trade-in-services pact was negotiated behind closed doors were infuriated when the pact cleared legislative committee without substantive review. This led to the unprecedented move of storming and occupying the main legislative chamber.

The number of student protestors would soon escalate and draw upon other social movements, academic circles and artists. On March 23, some protestors split from those at the Legislature and launched another unexpected attack.

For the first time in history, security at Taiwan’s highest administrative branch, the Executive Yuan, was breached.

With the government failing to respond to their demands, student leaders sought support from the populace, scheduling a mass protest on Ketagalan Boulevard on March 30. Organizers estimate the number of participants topped half a million people.

Lin Fei-fan (March 30)
Sunflower Movement Leader
A student movement has successfully morphed into a nationwide civil movement. This isn’t something that the students can achieve alone. It can only be realized if all citizens of Taiwan rally together.

On day 20 of the Sunflower Movement’s occupation of the Legislature, Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng finally entered the chamber he is responsible for overseeing. Wang made a personal pledge to student leaders.

Wang Jin-pyng (April 6)
Legislative Speaker
Before cross-strait agreement monitoring regulations are put into law, I will not convene consultations between ruling and opposition legislative caucuses on issues related to the cross-strait trade-in-services agreement.

On April 10, student leaders Lin Fei-fan and Chen Wei-ting bowed for 15 seconds to thank fellow students and other supporters who had participated in occupation of the Legislature, which had lasted 24 days and a total of 585 hours. 

Lin Fei-fan (April 10)
Sunflower Movement Leader
If one day the results we have achieved and the pledges from the ruling party are disregarded, I serve notice that we will return in full force and broaden our protest. Leaving the Legislature does not mean we are retreating or giving up.

Lin emphasized the Sunflower Movement is not over, but instead noted it was the beginning of a grassroots initiative. Scholars following social movements thought highly of this action.

Hung Chen-ling 
NTU Graduate Institute of Journalism
Energy showed by the student occupation of the Legislature brought greater exposure to the trade-in-services pact. This was a major accomplishment.

Fan Yun
NTU Graduate Institute of Sociology
I think that over the past few days we have seen their ability is greater than that of a few politicians. This could be due to their cooperation and use of the internet.

The internet facilitated rapid organization and mobilization by the students. From the evening of March 18, when more than 200 students and activists stormed the Legislature, images from inside the lawmaking body were broadcast online.

Lin Fu-yueh 
Taiwan Media Watch
This social movement not only provided information but also made resources and information of the whole movement accessible online. For example, they could even post a map showing where people were convening, where police were located and where additional support was required.

More students are using open media, such as CNN 's iReport, to directly broadcast their message to the world. This time, students didn’t need to rely on mainstream electronic media and newspapers to make their message heard.

Lin Fu-yueh 
Taiwan Media Watch
I can use my own power to make a statement or even challenge mainstream media coverage. A major component of this is first person reporting of news, which can be done from a personal perspective. This is a new type of reporting.

In 2011, Time magazine chose “The Protester” as its person of the year. This indicates that student movements could potentially have a bigger impact upon the world.

Lin Fu-yueh 
Taiwan Media Watch
The Jasmine Revolution in North Africa showed that the internet lets people communicate with the outside world. Earlier, we saw similar transmission of audio and video during the Saffron Revolution in Myanmar and the revolution in Ukraine. 

Lin Fei-fan 
Sunflower Movement Leader
Our movement has already achieved half of its objectives, and we have written a new page in the history of Taiwan’s democratization. Next, we need to encourage people to preserve these successes and not let them easily collapse.

Leaders of the Sunflower Movement hope their protest is remembered not only for the short time it captured the nation’s attention but also for its ability to effect real change. Once again, a generation of students has shown the power of youth in shaping the history of this land.

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While the student-led Sunflower Movement has retreated from its occupation of the Legislative Yuan, a number of students continue to publicly express their opposition to the cross-strait trade-in-services pact. Today, they protested at the office of KMT Legislator and party caucus deputy secretary, Alex Fai. 

Around 200 people marched from Taipei’s Xinyi District to Alex Fai’s office, demanding he sign an agreement to “pass legislation for a monitoring mechanism for cross-strait trade before undertaking review of the trade-in-services pact.” Fai didn’t meet with protestors.

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[[新黨主席 郁慕明]]


[[中華統一促進黨總裁 張安樂]]



To show support for police and public order, the KMT and the New Party held separate rallies on Ketagalan Boulevard today. The event attracted KMT Taipei mayoral candidate, Sean Lien, along with fringe figures like pro-unification activist Chang An-lo, and President Ma’s elder sister, Ma Yi-nan. 

Waving ROC flags and shouting slogans, upwards of 10,000 people took to Ketagalan Boulevard today to show support for local police.

