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[[台北市長參選人 柯文哲]]


A DPP election task force has settled on a two-stage process to choose the pan-green nominee for the Taipei mayoral race. An initial poll would select the in-party candidate, and a second poll involving non-party members would be used to determine the final nominee. When the plan was released, however, it was criticized by lead contender Ko Wen-je, who says the mid-June target for ending the process does not leave enough time to campaign for the November election. 

At a press conference to urge a halt to construction of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant, National Taiwan University Hospital doctor Ko Wen-je criticized KMT hopefuls in Taipei. But Ko’s first order of business still lies within the pan-green camp, where a DPP election task force has proposed a two-stage poll to select a nominee for mayor of Taipei.

The proposal will be decided on by the party’s Central Standing Committee next Wednesday. The first stage, to take place on May 13, would pit DPP hopefuls against the KMT nominee in a poll. After an in-party winner is selected, negotiations with independent pan green candidates Ko and writer Neil Peng would take place. Another poll would then be held to choose the final nominee. That process is expected to take about a month meaning the nominee would not be finalized until the middle of June. Ko worries this is too close to the election.

Ko Wen-je
Taipei Mayoral Candidate
If the process drags on too long, it will be difficult to bring the party together. Time is needed to organize a campaign, gather funds and complete other tasks. The more you delay this decision, the less time there is.

If a nominee is not chosen until mid June, it would leave only about 150 days to campaign before the end of November election. Ko’s advisors say limited time would put the pan green camp at a disadvantage.

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[[北市長參選人(國) 丁守中]]


[[北市長參選人(國) 連勝文]]


A KMT legislator has thrown a wrench into the party’s primary for Taipei mayor, announcing his withdrawal just days before KMT members go to the polls. The candidate who pulled out threw his support to frontrunner Sean Lien, angering Lien’s main rival Ting Shou-chung. 

When Legislator Tsai Cheng-yuan announced he was withdrawing from the race, and asked his supporters to back Sean Lien, the other main contender Ting Shou-chung cried foul play.

Ting Shou-chung
Taipei Mayoral Candidate
This is clearly game-fixing. If this happened in a sporting arena, where the players of two teams did something like this, they’d be thrown out. We feel this is intended to fool Taipei residents. 

Ting suspects that the Lien and Tsai camps joined together to attack him, a charge Lien rejected. 

Sean Lien 
Taipei Mayoral Candidate
Legislator Ting bashed me the day before yesterday, then said yesterday we were as close as brothers and then attacked me again today. Changing his tune like that, I don’t know what he’s trying to say.

It won’t be clear until April 23 when the primary results are announced what effect Tsai’s withdrawal had on the race. Tsai said an already completed opinion poll accounting for 70 percent of the primary result had Lien and Ting in a virtual dead heat. But a party official said Tsai’s numbers were suspect because nobody knows the poll results yet.

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[[前民進黨主席 蔡英文]]


[[前民進黨主席 蔡英文]]


When DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang and former chairman Frank Hsieh pulled out of the party’s election for the top post, it left open the door for Tsai Ing-wen. She registered her candidacy on Thursday and is a shoo-in to win. After registering, Tsai turned down a chance to debate President Ma Ying-jeou on a controversial trade pact with China. 

Former chairwoman Tsai registered for another run at the DPP’s top post Thursday and thanked the two main potential challengers for stepping aside.

Tsai Ing-wen
Former DPP Chairwoman
The two former chairmen announced they would not run in the election on Monday to help the party be more unified. I am very grateful for this, and very much appreciate the contributions they’ve made.

Tsai also responded to an invitation from President Ma to debate the trade-in-services agreement with China.

Tsai Ing-wen
Former DPP Chairwoman
From my experience in debates with the president, he uses them as a form of publicity. What the president needs to do is explain what he intends to do to make the people feel at ease. That’s not something that can be solved in a debate.

The president has criticized Tsai for advocating not having agreements with China reviewed by the Legislature when she headed the Mainland Affairs Council. Ma used the argument to deflect criticism that his government has not allowed enough oversight of the services pact with China. But Tsai said that was a different time, when the executive branch had the power. 

