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Rival Dutch- and French-speaking communities in Belgium are at each others’ throats again -- this time over the loan of two giant pandas by China to the linguistically divided nation.


"Pandas, a question of national interest," said La Libre Belgique as the country worried over the long-negotiated and now contentious deal.


The problem is that the rare bears, a reliable draw for visitors, are to be housed in a zoo in French-speaking southern Wallonia, not far from the city of Mons whose last mayor is none other than Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo.


And Belgium’s oldest and most well-known zoo, the Antwerp Zoo set up in 1843, located in the heart of the port city of Antwerp in northern Flanders, is indignant to have lost out to the Pairi Daiza animal park set up a couple of decades ago. (AFP)



at each others’ throats:慣用語,相互爭執或拳腳相向。例句:My cat and my dog are always at each other’s throats.(我的貓跟我的狗總是打來打去。)

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Years of training cause structural changes in a ballerina’s brain that help her stay balanced in the pirouette, said a report Friday that may aid the treatment of chronic dizziness.


Brain scans of professional ballerinas revealed differences from other people in two parts of the brain: one that processes input from the balancing organs in the inner ear, and another responsible for the perception of dizziness.


Most people, after turning around rapidly, feel dizzy for a period thereafter.


This is because of the fluid-filled chambers of the ear’s balance organs, which sense the rotation of the head through tiny hairs that perceive the fluid swishing about. The fluid continues to move for a while after the spin -- which creates the perception that one is moving when still -- hence the dizziness.


Ballet dancers can perform multiple pirouettes with little or no feeling of dizziness -- a feat that has long puzzled researchers.


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The British Dietetic Association’s (BDA’s) Dietitians in Obesity Management Specialist Group (DOM UK) and the Children’s Food Campaign have announced the launch of a new campaign to urge supermarkets to permanently remove unhealthy snacks from checkouts and queuing areas.


The campaign called Junk Free Checkouts is being launched today and aims to force supermarkets to stop selling sweets near the tills, which exploits the “pester power” of children who nag their parents to buy the snacks.


According to DOM UK’s recent nationwide survey, nearly eight in ten shoppers were unhappy with the sale of sugary or high calorie food and drink items at checkouts.


Almost all of the parents surveyed said they had been pestered by their children to buy junk food at the checkouts, and most found it difficult at that particular moment to say no.


78 per cent of the respondents said they found junk food at checkouts “annoying”. It also found that 83 per cent have been pestered by their children to buy junk food at the checkouts and 75 per cent have given in to their children and bought something because they were pestered.


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Myanmar’s tallest man -- "Big Zaw" -- has returned from Singapore where doctors said he underwent successful brain surgery to remove a tumour responsible for his excessive growth.


Win Zaw Oo, who stands seven feet eight inches tall (233 centimetres) arrived in Yangon on Thursday from the city-state.


Media reports about "Big Zaw", who is believed to be the tallest man in the former junta-ruled nation, stirred global interest leading to offers to pay for the $55,000 surgery.


Win Zaw Oo, who has spent much of his life barefoot because his family was unable to afford special shoes, is significantly taller than the 168cm average Myanmar man.


His case has cast light on the limitations of Myanmar’s threadbare healthcare system, which was neglected during decades of army rule.


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From Chinese bloggers to European central bankers, the world is watching the US government shutdown with a mixture of bewilderment and growing nervousness that any debt default could hit struggling economies.


In emerging superpower China, a one-party state where legislative deadlock holds little fear for the Communist rulers, the official Xinhua news agency said the situation had once again brought to the fore "the ugly side of partisan politics in Washington".


"Though its immediate impact looks limited, the damage will multiply if the drama drags on for days or even weeks, arousing concerns over its spillover effect," it said in a commentary, referring to the US economy.


While US visa and passport operations are unaffected, the crisis in Washington has forced hundreds of thousands of federal workers to stay at home, closed museums and national parks and put much scientific research on hold.


One US researcher who travelled 30 hours to Perth in Australia for a science conference found himself barred from presenting his work on Parkinson’s disease. "It’s actually a federal offence if I do go ahead and give the talk or even continue attending the conference," Michael Lazarou told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.


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Shortly after President Obama started his second term, a loose-knit coalition of conservative activists led by former Attorney General Edwin Meese III gathered in the capital to plot strategy.


Their push to repeal Mr. Obama’s health care law was going nowhere, and they desperately needed a new plan.


Out of that session, held one morning in a location the members insist on keeping secret, came a little-noticed “blueprint to defunding Obamacare,” signed by Mr. Meese and leaders of more than three dozen conservative groups.


