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The people of the Brussels will have to mind their manners from now on, with the city authorities announcing new fines of up to 250 euros for insults traded on the streets.


"Any form of insult is from now on punishable, whether it be racist, homophobic or otherwise," a spokesman quoted Socialist mayor Freddy Thielemans as saying.


Brussels, home to the EU and many top international institutions, is known for its family-friendly and cultivated lifestyle but the mayor wants to crack down on the everyday unpleasantness found in any big city.


To do so, officials came to an agreement with judicial authorities to impose fines of between 75 and 250 euros for insults, petty theft and rough jostling where no physical harm is caused.


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As the American waistline continues its spread, fitness is shaping up as one of the hottest careers of this tepid economic recovery.


Employment of fitness trainers and instructors is expected to grow by a brisk 24 percent in the decade to 2020, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, as businesses, health professionals and insurance companies take sharper aim at the sedentary lifestyle.


"Helping individuals be more active is important and fitness professionals can be at the center of that," said Cedric Bryant, chief science officer of the American Council on Exercise (ACE), which has certified more than 50,000 fitness professionals.


Obesity rates have sky-rocketed in the last 20 years. More than one third of adults in the United States are obese, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Bryant said the health crisis is strongly linked to the lifestyle choices that fitness professionals, such as personal trainers and group fitness instructors, address.(Reuters)

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The oldest person to climb Mount Everest said Sunday that he won’t make any further attempts to scale the world’s highest peak _ even though his new record may soon be in jeopardy.


"I think three times is enough,"Yuichiro Miura, who reached the top of Everest at the age of 80 last week, told reporters. "At this point I could not think of anything but rest."


Meanwhile, Miura’s 81-year-old rival, Nepalese climber Min Bahadur Sherchan, was at Everest’s base camp preparing to attempt to regain his title as the oldest to conquer the mountain. Sherchan held the record for five years until Miura snatched the title.


"I wish him best of luck, " Miura said in Japanese, with his son Gota, 43, who reached the top of Everest with his father last week, serving as his interpreter.

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Finally, Tony takes a plane south to the Darien Gap, the roadless jungle region that separates Panama from South America. In the town of Sambu, he meets park ranger Hernan Arauz, who takes him on a trip to visit the Embera Indians. After a long boat ride up the Sambu River, they arrive at the village of Condoto. The villagers greet them and paint patterns on their arms with the juice of the Jagua berry, which also helps protect against insects. Then it’s time for a hike in the jungle. The heat and 1)humidity make Tony 2)miserable. “It’s like trying to breathe through soup,” he complains. Things improve when they return from the hike. A pig has been 3)slaughtered, and the whole village feasts on roast pork and plantains. “I’m glad to be where I am,” says Tony, “far up a river, a long way from home.”



英檢字彙 Vocabulary Bank
1)humidity (n.) 濕度,濕氣
The weather report calls for high humidity and temperatures in the low 90s.
2)miserable (a.) 痛苦,悲慘
Thomas felt lonely and miserable after his divorce.
3)slaughter (v./n.) 屠宰,屠殺

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Up to 600 Afghan interpreters who served with British forces in Afghanistan will be offered the chance of a new life in Britain after a government U-turn, it was revealed on Wednesday.


Prime Minister David Cameron had initially decided to discourage the interpreters from settling in Britain for fear of the message it would send out about the stability of Afghanistan as foreign forces pull out.


Many of the Afghans say their lives are in danger from the Taliban due to their work with British forces in the restive southern Helmand Province.


Although details of the new plan have yet to be released, interpreters who served on the frontline for at least one year will be allowed to move to Britain with close family members on a five-year visa.


They will reportedly be able to choose between cash payments if they stay in Afghanistan or settle in a country nearby, and the right to move to Britain.

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Singapore said on Friday it would consider growing public complaints against infidelity website AshleyMadison.com when deciding whether to allow the platform to operate.


Scrutiny of the site, which has 22 million members in about 30 countries, forms part of a wider debate over censorship in Singapore. The city state bans Playboy magazine, removes racy scenes from movies and blocks dozens of websites, in moves that have added to its image as Asia’s "nanny state".


AshleyMadison.com, founded in Canada in 2001, began a Japanese service in June and a Hong Kong service last month. Its operators have announced plans to launch next year in Singapore, which has a population of 5.4 million.


"I do not welcome such a website in Singapore," Minister for Social and Family Development Chan Chun Sing wrote on his Facebook page.

「我不歡迎這種網站在新加坡」, 社會及家庭發展部長陳振聲在臉書頁面上寫著。

"Promoting infidelity undermines trust and commitment between a husband and wife, which are core to marriage," he said, adding that many Singaporeans shared his view.

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Saudi Arabia’s feared religious police entered a public park in the Gulf Kingdom and told women to stop using swings, an act that drew applause and criticism by viewers of a picture showing the men warning some women at the swings.


The picture went viral on social networks in Saudi Arabia before it was published by newspapers showing two men from the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice warning women against using the swings.