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[[中研院研究員 瞿海源]]


At an Academia Sinica seminar today, President Ma Ying-jeou continued to face protesters opposed to the services trade pact Taiwan signed with China. Both inside and outside the venue they held up signs stating that Taiwan’s future should be decided by the Taiwanese people. 

When President Ma’s motorcade arrived at today’s event, more than 100 black-shirted protesters began shouting toward him. Included were Academia Sinica researchers and members of the general public, many of whom held sunflowers. As this demonstration continued outside, Ma also faced protests inside during the seminar.

For the duration of Ma’s speech, a couple of audience members held up protest signs.

Chiu Hei-yuan
Academia Sinica Researcher
Continually, especially during his second term, the Ma administration has been ruining constitutional government. This is wrong and dangerous for Taiwan. We therefore support holding a citizens’ constitutional conference.

President Ma did not directly address the protesters. But he used a gesture to let them know he heard their voices.

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[[關廠工人代表 毛振飛]]




Laborers are at odds over an anti-services trade pact rally. A group of labor representatives announced the rally to take place on May 1 in response to student-led demonstrations against the pact. But other labor representatives voiced concern by telling workers to stay away from a movement that has already grown political. 

Labor Day rallies are an annual event to press for better working conditions. But this year, they have new appeal.

To support the Sunflower Movement, 17 labor unions, including the National Alliance for Workers of Closed Factories, issued a joint statement claiming that the main results of trade liberation are to expedite capital flow and maximize profits for major enterprises. They do not believe free trade benefits workers.

Mao Chen-fei 
Labor Rights Activists
Opening up the services trade industry will hurt Taiwan. Workers already have low wages, and these wages will go even lower, says this activist.

These labor representatives called for a rally to take place in front of the Presidential Office. But the Labor Welfare Alliance and Taipei Labor Union, which are in favor of the trade-in-services pact, do not feel workers should join students.

Tsai Hung-chun
Taipei Labor Union Director
The 17 groups do not represent the view of all laborers. I do not oppose rallies that only consist of laborers, but if you join the students, your rally could take on a political flavor, says this labor representative.

Labor Day rallies are typically announced in mid-April. But the student demonstrations led some labor groups to announce a rally at the beginning of the month, despite opposition from some of their fellow workers.

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In an effort to end student occupation of the Legislature, the Civil Justice Alliance mobilized nearly 100 supporters in white shirts at Taipei Main Station. They planned to march to the Legislature to start a dialogue with students inside the legislative assembly. 

But their request was denied. Supporters of the alliance were only able to demonstrate outside the Legislature. To avoid possible clashes, about 100 riot police were dispatched to stand guard. In less than an hour, the protest ended peacefully.

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[[成功大學政治系教授 梁文韜]]


Demonstrations against specific lawmakers who support the trade-in-services pact continued today. About 1,500 people gathered for a march in New Taipei City where they were greeted by not only counter-protesters but also police who warned them that they were protesting without a permit. 

Students demonstrating against the trade-in-services pact are targeting four KMT lawmakers who they accuse of failure to heed public will. They already protested against two, and today it Chang Ching-chung’s and Lin Teh-fu’s turn. Members of the group Democracy Kuroshio chose Chang’s and Lin’s electoral districts in the New Taipei City districts of Zhonghe and Yonghe.

At two o’clock Sunday afternoon about 1,500 people gathered in a Zhonghe park. Before setting out, they were accosted by counter-demonstrators.

Police acted as peacemakers by separating the two groups. Half an hour later, the march was on.

The demonstrators stretched in a line 100 meters long. They stayed away from the offices of the two lawmakers to avoid conflict. At one point when the students stopped, they received a warning from police.

The police told the demonstrators that they did not have a permit to stage a protest while the students claimed they were just passing through. After negotiations, the students agreed to limit their stay to one hour. 

Leung Man-to
Professor, Nat’l Cheng Kung University
We are like frogs cooked in warm water. As we continue to struggle, the fire is growing in intensity. This serves as a warning to everyone who should awake and join the struggle.

The march ended on time at about 4 o’clock.

