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Ma Defends His Actions (2013/10/02)

The information Huang Shyh-ming told Ma Ying-jeou led to a high-profile battle between the president and legislative speaker. Growing numbers of KMT figures are urging Ma to use his head and end the deadlock. Ma gave a response in his radio interview. 

Ma said he’s no dummy, but that he must take the moral high ground. The president even said his mother and family support him. He would like to see Wang Jin-pyng appeal to the party and produce evidence showing that no wrongful lobbying took place.


文章出處 :民視英語新聞


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The US singer Kelly Clarkson has been barred from taking a ring that once belonged to Jane Austen out of Britain on the grounds it is too precious a part of literary history to leave the country.


The gold and turquoise ring is one of only three surviving pieces of jewellery known to have belonged to the writer. It was given to her sister Cassandra and then passed down through the family.


Clarkson, who shot to fame when she won the American Idol TV talent show, bought the ring at auction last year for more than £150,000.


But the culture minister, Ed Vaizey, has put a temporary export ban on it to try to keep it in the UK.


"Jane Austen’s modest lifestyle and her early death mean that objects associated with her of any kind are extremely rare," he said, "So I hope that a UK buyer comes forward so this simple but elegant ring can be saved for the nation."


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The New York City is putting the heat on rogue delivery bicyclists, who have been shirking the new commercial cycling rules — issuing nearly 3,000 violations in less than four months, authorities said.


The legislation went into effect at the end of April and since then the Department of Transportation has issued nearly $300,000 in violations to city businesses.


The new guidelines require delivery people to wear reflective vests, helmets, and have their bikes outfitted with a red taillight, white headlight and a bell. Bikes also need to have a sign displaying the restaurant’s name.


The first violation is a $100 summons, and repeat offenders face $250 fines.


DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan said that safety couldn’t be compromised so that deliveries could be made faster.


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Two stone sculptures believed to date back to 1200-1500 B.C. were discovered at the Chavin de Huantar archeological site in Huaraz, according to the team led by Dr. John Rick, an archeologist from the United States.


These were not the first such heads discovered in the Chavin Huantar site. In 1920 an archeologist named Julio C. Tello found a large number of “cabezas clavas” that were buried inside the façade of the temples. Many of them were swept away and lost in a flood that covered the site in 1940.


Dr. Rick believes these heads may have fallen from their original location, atop a wall, after a powerful earthquake in the year 500 B.C. The wall may have collapsed in 200 A.D.


Dr. Rick points out that it is difficult to explain the real significance of the snakes and figures around the heads. But the very open eyes indicate a trance, apparently induced by drugs, possibly San Pedro.


The snakes and wrinkles support this hypothesis. “Wrinkles in one of them reveal the pain produced in the process of ingesting the drugs,” the archaeologist explains. “The snakes could reveal the hallucinations.”


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The mass extinction of large animals in the Pleistocene era caused today’s dearth of soil nutrients, scientists said, and warned of further damage if modern giants like the elephant disappear.


The Pleistocene epoch, which dated from about 2.6 million to 11,700 years ago, saw large animals dubbed megafauna take over domination of the planet from extinct dinosaurs, only to die out en masse themselves.


During their peak, much of the world resembled a modern-day African savannah.


South America, for example, was teeming with 5-tonne ground sloths, armadillo-like glyptodonts the size of a small car, and herds of elephant-like cuvieronius and stegomastodonts.


These megafauna, animals weighing more than 44 kilograms, played a key role in fertilizing soil far away from the areas near rivers where they fed — plowing the nutrients they consumed back into circulation through their dung or their decomposing bodies when they died.


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Chemists have found a new way to halve the fat of chocolate using liquids which does not change the "mouthfeel". Low-fat preparations of chocolate are well known, but their textures tend not to match the real thing.


A report at an American Chemical Society meeting described a method using the popular gelling agent agar to make tiny "sponges" that displace fat.


Normal chocolate gets much of its velvety feel from an emulsion of fat globules suspended within the solid.


Replacing those is tricky - any substitutes have to remain dispersed throughout the chocolate as it is heated and cooled to a solid, and they have to remain small.




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The leader of North Korea apparently has learned a lesson from Hollywood: Image is everything.


The man known to the Western world as running a country that starves its population and menaces neighboring countries with a nuclear weapons program is a rock star, a photo released by North Korea’s Central News Agency would have you believe.


More Lil’ Kim than Kim Jong Un, the picture shows the leader mobbed by workers at a mushroom farm. From the looks of it, the leader is loved by his people.

與其說像金正恩,不如說更像美國女饒舌歌手Lil’ Kim,這張照片顯示,這位領導人被一座蘑菇農場的工人包圍。看樣子,這位領導人深受他的人民愛戴。

Dressed in dark shirt and pants, the 29-year-old stands in the middle of a crowd of women wearing immaculate white jumpsuits, with some grabbing his arms and others who appear to be weeping.


