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2024-06-19 |
中英對照讀新聞》Renewables provided record 30% of global electricity in 2023, Ember says 智庫安博說,2023年可再生能源提供創紀錄的30%全球電力
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2024-06-18 |
中英對照讀新聞》Portraits of British royals from last 100 years on show in new London exhibit英國王室百餘年影像在倫敦新展覽展出
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2024-06-17 |
中英對照讀新聞》Archaeologists discover Gaza’s largest cemetery, uncover rare lead sarcophagi 考古學家發現加薩最大墓地 揭示罕見的鉛棺槨
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2024-06-14 |
中英對照讀新聞》Tokyo to create missile shelter in Azabu-Juban subway station 東京將在麻布十番地鐵站建造飛彈避難所
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2024-06-12 |
中英對照讀新聞》Microsoft CEO pledges $1.7 bn AI, cloud investment in Indonesia 微軟執行長承諾在印尼投資17億美元 於人工智慧、雲端運算
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2024-06-11 |
中英對照讀新聞》Turkey imposes 40% tariff on vehicle imports from China 土耳其對中國進口汽車將徵收40%關稅
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2024-06-05 |
中英對照讀新聞》Long-lost Klimt portrait auctioned off for 30 mn euros 失蹤很久的克林姆肖像作品以3000萬歐元賣出
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2024-06-04 |
中英對照讀新聞》Kabosu, the face of cryptocurrency Dogecoin, dies at 18加密貨幣「狗狗幣」的表情原型Kabosu辭世,享年18歲
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2024-06-03 |
中英對照讀新聞》Japan proposes expanding commercial whaling to fin whales 日本提議擴大商業捕鯨至長鬚鯨
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2024-05-29 |
中英對照讀新聞》Musk, Argentine president see eye-to-eye on boosting free markets and lithium 馬斯克、阿根廷總統在促進自由市場和鋰礦計畫上看法一致
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2024-05-28 |
中英對照讀新聞》Three little piggies went to a yoga class. Their human companions had a blast.3隻小豬去上瑜珈課,牠們的人類夥伴玩得很開心。
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2024-05-27 |
中英對照讀新聞》Thai pro-democracy leader jailed over royal defamation 泰國民主派領導人因誹謗王室而被判入獄
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2024-05-23 |
中英對照讀新聞》Man named Vote will cast ballot for change in South Africa 名為「投票」的男子將為南非的改革投票
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2024-05-21 |
中英對照讀新聞》706 people named Kyle got together in Texas. It wasn’t enough for a world record 706位名叫凱爾的人聚集在德州,這還不足以打破世界紀錄
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2024-05-20 |
中英對照讀新聞》Microsoft asks some China staff to relocate amid Sino-US tensions 微軟要求部分中國員工在中美緊張局勢下轉調
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2024-05-16 |
中英對照讀新聞》Dog DNA detectives trace owners not scooping the poop in Italian province 義大利一省檢測狗狗DNA 追蹤沒有鏟屎的主人
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2024-05-15 |
中英對照讀新聞》Lufthansa ground staff win hefty pay rise漢莎航空地勤爭取到大幅加薪
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2024-05-13 |
中英對照讀新聞》NASA’s Webb telescope captures close-up of Horse Nebula 美國航太總署的韋伯望遠鏡捕捉到「馬頭星雲」特寫照
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2024-05-08 |
中英對照讀新聞》South Korea hopes new speed train links will help boost birthrate 南韓希望新的快速列車將有助提高生育率
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2024-05-07 |
中英對照讀新聞》Man says his emotional support alligator, known for its big social media audience, has gone missing男子稱,作為他情感支持的短吻鱷失踪了,牠因為擁有大量社群媒體受眾而聞名
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2024-05-06 |
中英對照讀新聞》Wild orangutan uses medicinal plant to treat wound 野生紅毛猩猩使用藥用植物治療傷口
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2024-05-02 |
中英對照讀新聞》Singapore’s clandestine cats can soon legally call the city-state home 在新加坡偷偷生存的貓咪 很快就能在這個城邦國家合法居住
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2024-04-30 |
中英對照讀新聞》JPMorgan’s Dimon hopes for soft landing for US economy but says stagflation is a possible scenario 摩根大通的戴蒙希望美國經濟軟著陸,但表示停滯性通膨是可能局面
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2024-04-29 |
中英對照讀新聞》Many cancer drugs unproven 5 years after accelerated approval 許多抗癌藥物在加速批准 5年後仍未證實有效
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2024-04-24 |
中英對照讀新聞》Number of births in Japan hits record low in 2023日本2023年出生人數創下歷史低點
