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2019-10-07 《中英對照讀新聞》Kansas runner killed by lightning near ultramarathon finish line 堪薩斯州的超級馬拉松跑者 在快到終點線前遭雷擊身亡 (3) (0)
2019-10-04 《中英對照讀新聞》Uber will ban passengers with low ratings Uber將禁止評分低的乘客叫車 (11) (0)
2019-10-03 《中英對照讀新聞》Kenyans rush to swap banknotes as cash ban looms 鈔票禁令在即,肯亞人搶著換鈔 A man walked into a Nairobi car yard and paid for a luxury Mercedes with a mountain of 1,000 shilling ($9 euros) banknotes, desperate to offload cash that would be worthless after (22) (0)
2019-10-02 《中英對照讀新聞》UN chief warns of a world divided between US and China 聯合國秘書長警告美中分裂世界 UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has warned that the world risks splitting in two, with the United States and China creating two separate and competing worlds. 聯合國秘書長安東 (15) (0)
2019-09-27 中英對照讀新聞》Getting to zero: the Japan town trying to recycle all its waste-邁向零垃圾:日本小鎮嘗試回收所有廢棄物 (11) (0)
2019-09-26 《中英對照讀新聞》Dark chocolate lowers risk of depression 黑巧克力可降低憂鬱症風險 (18) (0)
2019-09-25 中英對照讀新聞》Getting to zero: the Japan town trying to recycle all its waste-邁向零垃圾:日本小鎮嘗試回收所有廢棄物 Getting to zero: the Japan town trying to recycle all its waste 邁向零垃圾:日本小鎮嘗試回收所有廢棄物 In Japan’s Kamikatsu, sorting rubbish isn’t that simple. There are mind-bog (16) (0)
2019-09-19 《中英對照讀新聞》Turkish artist goes viral with stark misery/comfort images/影像呈現鮮明痛苦與安逸,土耳其藝術家爆紅 (15) (0)
2019-09-18 中英對照讀新聞》Rowdy French rooster at centre of legal battle/吵人的法國公雞是司法戰的焦點 (8) (0)
2019-09-17 中英對照讀新聞》Archaeologists in Peru unearth ancient mural reflecting on the importance of water 秘魯考古學家挖出揭示水資源重要性的古壁畫 (16) (0)
2019-09-12 《中英對照讀新聞》Serbian prisoners and dogs give each other a new lease on life 塞爾維亞囚犯和狗狗讓彼此重生 (13) (0)
2019-09-11 《中英對照讀新聞》More than half of UK parents think sunglasses should be part of school uniform, survey claims 調查聲稱,英國逾半數家長認為校服裝備應包括太陽眼鏡 (15) (0)
2019-09-10 中英對照讀新聞》Hong Kong bookseller who defied China raises $100,000 in a day for new shop違抗中國的香港書商,一天內募得10萬美元開新店 (10) (0)
2019-09-05 《中英對照讀新聞》Equatorial Guinea struggles for place in world tourism 赤道幾內亞賣力在全球旅遊市場佔一席之地 (9) (0)
2019-09-04 《中英對照讀新聞》Childhood brain energy expenditure could be linked to weight gain 孩童時期大腦能量消耗可能與體重增加有關 (7) (0)
2019-09-03 中英對照讀新聞》Leonardo DiCaprio Donates $5M to Fight Amazon Fires 李奧納多.狄卡皮歐捐贈5百萬美元,以救亞馬遜大火 (12) (0)
2019-08-30 中英對照─Chemical found in spinach has the same effect as steroids and should be banned for athletes, scientists say/科學家:菠菜中發現的化學物質與類固醇有相同效果 應禁止運動員食用 (10) (0)
2019-08-29 《中英對照讀新聞》Trump Calls to Allow Russia to Join G7川普呼籲讓俄羅斯加入G7 (11) (0)
2019-08-28 中英對照讀新聞》Decades-Old Computer Science Conjecture Solved in Two Pages 以兩頁證出數十年懸而未解的計算機科學猜想 (10) (0)
2019-08-27 《中英對照讀新聞》Foreign ministers of Korea, Japan fail to mend fences-韓、日外長未能冰釋前嫌 (10) (0)
2019-08-26 《中英對照讀新聞》 Indonesian walks 700-km backwards to highlight deforestation 印尼人倒退走700公里 凸顯森林砍伐問題 (12) (0)
2019-08-23 中英對照─Adorable Shark Fits in Your Hand/手掌大小的可愛鯊魚 (11) (0)
2019-08-22 中英對照讀新聞》 Egypt teaches students about love and marriage in attempt to curb divorce 為控制離婚率,埃及教導學生愛與婚姻 (10) (0)