Is it staged? Reuters, which distributed the photo, notes that it is unable to "independently verify the authenticity, content, location, or date of this image."


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Children born from obese women were 35 percent more likely to die prematurely in adulthood, according to a study Wednesday that warned of a growing epidemic.


Researchers in Scotland traced 37,709 children of 28,540 women who gave birth between 1950 and 1976.


The children were aged from 34 to 61 at the time of the study published in the online journal bmj.com. Researchers included the data of 6,551 children that had already died prior to the start of the study.


Of the mothers, 21 percent were overweight -- meaning a body mass index (BMI) or height-to-weight ratio of 25 to 29.9 -- and four percent obese, with a BMI of 30 or more, when they gave birth.


"The offspring of obese mothers were 35 percent and those of overweight women 11 percent more likely to die before the age of 55 years than those of normal-weight mothers," study co-author Rebecca Reynolds, professor of metabolic medicine at the University of Edinburgh, told AFP.


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Britain’s class-conscious public have voiced their dislike of men in red trousers, associating them with elitism and garish buffoonery, according to a recent survey.


Just under half the respondents (46 percent) to a survey released by market research firm YouGov said they don’t like men in red trousers.


"Gentlemen be warned. Wearing red trousers will not win you many admirers," YouGov said in an article about the sartorial study on their website.


Words such as "idiot", "odd" and "clown" sprang to the minds of respondents when confronted with the sight of a man sporting red trousers, YouGov said.


British Esquire magazine’s Senior Fashion Editor Gareth Scourfield said that although continental men in France and Italy have been getting away with colourful clothes for years, Britons tended to be more reserved. "I think the problem is it has a connotation as a rich man’s casual wear," he said.


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Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has called on the police to act against gangs that are stealing women’s hair.


The thieves sell the hair - sometimes stolen at gunpoint - to salons where it is used for extensions and wigs.


Attacks appear to be on the rise, especially in the country’s second largest city Maracaibo, local media report.


Mr Maduro used strong language against what he called "mafias that cut girls’ hair".


Speaking at the inauguration of a train station in the capital Caracas, he said the government would guarantee that the thieves would be caught.


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Mr.Eckhouse and his wife, Kathy,began producing "Prosciutto Americano" eight years ago in a plant they built here, just south of Des Moines. The meat has drawn enthusiastic reviews and is on the menus of upscale restaurants and in shops in New York, Chicago and the Bay Area.


Still, the Eckhouses, in hairnets and lab coats, fuss over details and patrol La Quercia’s cavernous curing rooms.


The plant was designed to mimic the four seasons, and approximate the way prosciutto was made two millenniums ago. Farm families in Italy killed the pigs in late November, salted the meat, then used the cold to help preserve it. Because salmonella, the enemy of all cured meats, thrives in a moist, warm environment, its growth was blocked.


"You salt it in the winter, dry it in the winter, then you’d warm it up in the springtime and kind of age it in the summer. That’s the way our building is laid out." Mr. Eckhouse said.


The hams are moved from chamber to chamber, each replicating a season and filled with equipment made in Italy. Computers control temperature and humidity. Specifics of the aging process(how long and at what temperatures) are secret.


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Astronauts traveling to and from Mars would be bombarded with as much radiation as they’d get from a full-body CT scan about once a week for a year, researchers reported.


That dose would, in some cases, exceed NASA’s standards and is enough to raise an astronaut’s cancer risk by 3 percent.


As plans for deep space exploration ramp up, radiation is a big concern — from high-energy galactic cosmic rays spewed by distant supernova explosions to sporadic bursts of charged particles hurled by the sun. Earth’s magnetic field helps to deflect much of that harmful radiation.


NASA aims to send a crew to orbit the red planet by the mid-2030s. Private outfits like Inspiration Mars are seeking volunteers for a Mars flight.


There have been previous efforts to gauge the radiation risk for future Mars travelers, but the best estimate is coming from NASA’s Curiosity mission. Tucked inside the rover when it launched in 2011 was a radiation sensor that took readings during the 8 1/2-month cruise to Mars.


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Eating lots of broccoli may slow down and even prevent osteoarthritis, UK researchers believe. The University of East Anglia team is starting human trials following on from successful lab studies.


Tests on cells and mice showed that a broccoli compound blocked a key destructive enzyme that damages cartilage.


They are asking 20 patients to eat a daily dose of broccoli. Our body takes this glucoraphanin compound and turns it into another, called sulforaphane, which appears to protect the joints.


The volunteers will have two weeks on the diet before going under the knife to have their badly arthritic knees repaired by surgeons. Dr Rose Davidson and her team will look at the tissue that has been removed to see what impact, if any, the broccoli has had.



slow down:片語,減緩、放輕鬆。例句:The doctor has told him to slow down or he’ll have a heart attack.(醫師告訴他要放輕鬆點,不然會心臟病發。)

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Kohei Jinno fans out the black and white photos of his family posing proudly in front of their central Tokyo home, a house they were forced to leave ahead of the 1964 Olympic Games to make way for construction of the main stadium.