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2024-04-23 |
中英對照讀新聞》Who’s really left-handed? In baseball, it can be hard to tell 誰才是真正的左撇子?在棒球比賽中,這可能很難說
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2024-04-22 |
中英對照讀新聞》World’s Oldest Man Attributes Longevity to Luck and Fish & Chips 世界上最年長者稱運氣和魚薯條是長壽秘訣
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2024-04-17 |
中英對照讀新聞》New Zealand opens first ’kiwi hospital’ for injured birds 紐西蘭為受傷鳥兒開設首家「奇異鳥醫院」
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2024-04-16 |
中英對照讀新聞》A slew of Fed officials rejects preemptive rate cuts 許多聯準會官員拒絕搶先降息
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2024-04-15 |
中英對照讀新聞》Europa’s Oxygen Levels May Challenge Prospects for Life 木衛二的氧氣含量可能阻礙生命存在
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2024-04-10 |
中英對照讀新聞》Russia won’t invade Poland? ’Zero credibility’, Warsaw says 俄羅斯不會入侵波蘭?「可信度零」,華沙政府說
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2024-04-09 |
中英對照讀新聞》A new declaration in Mexico gives 19 cats roaming the presidential palace food and care fur-ever 墨西哥的一項新聲明為在總統府漫步的 19 隻貓提供食物和護理毛皮
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2024-04-08 |
中英對照讀新聞》Trump allies, White House clash over Transgender Day 川普盟友與白宮因跨性別日發生衝突
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2024-04-03 |
中英對照讀新聞》A baby boom of African penguin chicks hatches at a San Francisco science museum 舊金山一間科博館孕育出一波非洲企鵝嬰兒潮
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2024-04-02 |
中英對照讀新聞》Bankman-Fried Is Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison Over FTX Collapse 班克曼—弗里德因FTX倒閉被判25年徒刑
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2024-04-01 |
中英對照讀新聞》Temperature Rise Triggers Island Rodent Crisis 氣溫上升引發島上囓齒動物危機
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2024-03-28 |
中英對照讀新聞》Escaped kangaroo captured after punching Canadian officer 逃跑的袋鼠在毆打加拿大警察後落網
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2024-03-26 |
中英對照讀新聞》Cambodia’s prime minister sounds a sour note on trucks’ musical horns 柬埔寨總理對卡車的音樂喇叭發出刺耳的音調
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2024-03-25 |
中英對照讀新聞》Microsoft struggles to remove Russian state-backed hackers 微軟難以驅逐俄羅斯政府支持的駭客
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2024-03-21 |
中英對照讀新聞》Kyrgyzstan moves to rid national flag of likeness to ’fickle’ sunflower 吉爾吉斯取消國旗上「善變」向日葵的圖案
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2024-03-20 |
中英對照讀新聞》Chinese embassy warns of plastic surgery risks in South Korea 中國大使館警告在南韓做整形手術的風險
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2024-03-19 |
中英對照讀新聞》Sam Bankman-Fried deserves 40-50 years in prison for FTX fraud, US prosecutors say 美國檢方說,山姆‧班克曼—弗里德應為FTX詐欺罪行入獄40至50年
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2024-03-13 |
中英對照讀新聞》Argentina to issue 20,000 peso bills as inflation eclipses 211% 阿根廷通貨膨脹超過211%將發行面額2萬披索鈔票
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2024-03-12 |
中英對照讀新聞》Weather beatdown leaves towering Maine landmark surrounded by crime scene tape 天氣惡劣,緬因州高聳的地標被犯罪現場膠帶圈起來
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2024-03-11 |
中英對照讀新聞》Motorist in England calls police to report he’s too drunk to drive 英國駕駛報案稱他醉得不能開車
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2024-03-06 |
中英對照讀新聞》New Zealand fisherman rescued after treading water for 23 hours 紐西蘭漁夫踢水23小時後獲救
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2024-03-05 |
中英對照讀新聞》Musk sues OpenAI over ’betrayal’ of mission 馬斯克控告OpenAI「背叛」使命
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2024-03-04 |
中英對照讀新聞》Astronomers spot new tiny moons around Neptune and Uranus 天文學家在海王星和天王星周圍發現新小衛星
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2024-02-21 |
中英對照讀新聞》Argentine government to bill protesters for security costs 阿根廷政府將向示威者收取維安費
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2024-02-20 |
Nearly half of the world’s migratory species are in decline, UN report says 聯合國報告:全球近半數遷徙物種正減少
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