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[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]

Speaker Wang Jin-pyng’s pledge is largely in line with student demands. DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang and caucus whip Ker Chien-ming expressed approval. 

Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
Let society see an opportunity to break the deadlock. (The DPP) approves of Speaker Wang’s efforts and believes this development is a critical step toward reaching a positive solution.

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[[國民黨團副書記長 費鴻泰]]

[[立委(國) 羅淑蕾]]


[[國民黨政策會執行長 林鴻池]]


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[[總統府發言人 李佳霏]]


[[總統府發言人 李佳霏]]


Wang’s pledge to legislate a cross-strait agreement monitoring mechanism before reviewing the trade-in-services pact makes it unlikely that President Ma Ying-jeou will get his wish for fast passage of the pact. Today the Presidential Office expressed support for the KMT caucus, rather than Wang, while the Cabinet said it respects the speaker’s authority. 

Spokeswoman Lee Chia-fei claims the legislative speaker never told the Presidential Office about his plans to meet students.

Lee Chia-fei 
Presidential Office Spokeswoman
The Presidential Office was not aware of Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng’s plan to visit to the Legislature today. But it is glad to see Speaker Wang urge the students to end their occupation so the parliament can resume normal functions. The Presidential Office also looks forward to seeing everyone work together to solve these disputes. 

When asked about Wang’s promise to first complete a cross-strait agreement monitoring mechanism before review of the trade-in-services pact proceeds, the Presidential Office deferred to the KMT caucus.

Lee Chia-fei 
Presidential Office Spokeswoman
The KMT caucus has expressed its opinion on the legislative timetable, and the Presidential Office respects this opinion.

The Cabinet also issued a press release. It said it respects Wang’s authority to decide when bipartisan negotiations take place and that it would have no other comment.

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[[學運總指揮 林飛帆]]


[[學運總指揮 林飛帆]]
“所有關於這場運動接下來的走向, 我們都會積極地,跟參與這場運動的夥伴們 大家一起討論,目前為止,這個討論會持續進行”

“行為上有示好的意思,可是在事情還沒發生到最後之前,我們還是要保持一個 警戒態度”


The students have yet to decide whether Wang’s concession is enough for them to leave the Legislature. Student leader Lin Fei-fan says such a decision will only be made following consultation with all those taking part in the movement. 

In the commotion at the Legislature, student leader Lin Fei-fan and Speaker Wang Jin-pyng were unable to speak. After three weeks of watching the lawmaking body occupied by students, Wang finally visited. He shook hands with each of the students who were willing to greet him, and was friendly toward those who weren’t so welcoming. Lin praised Wang’s gesture.

Lin Fei-fan
Student Leader
We approve of Wang’s promise to use his authority to ensure that a monitoring mechanism for cross-strait agreements is put into law before the services trade pact is reviewed, says Lin. Over the past three weeks, we have dealt with many impossible challenges. We have seen students bleed and shed tears, and we have faced many situations where we had to stand strong. But, today, we can say that light is finally shining on this island.

Many students consider Wang’s concession to be the first sign of goodwill from the government. They have not yet said if they are prepared to leave the Legislature.

Lin Fei-fan
Student Leader
We will discuss all future directions that this movement will take with everyone who has participated. For now, these discussions are ongoing, says Lin.

Student Demonstrator
(Wang) was cordial, but until the last moment of this dispute, we must remain alert, says this demonstrator.

While the students appreciate Wang’s gesture, they are still weary of President MaYing-jeou.

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[[立法院長 王金平]]


[[立法院長 王金平]]
“考量整體社會成本,金平秉持院長職權,鄭重向各位報告,在兩案協議監督條例草案完成立法前,將不召集兩岸服務貿易協議 相關黨團協商會議,經過這次淬鍊,我們當記取教訓,省思未來國政的推動,更要體察民意,在此關鍵時刻,金平希望同學們尊重各界聲音,也盼各界給予學生包容,使本次爭議和平落幕,讓大家一起攜手向前行,台灣加油”


During the nearly three-week student occupation of the Legislature, onlookers have waited for Speaker Wang Jin-pyng to take control of the government body he oversees. Today Wang emerged from his relative silence to announce he will not let review of the trade-in-services pact Taiwan signed with China proceed until a monitoring mechanism for handling such pacts is in place. 