“Some viewers of the picture supported the move by the Commission members on the grounds women using the swing could encourage men to harass or molest them,” the Saudi Arabic language daily ‘ Al Sada’ said.


“Others said they believe the act is not acceptable as it amounted to an unjustified interference and repression of women by the Commission.”


Saudi Arabia’s influential religious police also shut a restaurant in the conservative Kingdom for massive violations including allowing gender-mixing.

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如果硬要做排行榜,最常被中文人口過度使用的英文字,maybe、 will、can,這幾個字一定排得上榜。有些人幾乎每兩句話就插個「maybe」,溝通的力度馬上就削弱了。


(一)吸引注意力:The purpose of this meeting is...


(聚焦)〝The purpose of this meeting is to discuss how we can improve product quality…〞


(失焦) "Well, here's the agenda,"

(失焦) "Maybe we should get started."

(二)輕語氣vs.重語氣:I recommend/ In my opinion...

老闆徵詢你的意見,不要支支吾吾,以肯定的英文回覆以〝I recommend...〞或是〝In my opinion...〞會更有力。要用肯定的語氣回答,用〝should〞而不用〝could〞使語氣更強。

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An estimated 30 million people worldwide are living in modern-day slavery, according to the inaugural Global Slavery Index published Thursday. 
The index, compiled by the Walk Free Foundation, said that while India by far had the largest number of enslaved people, the problem was most prevalent in the west African nation of Mauritania, where four percent of the population was deemed to be held in slavery. 

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Scientists say they have discovered compelling evidence that diamonds exist in the icy mountains of Antarctica.


The researchers have identified a type of rock in the permanently frozen region that is known to contain the precious stones.


However recovering any Antarctic mineral resources for commercial purposes is currently forbidden.


Diamonds are formed from pure carbon under extreme heat and pressure at depths of about 150km in the Earth’s crust. Volcanic eruptions bring the valuable crystals to the surface, usually preserved in another type of bluish rock called kimberlite.


The presence of kimberlite has been a clue to significant deposits of diamonds in several parts of the world, including Africa, Siberia and Australia. Now researchers have, for the first time, found evidence of kimberlite in Antarctica.

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The United States is a leading economic, political, and cultural force in the world. In other words, it is a superpower, and to keep the country running smoothly, powerful law enforcement agencies are needed. The CIA is primarily responsible for collecting intelligence about foreign governments, corporations, and individuals. In the episodes focusing on the CIA, NGC follows agents as they try to track down and capture some of the world’s most wanted terrorists.
America’s war on terror became top priority after the 911 attacks. It is the FBI’s job to protect and defend the US, especially within its borders. Classified brings you an elite team of FBI agents investigating possible terrorists, some of whom have ties to Al Qaeda, living on American soil.




force [ fOrs ] n.(對事件發展、人類生活或思維方式等 
superpower [ :supK`pZUK ] n. 超級大國,超級強權 
law enforcement agency n. 執法機關 
primarily [ `prZI”mErJlI ] adv. 主要地 
corporation [ “kOrpJ`reSJn ] n. 大型公司,企業集團 
priority [ prZI`OrJtI ] n. 優先考慮的事 
classified [ `klAsJ:fZId ] a.(情報、文件等)機密的 
elite [ I`lit ] a. 精英的,最優秀的 

文章出處: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/

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As a ninth-grader, Shanghai’s Li Sixin spent more than three hours on homework a night and took tutorials in math, physics and chemistry on the weekends. When she was tapped to take an exam last year given to half a million students around the world, Li breezed through it.


"I felt the test was just easy, " said Li, who was a student at Shanghai Wenlai Middle School at the time and now attends high school. "The science part was harder... but I can handle that."


Those long hours focused on schoolwork _ and a heavy emphasis on test-taking skills _ help explain why young students like Li in China’s financial hub once again dominated an international test to 15-year-olds called the Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA.


Students from Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan _ all from Asia _ were right behind.



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People age 65 and older who eat fish may live an average of two years longer than people who do not consume the omega-3 fatty acids found mainly in seafood, a US study suggested.
People with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids also had an overall risk of dying that was 27 percent lower, and a risk of dying from heart disease that was 35 percent lower than counterparts who had lower blood levels, said the study.

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The fifth time's the charm, at least for Taiwan it is. The International University Sports Federation recently awarded Taipei the right to host the 2017 Summer Universiade. First held in the Italian city of Turin in 1959, the Universiade is an international sporting event for university students. It takes place every two years and boasts 12,000 plus athletes from more than 160 nations. Taipei beat out Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, to win the honor of hosting the 12-day event.




the third time's the charm
federation n. 聯盟
host vt. 主辦;主持
The government hosted a charity concert.
Universiade n. 世界大學運動會

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Kenya’s government has given the first sign that Nairobi’s Westgate shopping mall may one day reopen for business despite being partially destroyed in last month’s attack by Islamist gunmen. 
At least 67 people died in the massacre and siege of the upmarket complex, and the rear of the four-storey building collapsed following a huge blaze that was sparked by fierce fighting between the militants and security forces. 