Now Jinno, 79, has to move again.


The public housing complex where he and his wife live, close to the stadium and the site of his former home - currently a parking lot - is slated to be destroyed as part of construction of a new stadium for the 2020 Summer Olympics, which Tokyo won the right to host again earlier this month.


Jinno, who turns 80 next month, has no idea where he will move, or when. He said two hundred families in the same complex, most of them elderly, face the same dilemma.


"I wish they wouldn’t have the Olympics in Tokyo again," he said. "I can bear getting evicted if it’s just the once in a lifetime. But twice? It’s ridiculous." (Reuters)

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Swiss researchers said Thursday that people really do have a hard time getting a good night’s sleep when the moon is full, even when they can’t see it.


The results of a study on 33 volunteers published in the journal Current Biology showed that people took longer to fall asleep at night and slept for a shorter time during a full moon.


The volunteers were monitored on two separate nights, and were not aware of the cycle of the moon during their time in the sleep lab.


When there was a full moon, people slept an average of 19 minutes less and took five minutes longer to fall asleep than they did when there was a new moon.


"The lunar cycle seems to influence human sleep, even when one does not ’see’ the moon and is not aware of the actual moon phase," said Christian Cajochen of the Psychiatric Hospital of the University of Basel.


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A Russian state service in charge of safeguarding Kremlin communications is looking to purchase an array of old-fashioned typewriters to prevent leaks from computer hardware, sources said.


The throwback to the paper-strewn days of Soviet bureaucracy has reportedly been prompted by the publication of secret documents by anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks and the revelations leaked by former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden.


The Federal Guard Service, which is also in charge of protecting President Vladimir Putin, is looking to spend just over 486,000 rubles to buy a number of electric typewriters, according to the site of state procurement agency, zakupki.gov.ru.


Pro-Kremlin newspaper Izvestia said the state service was looking to purchase 20 typerwriters because using computers to prepare top-secret documents may no longer be safe.


"After scandals with the distribution of secret documents by WikiLeaks, the exposes by Edward Snowden, reports about Dmitry Medvedev being listened in on during his visit to the G20 summit in London, it has been decided to expand the practice of creating paper documents," the newspaper quoted a FSO source as saying.

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The Navy spent about $71 million on cleanup, planning and initial repairs on the fire-damaged USS Miami before scuttling plans to restore the nuclear-powered submarine.


The Navy intended to repair the attack submarine, damaged last year, at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard and return it to duty before the discovery of additional cracks in pipes drove the estimated repair costs up from $450 million to $700 million.


The Navy announced last month it was scrapping plans to repair the Miami because of the higher estimates coupled with mandated budget cuts.


Loren Thompson, defense analyst at the Lexington Institute, said the waste of taxpayer dollars underscores the challenges facing the Navy as it shifts priorities to meet reduced funding.


The Miami was severely damaged by a fire set by a shipyard worker in May 2012 while it was in dry dock during a 20-month overhaul at the Kittery, Maine, shipyard.


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Are you interested in spending a year or two in the United Kingdom, but you worry that you won’t be able to afford such an adventure? Well, worry no more! Beginning this year, young Taiwanese people are eligible for a working holiday visa to the UK. This visa can give you the chance to earn money for your vacation as you take it.

Working holidays are a great way to get the most from your vacation. The visa allows you to work in the country legally, which helps you become part of a community and get an insider’s knowledge of the culture. The money you earn from the job will usually cover living expenses and possibly further travels within the country. While you may not end up rich, you’ll gain a wealth of experiences that can last a lifetime.

In addition to the UK, Taiwan currently has working holiday visa agreements with six other countries: Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, and South Korea. Most of these visas last for one year, and the jobs travelers can get range from picking fruit or working in a hotel to volunteering with animals or participating in an internship at a museum. With so many opportunities, finding the right fit should be easy.






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Imagine an open field just before sunrise. It’s covered with hot-air balloons that grow as they fill with warm air. You hear the hum of fans and see the fire of gas burners. Some of the balloons are almost thirty meters tall! As the morning sun lights the field, hundreds of colorful balloons rise into the sky.

The best place to see a sight like the one that is described above is at a hot-air balloon festival. These happen all over the world, from the United States and Canada to Europe and Asia, and many of them take place in August. At these festivals, balloon pilots test their skills in races or by dropping markers onto targets while visitors cheer them on.

After the games are over and the sun has set, visitors can enjoy the balloon glows. For these, pilots fire their burners at the same time on the ground and light the field with glowing balloons. The most impressive moment is when all the balloons go up together. They fill the sky with floating globes of color.





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