Yok Mu-ming
New Party Chairman 
The ROC is here and willing to discuss the cross-strait trade-in-services pact, and is willing to discuss the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. If the ROC is no longer, or is toppled, who would benefit?

Chang An-Lo, leader of China Unification Promotion Party, also appeared at the rally, where he received an affectionate response from the crowd.

Chang An-Lo 
China Unification Promotion Party
They are obviously just poppies but you want to make them into sunflowers. They weren’t dealt with properly at the beginning, and I believe that Mayor Hau Lung-bin should apologize to the police. 

The recent death of President Ma’s mother, didn’t keep his sisters, Ma Yi-nan and Theresa Chao, away from the event. 

While the New Party was the official organizer of the public rally to support local police, earlier in the day, the KMT Department of Youth Affairs organized a rally supporting social stability. It even invited the Sean Lien, KMT Taipei mayoral candidate to stump for votes. 

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Taiwanese labor groups held a rally in Taipei Thursday to protest low wages and what they see as an abusive temporary worker system. The workers tried to force their way into the Ministry of Labor to present their appeals, but were blocked by police, leading to a tense standoff and clashes. 

Labor groups took to the streets to vent their anger against low wages and the country’s “dispatched” worker system.

Workers from all around Taiwan took part in the event, and even medical interns showed up to vent about their long hours on the job. 

At the other end of the parade, student groups were encouraging police to form a union.

Student Representative
The police have been oppressed for many years. They have to please everyone but they don’t have a union. We are here to give them a voice.

A crowd of protesters arrived at the entrance of the Ministry of Labor only to be greeted by a big contingent of policemen protecting the building. The labor groups tried to force their way through police lines twice, but were thwarted both times.

Unable to enter the ministry, labor groups brought in aluminum ladders to hang banners with their four main appeals high in the air.

Police estimated that 7,500 people participated in the demonstration.

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87-year-old Carl and 81-year-old Barbara Becker of Rixeyville, Virginia made headlines when news of their letter to the editor, detailing an episode at the Culpeper McDonald’s, spread and eventually got them free meals for life. The couple says that fast food employees kicked them out of the restaurant because they were sitting "too long."


The pair were enjoying their regular routine of a mid-afternoon McDonald’s snack, when they were stopped by an employee cleaning up. Ms. Becker told WTTG Fox 5, "The dust started kicking up and it was just flying everywhere and she says, ’Does this bother you?’ And I said, ’Only if you like to eat dirt does it not bother me.’" After the incident with the Mickey D’s employee, the manager approached. "He says, ’You two have to leave. Your half hour’s up and we have to clean this floor, now,’" recalled the great-grandmother of 16.

這對老夫妻是在享受他們例行性的午後麥當勞點心時,遭到一名清掃員工打斷。貝克太太告訴WTTG Fox 5電視台,「灰塵飄起來到處飛揚,她說,『這困擾妳嗎?』我說,『只有喜歡吃灰塵的人才不會覺得困擾吧。』」在與這名麥當勞員工對話後,經理走上前來。「他說,『你們倆得離開。你們的半小時到了,我們要清地板,現在就走,』」這位有16名曾孫的老阿嬤回憶說。

The couple left the restaurant and kept their attitude of going with the flow and laughing things off. When they returned home, Carl drafted his letter to the editor and sent it off to the Culpeper Star Exponent.


Once the letter was printed, the story quickly spread across social media. One of the people who saw the Beckers’ story was Shawn Moss, owner of Shawn’s Smokehouse BBQ in Culpeper. Moss says he believes strongly in customer service and wanted to do something for the couple. He decided to offer the octogenarians free "scrunch" one day a week, for life.



for life:慣用語,終身,餘生。

go with the flow:慣用語,順其自然;隨波逐流。相反用法為go against the flow。例句:He wasn’t very keen on the decision but it was easier just to go with the flow.(他對這項決定並不是很熱中,但跟隨大家的意見總是比較簡單。)

laughing things off:慣用語,一笑置之,輕鬆看待嚴重問題。例句:Although her feelings were hurt, she just laughed the incident off as if nothing had happened.(儘管受到傷害,但她對那件事一笑置之,彷彿沒發生過。)


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French tourists seen as world's worst
French tourists are the worst in the world, coming across as bad at foreign languages, tight-fisted and arrogant, according to a survey of 4,500 hotel owners across the world.
They finish in last place in the survey carried out for internet travel agency Expedia by polling company TNS Infratest, which said French holidaymakers don't speak local languages and are seen as impolite.
"It's mainly the fact that they speak little or no English when they're abroad, and they don't speak much of the local language," Expedia Marketing Director Timothee de Roux told radio station France Info.
"The French don't go abroad very much. We're lucky enough to have a country which is magnificent in terms of its landscape and culture," he said, adding that 90 per cent of French people did their traveling at home. "
So when they're on holiday they can be a bit stressed, they're not used to things, and this can lead them to be demanding in a way which could be seen as a certain arrogance."