It articulated a take-no-prisoners legislative strategy that had long percolated in conservative circles: that Republicans could derail the health care overhaul if conservative lawmakers were willing to push fellow Republicans — including their cautious leaders — into cutting off financing for the entire federal government.


To many Americans, the shutdown came out of nowhere. But interviews with a wide array of conservatives show that the confrontation that precipitated the crisis was the outgrowth of a long-running effort to undo the law, the Affordable Care Act, since its passage in 2010 — waged by a galaxy of conservative groups with more money, organized tactics and interconnections than is commonly known.


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Like many in food-loving France, Jerome and Marylin are serious about what goes on their plates -- tired of factory-farmed goods and pricey organic foods.


They bought an old farm deep in the countryside of northeastern France and launched a new life as small-scale farmers in May 2012.


Since then, they have reclaimed a progressively larger share of the food they and their two sons eat, producing it themselves instead of buying it at the store.


Jerome said his goal is to "return to a reasonable approach" to food by cutting down the family’s intake of pesticides.


"I don’t trust today’s agriculture anymore," he added. "I want to actually do something, because just talking about it won’t change the system."


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A boat carrying at least 70 Muslim Rohingya capsized and sank Sunday off the western coast of Myanmar. Only eight survivors have been found.


The boat was in the Bay of Bengal and headed for Bangladesh when it went down early Sunday, said Abdul Melik, who works for a humanitarian organization in the region.


The incident comes after the United Nations warned that an annual and often deadly exodus of desperate people from Myanmar’s Rakhine state appears to have begun. The exodus usually kicks off in November, when seas begin to calm following the annual monsoon. As many as 1,500 people have fled in the last week.


In Sunday’s incident, Melik said the wooden boat, which was carrying at least 70 Rohingya from Ohn Taw Gyi village, left at around 3 a.m. and broke apart about four hours later. Women, children and babies were among those on board.


Myanmar, a predominantly Buddhist nation of 60 million, has been gripped by sectarian violence in the last 18 months, leaving more than 240 people dead and causing 250,000 to flee from their homes. Most of the victims have been Rohingya, a long persecuted Muslim minority in the country, with Buddhist mobs chasing them down with machetes, iron chains and bamboo clubs.


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教育部舉辦「102年中英文翻譯能力檢定考」10月21號起受理網路報名,並可上網下載簡章。教育部表示,中英文翻譯能力檢定考今年起改由財團法人語言訓練測中心(LTTC)承辦,預定12月8號舉行,分筆譯、口譯兩大類,筆譯考試方式維持不變,口譯分兩階段進行,因應轉型,口譯第一階段改為全選擇題的聽力測驗,或考生於報名時提出相當歐盟CEFR B2(含)以上程度兩年內英檢成績,可申請免考口譯第一階段,明(103)年起則廢除口譯類第一階段考試科目,考生必須先行取得相關英檢成績才能報考口譯類,詳情可上網(http://www.lttc.ntu.edu.tw/tranmain.htm)查詢。

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Asia Series (2013/10/07)

Taiwan’s professional baseball league held a press conference today for the Asia Series. 

The series will be held for the second time in Taiwan, starting on Nov. 15. Two teams from the host country will compete against teams from Italy, Japan, South Korea and Australia. 

文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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[[交大材料系教授 陳三元]] 


[[交大材料系教授 陳三元]]


Professor develops new way to treat cancer (2013/10/07)

Taiwan has seen a breakthrough in drugs used to treat cancer. Chen San-yuan (陳三元), a professor of materials science at Chiao Tung University, has developed a magnetic nano-carrier that uses magnetism to focus drug delivery on tumors. 

Put a magnet to this black liquid and, just like magic, the black concentrates on the side, leaving behind transparent water. This is magnetic attraction in action, but the real achievement here is that black material.

What you can’t see with your naked eye is the nanoparticles of iron oxide that it’s made from. The nanoparticles can become a carrier for anti-cancer drugs, which can be put into both the outside and core of the iron oxide. At just 150 nanometers in size, the iron oxide is easily absorbed by the body, and because of its magnetic properties, it can be led straight to wherever cancerous tumors are, boosting the efficacy of treatment.

Chen San-yuan
Chiao-Tung University
Magnetic nanoparticles along with an outside magnet can lead all of the carriers with drugs in a given direction, through the pores of blood vessels, and to the tumor’s location, where they will aggregate.