2019-08-21 《中英對照讀新聞》Staring at seagulls can stop them stealing food, research shows 研究顯示,盯著海鷗看能阻止牠們偷走食物 (2) (0)
2019-08-20 中英對照讀新聞》Social media use ’disrupting teen sleep and exercise’ 社交媒體使用「干擾青少年睡眠與運動」 (8) (0)
2019-08-19 中英對照讀新聞》Why Do Chimpanzees Throw Poop? 黑猩猩為什麼要丟大便? (3) (0)
2019-08-16 對一個不滿意的人生你只有兩種選擇,強迫自己接受,或說服自己改變。 You can only do one of two things to an unsatisfied life: force yourself to accept, or convince yourself to change it. 少女離家記 (Mustang), 2015 (22) (0)
2019-08-15 看到最愛的人得到幸福,就是一種幸福。 You feel happy when you see the one you love dearly is happy. 新娘大作戰 (Bride Wars), 2009 (11) (0)
2019-08-14 《中英對照讀新聞》All Eyes on Japan’s First Male Virtual Influencer 日本第一位男性虛擬網紅眾所矚目 (6) (0)
2019-08-13 《中英對照讀新聞》Zombie Ants Are Controlled by a ’Master Puppeteer’ Parasite 殭屍螞蟻被「操偶大師」寄生菌控制 (10) (0)
2019-08-12 《中英對照讀新聞》Gov’t to invest W7.8 tril. to secure stable supply of 100 key parts, materials 韓政府將投資7.8兆韓元 確保百種關鍵零件、材料穩定供應 (2) (0)
2019-08-08 中英對照讀新聞》 Russia hatches plan to become top tourist draw 俄羅斯研擬計畫 冀成觀光客首選 With ambitious plans to become one of the world’s top 10 travel destinations, Russia is offering tours off the beaten track to attract more visitors, with the goal of doubling touri (5) (0)
2019-08-07 中英對照─Chihuahua Was Abducted by a Seagull/吉娃娃犬被一隻海鷗擄走 (9) (0)
2019-08-06 《中英對照讀新聞》India to overtake China as the world’s most populous country印度將超越中國,成為世界人口最多國家 (8) (0)
2019-08-05 《中英對照讀新聞》South Korea’s coffee market to reach W6.8tr-韓咖啡市場達6.8兆韓元 (3) (0)
2019-08-02 《中英對照讀新聞》Trump attacked Baltimore. The city’s newspaper wrote a scathing response.-川普攻擊巴爾的摩 該市報紙筆伐反擊 (2) (0)
2019-08-01 《中英對照讀新聞》Cute or creepy: why humans love some species, loathe others-可愛或可怕:人類為何對某些物種愛恨分明 (6) (0)
2019-07-31 《中英對照讀新聞》Cockroaches could soon be almost impossible to kill with pesticides 蟑螂不久後恐幾乎不可能用殺蟲劑殺死 (5) (0)
2019-07-30 《中英對照讀新聞》Study shows fast walkers live longer 研究顯示,走路快的人活得較久 (4) (0)
2019-07-29 《中英對照讀新聞》Bad driving leads to $140 million drug bust in Sydney-糟糕駕駛導致雪梨破獲1.4億美元毒品 (5) (0)
2019-07-26 中英對照讀新聞》 New limbs, new life for South Sudan amputees 新四肢為南蘇丹截肢者帶來新生活 (4) (0)
2019-07-25 中英對照讀新聞》For Greeks, burgeoning gig economy means low wages, long hours 對希臘人來說,迅速發展的零工經濟意味著低工資、長工時 (4) (0)
2019-07-24 中英對照讀新聞》Kim Jong-un executes general by throwing him in piranha-filled tank 金正恩處決將軍,將他丟入充滿食人魚的池子裡 (3) (0)
2019-07-23 《中英對照讀新聞》Human-Size Jellyfish Stuns Divers Off the Coast of England 像人那麼大的水母,讓英國沿海潛水員驚嘆不已 (4) (0)
2019-07-22 中英對照讀新聞》Gov’t, parties to form agency on fighting trade war 韓政府、政黨共組機構對抗貿易戰 (8) (0)
2019-07-19 中英對照讀新聞》This baby was born on 7-Eleven Day at 7:11 pm, weighing 7 pounds and 11 ounces 這個寶寶生於小七日晚上7點11分,體重7磅11盎司 (8) (0)
2019-07-18 《中英對照讀新聞》Papa roach: Chinese farmer breeds bugs for the table 蟑螂老爹:中國農民養蟑螂上餐桌 (3) (0)
2019-07-17 《中英對照讀新聞》Stray dog follows climbing expedition to become first to reach Himalayan summit 流浪狗跟隨登山探險隊,成為攻上喜瑪拉雅頂峰第一犬 (13) (0)
2019-07-16 By 2050, London’s climate will be as warm as Barcelona’s/到2050年,倫敦氣候將像巴塞隆納那樣暖和 (8) (0)
2019-07-15 中英對照讀新聞》China likely to benefit from Japan’s export curbs-中國很可能從日本的出口限制得利 (10) (0)