Pan blue and pan green lawmakers accompanied Speaker Wang Jin-pyng to the Legislature. For the first time in 20 days, Wang directly commented on the student occupation. This is the statement he gave:

Wang Jin-pyng
Legislative Speaker
I have never shied away from disputes, but when the various sides are unwilling to make concessions and it becomes impossible for ruling and opposition parties to achieve a consensus, we fail to meet the expectations of the people. For this, I feel concern and regret. The students are in the legislative chamber to express a multitude of opinions. Although various groups have different opinions on the propriety of their methods and goals, we cannot deny that the students have caused people to begin to think about the meaning of democracy. I cannot castigate the students for maintaining their ideals and seeking to expand citizen participation, but please consider how your long-term occupation of the legislative chamber has made us unable to deliberate a number of bills while affecting our international reputation. This is something that the people cannot accept. Keep charging ahead with your ideals, but return to your positions (in the classroom).

Wang’s most stunning remark came when he essentially accepted the students’ main demand.

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  • Apr 16 Wed 2014 15:35
  • 特選




Spring Blossoming
Many flowers bloom in April. Hualien’s Ji'an Township is now experiencing the beauty of the golden trumpet tree in full bloom, with the wind carrying these beautiful yellow flowers which at times appear like golden rain. Unfortunately, they are in bloom for just 10 short days, meaning those who want to glimpse or photograph this beautiful scene should act quickly.

Beautiful Balloons
Taipei balloon artist Howard Lee led a team of 22 likeminded artists who spent 27 hours recreating the Tien Hou Temple from 20,000 balloons. Important elements such as stone lions and incense burners were made with exacting detail. The work was presented at the World Balloon Convention in Denver, Colorado, where Lee and his team won third place.

Matsu Pilgrimage
Organizers say around 20,000 people joined the start of the annual Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage last evening at 11 pm. Followers departed Taichung’s Jenn Lan Temple for a nine-day, eight-night trip. The entire pilgrimage will cover 300 kilometers and pass through Taichung, Changhua, Yunlin and Chiayi.

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[[國發會主委 管中閔]]


[[經濟部長 張家祝]]


[[國發會主委 管中閔]]


President Ma Ying-jeou argues that delay of the trade-in-services pact will affect Taiwan’s entry into other trade agreements. But National Development Council Minister Kuan Chung-ming believes this is just conjecture. 

Among those most affected by Wang Jin-pyng’s decision to put a cross-strait monitoring mechanism ahead of the trade-in-services pact are the economics officials who helped write and negotiate the pact.

Kuan Chung-ming
National Development Council
Of course I worry. While this is postponed, everyone knows there will be many disputes. To find the best solution, I think we need to return to public opinion. We will act in accordance with whatever decision the Legislature makes. 

One of President Ma Ying-jeou’s main arguments for swift passage of the trade-in-services pact is that it will help Taiwan join other agreements. The economics minister worries that stalling review of the pact will impact Taiwan’s chances of joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Chang Chia-juch
Economics Minister
Of the 12 nations involved in TPP discussions, six count China as their largest trading partner and five count China as their second largest trading partner. China will definitely have an influence over whether these countries support our entry.

National Development Council Minister Kuan Chung-ming isn’t so certain of China’s influence.

Kuan Chung-ming
National Development Council
The first problem is whether Beijing has the ability or the authority to apply pressure to TPP nations. The second problem is whether our current situation has made Beijing feel that it’s necessary to apply such pressure. This is all just conjecture.

Changes brought by the Sunflower Movement will test response capabilities of agencies responsible for economic and development policy.

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[[國民黨團副書記長 費鴻泰(4.6)]]


[[民進黨團幹事長 高志鵬]]


Speaker Wang Jin-pyng’s surprise announcement infuriated some members of the KMT caucus who accuse him of selling out the party. Speculation followed, with KMT Legislator Alex Fai saying it seems like Wang made an agreement with student protesters prior to his visit yesterday. 