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[[新北市長 朱立倫]]

[[民視總經理 陳剛信]]
“新北影視城,它是我們台灣過去所有的時代,它的一個縮影,它有大稻埕的街道,它有日本時代 日本的房子,它有中國式的建築,它有西洋巴洛克的建築”


[[民視總經理 陳剛信]]


FTV signs contract with New Taipei City to develop media village in Linkou (2013/10/07)

FTV and the New Taipei City government signed a contract to invest NT$1.5 billion in the New Taipei Media Village. The project will be based in Linkou District and will aid development of the local television and film industries. 

New Taipei Mayor Eric Chu and FTV General Manager Chen Gang-sin signed a contract to cooperate on the development of the New Taipei Media Village in Linkou. FTV will oversee the planning and construction of the project, and the facility is expected to become the center of Taiwan's broadcast industry.

Eric Chu
New Taipei Mayor
In the future, this area will be open to various television stations and television drama groups. It’s truly an open media village which can boost the domestic television and film industry.

Chen Gang-sin 

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[[立委(國) 羅淑蕾]]


[[立法院長 王金平]]

而再過幾天,就是雙十國慶,也是馬王政爭爆發後,兩人首次同台。僵局未解,兩人見面是否會尷尬? 王金平表示,他會以平常心面對。

KMT legislator says reconciliation only possible if party voids decision to expel Wang (2013/10/07)

The Ma-Wang dispute eased slightly when the president decided that the KMT would no longer appeal the injunction that temporarily saved Wang’s seat in the Legislature. But today KMT Legislator Lo Shu-lei said the only way to truly restore peace would be to void the disciplinary committee decision that originally cast Wang’s party membership in doubt. 

Ma decided to end the KMT appeal of Wang Jin-pyng’s injunction on Saturday, to the delight of many ruling party lawmakers. They felt the change of heart showed that reconciliation would be possible.

But for some lawmakers, this was only a first step. They would like to see the KMT formally restore Wang’s party rights.

Lo Shu-lei
KMT Legislator
The reason there are so many lawsuits is that the KMT revoked Speaker Wang’s party membership. If conflict is to stop, then the absurd decision by the disciplinary committee to void Wang’s membership should be revoked. This is the only way to end the litigation.

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[[立委(國) 林鴻池]]

[[立委(民) 蔡其昌]]


Lawmakers speculate that internal investigation will go easy on prosecutor-general (2013/10/07)

An investigation by a Ministry of Justice task force into alleged wrongdoings by Prosecutor-General Huang Shyh-ming turned one week old today. Speculation that the task force will find wiretapping of the Legislature to be a “blunder” without criminal intent sparked criticism from lawmakers. 

The Ministry of Justice has yet to release its report on the tapping of a central phone at the Legislature by the Special Investigation Division, a unit led by Prosecutor-General Huang Shyh-ming. But a lawmaker has obtained information on what the report is expected to contain.

It will name three major administrative flaws. But the task force responsible for the report seems to look at the wiretapping as only a blunder. 

The conclusion is in line with Lo Ying-shay’s assessment, before becoming justice minister, that there was no criminal intent. Lawmakers across party lines believe this interpretation goes far too easy on the Special Investigation Division.

Lin Hung-chih

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[[行政院長 江宜樺(9.30)]]


[[檢察總長 黃世銘]]


[[律師 黃帝穎]]


Prosecutor-general says that president told him to brief premier on investigation (2013/10/07)

Under suspicion of illegally leaking information in an ongoing case, today Prosecutor-General Huang Shyh-ming said that President Ma Ying-jeou told him to tell the same information to the premier. If true, then Huang’s allegation will increase heat on the president. 

Late last month, Premier Jiang Yi-huah said that the prosecutor-general called to tell him that the speaker was thought to have meddled in a court case.

Jiang Yi-huah (Sept. 30)
It was probably Wednesday, Sept. 4. That morning Huang Shyh-ming called to say he wanted to make an appointment to give me a report. He came the same afternoon.

When answering questions at the Legislature today, Huang revealed that it was Ma Ying-jeou who told him to call Jiang Yi-huah.

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一分的超前,交給全聯盟牛棚戰力第一的勇士後援投手群,沒想到八局下半David Carpenter先被Puig打出一支二壘安打後,下一棒的Uribe想做觸擊,卻連續兩球點出界外,無奈只能積極揮棒的他,竟然打出全洛杉磯球迷最振奮的一擊。


Dodgers ace Kershaw hopes to lead LA past Braves (2013/10/08)

Pitching on short rest, Dodgers ace Clayton Kershaw took the mound aiming to make Los Angeles the first team to advance to the league championship series. Standing in their way were the Atlanta Braves, hoping to prolong the series to a fifth and deciding game. 