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Previous designs for so-called flapping wing aircraft have mimicked the wing motions of insects, but the new design is based on the way jellyfish swim.


The prototype built by scientists at New York University is able to keep upright and recover from disturbances.


Most efforts to build stable flapping-wing aircraft - or ornithopters - have based their designs on the way insects fly.


But this approach leads to aircraft that are inherently unstable, tending to flip over if left to their own devices.

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Ryan:I've noticed that you're getting kind of fat.
Dave:Well, you're pretty rude!
Ryan:Hey, I'm an honest guy. I tell it like it is.
Dave:Anyway, I won't be fat for long. Check this out.

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As the American waistline continues its spread, fitness is shaping up as one of the hottest careers of this tepid economic recovery.


Employment of fitness trainers and instructors is expected to grow by a brisk 24 percent in the decade to 2020, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, as businesses, health professionals and insurance companies take sharper aim at the sedentary lifestyle.


"Helping individuals be more active is important and fitness professionals can be at the center of that," said Cedric Bryant, chief science officer of the American Council on Exercise (ACE), which has certified more than 50,000 fitness professionals.


Obesity rates have sky-rocketed in the last 20 years. More than one third of adults in the United States are obese, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


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Customer:I'll take this and a pack of Short Life cigarettes.
Cashier:Wait a minute. I need to see your ID.
Customer:Sure. Here you go. I am 22 years old.
Cashier:I'm sorry, ma'am. I don't want to sell cigarettes to minors, and you don't look a day over 18.
Customer:Well, I guess I'm flattered. What's the total?

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Governments are "not on track" to achieve a target of keeping the average global temperature rise below two degrees Celsius, the UN climate chief said.


Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC), told a forum in Singapore that the world was moving in the right direction, but not fast enough.


"Even if governments were to comply with all the mitigation pledges that are on the table, it will still only provide 60 percent of the effort that is necessary to keep global average temperature rise to under two degrees," she said.


World leaders agreed in December 2009 to the Copenhagen Accord, which introduced a plan to cap the rise in temperatures to below two degrees to stave off the worst effects of climate change.


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Governments are "not on track" to achieve a target of keeping the average global temperature rise below two degrees Celsius, the UN climate chief said.


Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC), told a forum in Singapore that the world was moving in the right direction, but not fast enough.


"Even if governments were to comply with all the mitigation pledges that are on the table, it will still only provide 60 percent of the effort that is necessary to keep global average temperature rise to under two degrees," she said.


World leaders agreed in December 2009 to the Copenhagen Accord, which introduced a plan to cap the rise in temperatures to below two degrees to stave off the worst effects of climate change.


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There’s an old adage that says if something is too good to be true, it’s probably a good idea to avoid it. One woman, who purchased what she thought was a killer bargain for an iPad on Thursday, found out the hard way that this bit of wisdom was all too true.


Jalonta Freeman of Arlington, Texas wanted to get some gas for her car at a service station when a man pulled up in a car beside her and offered to sell her an $800 iPad for just $200.


Ms. Freeman thought it sounded like a great deal, especially as a Christmas gift, and couldn’t resist the outstanding deal.


She paid the man $200 and he gave her a Fed Ex box with the Apple iPad inside. Her sister opened the box and the iPad she thought she had purchased turned out to be a mirror that was pasted with the images of the front and back of an iPad.

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Customer:Miss, I'd like a doggy bag so I can take this home.
Waiter:No problem. Would you like me to take care of that, or do you want to put the food in yourself?
Customer:I can do it myself.
Waiter:Are you sure? I'm more than pleased to help.

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Customer:Waiter! I found a hair in my soup.
Waiter:I'm so sorry. I'll get you another bowl right away.
Customer:Also, my wife would like her hamburger cooked longer.
Waiter:No problem. She'd prefer to have it well done?

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Customer:Waiter! I found a hair in my soup.
Waiter:I'm so sorry. I'll get you another bowl right away.
Customer:Also, my wife would like her hamburger cooked longer.
Waiter:No problem. She'd prefer to have it well done?

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英文裡有一種說法是"throw caution to the winds",把謹慎丟到風裡和中文的「豁出去」有異曲同工之妙。講這話時,經常是有點情緒,有時候也帶著小小自嘲的幽默。

I'm going to throw caution to the winds and guess that you feel like hell today.

John threw caution to the winds and told the boss off today.

Amy threw caution to the winds and told George she loved him.



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Customer:Good day. I was wondering if I can still use these coupons.
Cashier:Let me take a look. I’m sorry. These expired a month ago and cannot be used. Instead, let me give you a newer coupon sheet.
Customer:Excellent. Can I use them today?
Cashier:Of course. That’s why I gave them to you.

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