When Speaker Wang Jin-pyng entered the Legislature yesterday, at his side were DPP caucus whip Ker Chien-ming and other opposition lawmakers. The only KMT lawmaker was Lu Chia-chen. This, and the students’ cool response to Wang, led KMT Legislator Alex Fai to suspect the entire event was staged.

Alex Fai (April 6)
KMT Legislator
It seems like Ker Chien-ming knew everything, and it seems even more obvious that the students knew everything. The fact (this group) could enter without a commotion from the students makes it seem like the students had already accepted a deal.

There is a rumor that Wang, Ker and the students reached an understanding last Friday. Apparently, the students agreed to announce they would leave the Legislature after Wang’s visit.

Kao Jyh-peng
DPP Caucus Whip
This is all fabrication. Our caucus didn’t receive notification from Speaker Wang until after 10 o’clock yesterday morning. The KMT is likely trying to find ways to diminish the announcement Speaker Wang made yesterday, so of course these kinds of conjectures would emerge. They are just attacks and smears.

Wang and the DPP deny the occurrence of any secret meetings. A student spokesperson also says the students knew nothing about the nature of Wang’s statement in advance.

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[[立法院長 王金平]]


[[民進黨團總召 柯建銘]]


The fallout from Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng’s decision to prioritize a cross-strait monitoring mechanism over the trade-in-services pact is widespread. While it has opened a path to ending the student occupation it has also sparked internal strife within the KMT. 

One day after Wang Jin-pyng’s high-profile visit to meet with students at the Legislature, the legislative speaker chose a more low-key approach.

Wang Jin-pyng
Legislative Speaker
In order to allow for this situation to end favorably, it is not convenient for me to answer any questions now. Please make allowances for this, thank you.

Yesterday, Wang pledged to put the bill monitoring cross-strait agreements with China ahead of the trade-in-services pact. This led some KMT caucus members to accuse Wang of selling out the party, and President Ma Ying-jeou said he wasn’t aware of Wang’s decision before its announcement. The DPP caucus whip ripped the KMT over its internal strife.

Ker Chien-ming
DPP Caucus Whip
Your entire party is on the verge of combustion. Quickly, stand in line with public opinion. KMT lawmakers no longer want to hear Ma’s views. They should instead save their last shred of victory.

Wang’s entry into the dispute put the ball in the students’ court and gave the DPP a compromise they can accept. The cost is dissension within the KMT.

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The announcement by students that they will withdraw from the Legislature was praised by President Ma Ying-jeou. Ma said that a majority of people want to see the lawmaking body resume normal operations.

Ma also commented on a pledge Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng made yesterday to put into law a mechanism for monitoring agreements with China before reviewing the services trade agreement. According to Ma's logic, because Wang did not oppose a line-by-line review of the pact, lawmakers could potentially review the pact and monitoring mechanism in parallel. 

President Ma Ying-jeou
Review of the cross-strait trade-in-services pact is vitally important to Taiwan. We’re not looking to falsely alarm people, but there are real concerns about the future of Taiwan's economy. Consequently, we hope to complete review of the monitoring mechanism and the trade-in-services pact in as short a period of time as possible. As long as we remain united, no difficulty is insurmountable. Everything the KMT has done with regard to cross-strait trade affairs has been completely for the benefit of the people of Taiwan. 

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[[學運代表 陳為廷]]


[[學運代表 陳為廷]]


[[學運代表 陳為廷]]


The curtain will soon come down on a three-week occupation of Taiwan's legislature by students protesting a controversial trade pact with China. The students say they will leave by 6 pm Thursday, but stressed the occupation has been a victory for Taiwan’s democracy. 

Chen Wei-ting
Student Leader
Our movement owes its continued existence to the strong public backing which gave it legitimacy. For this, we want to give deep thanks to all Taiwanese who participated in and followed this movement for their support and participation. Today, we have a major announcement to make: 21 days after occupation of the Legislature began, we have progressively completed its goals. Key advances have shown us that we are no longer restricted by historical figures or past political models. Foreign powers are not able to dominate our movement. We have given life to the constitutional doctrine that sovereignty resides in the whole body of citizens and turned it into an experience felt by all the Taiwanese people of this generation.