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Always keeping things cheery, the yellow smiley face is one of the world's best-known symbols. The earliest smiley face was seen on movie posters in the 1950s. Then in 1963, an insurance company in Massachusetts wanted to create a cheerier atmosphere, so they hired Harvey Ball to make a button design for its employees to wear. Ball came up with a simple grin with two eyes on a yellow background. The popularity of the smiley face took off in the 1970s with Bernard and Murray Spain. The brothers added the slogan, "Have a nice day," to their design of the smiley face. Still a symbol of friendliness and joy, the smiley face has smiled its place into history.
這個總是讓每件事物都歡欣不已的黃色笑臉圖案是全世界最知名的標誌之一。最早的笑臉圖案出現在1950年代的許多電影海報上。後來在1963年,由於一家麻州的保險公司想在辦公室裡製造更歡樂的氛圍,因此他們雇用哈維?鮑爾來替給員工們佩戴用的胸章設計一個圖案。鮑爾於是想出一個以黃色為底、再加上咧嘴微笑和兩顆眼睛的圖樣。後來這個笑臉更因伯納德和莫瑞?史班兄弟倆在1970年代開始大受歡迎。這兩兄弟為他們所設計的笑臉再加上了一句標語:「Have a nice day」。這個笑臉如今仍是友善和歡樂的象徵,並且還在歷史中「笑」佔一席之地呢。 

文章出處:<a href="http://iservice.libertytimes.com.tw/Service/english/">自由時報電子報中英對照新聞

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CBC cameraman Sam Martin was in the field with reporter Briar Stewart in Bonnyville, Alberta, Canada covering a story about school buses when Sam had a very unexpected surprise.
A camera friendly feline strolled near the bus then took notice of the cameraman and his gear. What appeared to be a grey and white tabby cat leapt up Sam’s back while he was shooting a promo for the story, made its way atop the cameraman’s head, then perched on the tripod mounted camera.

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Micro-credit Empowers the Un-empowered
"Credit is a powerful weapon, and anyone possessing this weapon is certainly better equipped to maneuver the forces around him to his advantage."-- Muhammad Yunus
你認為借錢給窮人,很難如期拿回本金和利息嗎?穆罕默德尤努斯(Muhammad Yunus)在孟加拉籌措「鄉村銀行」(Grameen Bank),以微型貸款幫助當地的窮人脫離高利貸循環,靠自己力量成功翻身;高達98%的還款率徹底顛覆了過去認為窮人還不起錢的刻板印象。

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Groundhog Day is a holiday with an interesting story. Legend has it that when a groundhog emerges from its hole on February 2, it can predict whether the winter has ended or will last for six more weeks. If the groundhog doesn't see its shadow, spring will be arriving soon. The star of the celebration is Punxsutawney Phil, a groundhog that lives in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. The small town hosts the largest Groundhog Day celebration in the world, with over 40,000 anxious onlookers in attendance. Phil may be famous, but he is certainly not a genius at weather prediction. He has only been right about 40 percent of the time.

土撥鼠日這個節日有段很有趣的故事。據說在二月二日這天 ,當一隻土撥鼠從牠的洞裡探出頭來時,牠可以預測得出冬天是否即將結束,或是還會再持續六個星期。如果那隻土撥鼠沒有看到自己的影子,那就表示春神就快降臨。該節慶的大明星就是普蘇塔尼的菲爾,牠是一隻位在賓州普蘇塔尼小鎮上的土撥鼠。世上最盛大的土撥鼠日節慶就是在這個小鎮舉辦的,年年都有超過四萬名殷切期盼的民眾前來圍觀。菲爾也許很出名,但是牠在預測天氣方面確實不是個專家。牠的準確度大約只有百分之四十而已。 
groundhog (n.) 土撥鼠(本文中亦作形容詞用)
legend has it + that 子句  據說……
Legend has it that a group of magical elves lives in the middle of this forest.
emerge (vi.) 出現;浮現

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Tillman主投五局,失掉金鶯唯一的1分,是Grady Sizemore的全壘打。

紅襪先發投手Jon Lester表現一樣亮眼,主投 7局飆出8K,卻在7局平手的局面下,因為這支全壘打而吞下敗投。


In their home opener, the Baltimore Orioles took on the Boston Red Sox. Both clubs started their ace in a game that played out as a pitcher’s duel. 

Major League Baseball’s opening week continued with the Orioles taking on the Red Sox. The Orioles had confidence in ace Chris Tillman, who recorded 16 wins last year. 

Tillman would go five innings, giving up just one run on a Grady Sizemore home run.

Red Sox starter Jon Lester also had a terrific outing, going seven innings and recording eight strikeouts. The score was even at the middle of the seventh before Lester surrendered a home run which would prove to be the decider. 

The Orioles won by a score of 2 to 1.

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