After hitting a three-run home run last game, the Dodgers’ Carl Crawford extended his hot streak today. The left fielder hit solo shots in his first two at-bats.

The Dodgers jumped to an early two-run lead that evaporated in the fourth on defensive miscues.

In the seventh, Braves pinch hitter Jose Constanza singled in the go-ahead run.

During the regular season, the Braves had the league’s best bullpen. But against the Dodgers, first reliever David Carpenter gave up a double to Yasiel Puig. Then, after failing to move Puig over on a pair of bunt attempts, LA third baseman Juan Uribe excited the Dodger faithful with his powerful bat.

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Price Hike (2013/10/08)

Higher-priced high-speed rail tickets took effect today. A round-trip ticket between Taipei and Kaohsiung now costs an extra NT$280. 

A number of incentives were introduced at the same time to ease the shock to consumers. As before, college students enjoy discounts of up to 50 percent, and there are special prices for credit card users. A new offer of 25 percent off is available to seniors between the ages of 60 and 64.

文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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[[立委(民) 黃偉哲]]


[[工作貧窮研究室主任 洪敬舒]]


Minister criticized for equating higher company health insurance contributions to a wage hike (2013/10/08)

Lawmakers and labor representatives are criticizing the nation’s statistics chief after she argued that higher employer contributions for health insurance are equal to a pay raise. The general public, fed up with salaries that remain at the same level as 16 years ago, is unimpressed by the government’s recent attempts to argue that pay for workers is actually on the rise. 

Employers are now required to pay more health insurance premiums, and to statistics bureau chief Shih Su-mei, this can be considered a hidden wage increase. Her opinion echoed Premier Jiang Yi-huah’s recent comments that shorter working hours were in effect a pay increase and met equal ridicule from lawmakers. 

Huang Wei-cher
DPP Legislator 
We should just ask Premier Jiang Yi-huah and the statistics bureau minister to take a hidden pay increase. If they work a few less days, we think the country would be better off.

Jiang was also mocked for saying that a rise in labor pension contributions from 2 to 6 percent can be considered equivalent to a salary increase of 4 percent.

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財政部公布九月的出口值252億美元,跌破大家眼鏡,不僅比上個月衰退,更比去年同期更衰退了7%, 保二危機再起。


財政部公布的九月出口值252億美元,不僅低於八月,還比去年同期衰退了7%! 出口表現差,歸因於礦產品,像汽油、及光學器材,像LCD(液晶顯示器)兩個項目,下跌幅度最多。


[[電機電子公會理事長 郭台強]]

根據財政部資料,九月對日本出口衰退最多,高達10.9%,另外對中國、美國和東協的減幅也超過8%, 讓人憂心今年GDP能不能保二?

[[外貿協會董事長 王志剛]]

以第三季的出口總值來看,原先預估780億美元,但實際上為761.9億美元,對全年GDP影響為0.25%, 對照之前預估2.31%的經濟成長率,第四季保2,要很拼!

Industry leaders hopeful for strong fourth quarter after September slide (2013/10/08)

Business leaders are optimistic about the fourth quarter despite a sharp decline in exports. Official data released yesterday showed that exports fell by 7 percent in September compared to the same month last year, primarily due to double-digit declines in exports of fuel and LCD products. 

Taiwan is known for its strong electronics industry, R&D capabilities and supply chains. Still, it is an export-driven economy highly dependent on other nations.

According to Ministry of Finance data, Taiwan faltered on this front last month. Exports were US$25 billion, lower than August and 7 percent lower than the previous year. The poor performance was attributed to declines in mineral product exports, such as gasoline, and optoelectronic devices, such as LCDs. 

Despite these setbacks, the director-general of the Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association expressed optimism about his industry’s prospects next quarter.

Gou Tai-chiang

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[[情次室情研中心主任 王紹華]]


[[戰規司司長 成雲鵬]]


Defense Ministry warns China will be ready for all-out attack in 2020 (2013/10/08)

The latest National Defense Report warns that China is working toward being ready for an all-out attack on Taiwan by the year 2020. Already China far exceeds Taiwan in terms of military budget, troop strength and equipment. 

The Navy recently fired air defense missiles, showing its military might. However, a recently compiled National Defense Report warns of a serious cross-strait military imbalance.

China's defense budget in 2013 reached 720 billion renminbi, which is the equivalent of about NT$3.4 trillion. This is 11 times Taiwan’s budget. When it comes to troop strength, China outnumbers Taiwan 9-fold.

The report clearly states: “China’s military is working towards completing its tactical capability to launch an all-out attack on Taiwan by the year 2020.” 

Wang Shao-hua

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