The Sunflower Movement focused on four main demands: to legislate a monitoring mechanism for agreements with China, to only review the services trade pact after this mechanism is put into law, to hold a citizens’ constitutional conference, and to scrap the services trade pact. Chen says since progress has been made in each, it is time for the students to leave the Legislature.

Chen Wei-ting
Student Leader
We invite everyone in Taiwan who has participated in this movement, who has followed this movement, and who has supported this movement to again gather at the Legislature this Thursday evening at 6 o’clock to greet the students leaving the legislative body. Together, we will march into society and switch from a position of defense to one of attack. We also welcome supporters of this movement to occupy electoral districts across Taiwan to apply pressure to the KMT lawmakers who have turned their back on public opinion.

As the students leave the Legislature, they plan to expand their movement across the nation. 

Chen Wei-ting
Student Leader
We have at least three major battle lines. The first covers the approaching legislative review of the monitoring mechanism for cross-strait agreements and inclusion of the five main principles in the citizens’ version. The second, review of the services trade pact, begins when the monitoring mechanism is put into law. The third is convening of the citizens’ constitutional conference. Our main objective is for all people of Taiwan to jointly investigate the main sticking point of what led to this political deadlock.

The countdown has begun to end the occupation of the Legislature, but work for these students continues. They are urging ruling and opposition lawmakers to fulfill their promises and not betray the democratic principles of their movement.

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[[台北市長 郝龍斌]]



[[台北市長 郝龍斌]]


Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin announced today that the Songshan MRT line will open by the end of the year. A big change is that passengers coming from the Xindian area will no longer have direct access to Taipei Main Station and the Tamsui line. 

Workers were busy carrying boards and forming molds for concrete this morning on Nanjing East Road. Taipei’s Department of Rapid Transit Systems is finishing construction as it plans to make the new Songshan MRT line operational by year end. The new line will run from Songshan Station to Ximen Station and encompass a total of eight underground stations that take 15 minutes to traverse.

Hau Lung-bin
Taipei Mayor
After all routes are opened, there won’t be any more adjustments. After opening the Songshan line at the end of the year, all MRT lines will be set. 

A decision to connect the Xindian line with the Songshan line will increase convenience for many riders.

Passengers at Ximen Station will be able to transfer to the Bannan line, those at Zhongshan Station will be able to transfer to the Tamsui line, and those at Songjiang Nanjing Station will be able to transfer to the Xinzhuang-Luzhou line. The next station, 
Nanjing Fuxing, provides transfers to the Wenhu line.

However, after the Songshan line goes into operation, the Xindian line will be diverted around Taipei Main Station and will no longer directly connect to the Tamsui line.

Hau Lung-bin
Taipei Mayor
This is why we are making this announcement of route changes eight to nine months in advance, to give commuters advance notice. I hope the few passengers who will be inconvenienced are able to understand.

The route adjustments will relieve congestion during peak travel periods at Taipei Main Station and Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station.

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[[立委(國) 陳根德]]


[[資深媒體人 蔡玉貞]]


During the student occupation of the Legislature, there were occasional reports of Hon Hai Chairman Terry Gou inserting himself into discussions. Some believe Gou played a useful role in negotiating an end to the stalemate while others think he was simply posturing for Beijing. 

Hon Hai Chairman Terry Gou donated NT$10 million to the Friends of Police Association and thanked them for their hard work and effort during the Sunflower Movement. 

Gou also called upon the country to come together and unite. At the end of last month, he returned to Taiwan and offered to enter the occupied Legislature to meet with students, though his offer was rebuffed.

After getting the cold shoulder from students, Gou turned to ruling and opposition lawmakers.

Chen Gen-de
KMT Legislator
When I arrived, Chairman Gou and Ker Chien-ming were already present. For the sake of cross-strait economic development and peace, Gou was asking Ker for assistance with the services trade pact.

Another theory has emerged on Gou’s purpose.

Tsai Yu-chen 
TV Commentator 
He wanted to let Beijing know that he played a vital role in resolving the services trade pact controversy.

Gou has long been an active proponent of the pact. This leads some to question if he could have supported stalling passage of the pact in order to bring an end to the stalemate in the student-occupied Legislature.

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